So there is a lot of talk on these forums about whether this game is good or not, if the community is good or bad, etc. I'm curious about what this game is really like, and as of right now do not have any leanings towards WoW, Vanguard or any other mmo. I just wonder what it is like to be there at the beginning of an mmo's life. I guess the thought of being one of the first people to see certain things and not feel stupid when I tell people how cool it was and they say, "Oh yeah, that's lame." The only game I joined right away was SWG and that was great. It was in one of its purest forms and a great time. No one knew what they were doing and it was one of the best experiences I've had in an mmo. Question is....with all the possibilities in this game (adventuring, crafting, runnung taverns, etc.) is this a good game to have that type of experience again? Is this a good game to be in from the beginning or do all the things I mentioned above just suck right now? (Community, etc.) Random post, just thought I'd ask.
I played EQ months after its release and absolutely loved it. From my perspective, those who entered the game years later missed out on a lot. The best and purest way to enjoy an MMO is to start close to its launch date. If you think you might try Vanguard, I highly advise you to do so now. These times are the most exciting, most "new" and most dangerous. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
Just yesterday I was doing some exploring around an area near my starting city. I was running through the desert of Qalia and found some great housing plots that are going to look awsome when populated. I continued to run east and ran up to a very large gate. Upon opening the gate, I seen two drakes flying around in circles, guarding some sort of glowing sphere. Both drakes were level 51 and there were level 50 guardians, guarding some doors. I thought this was pretty cool.
Anyway, that's random babble.
There is a few people that roam the boards with negative perception, but the best bet is to try out the game to see the game for yourself. Also, watch that rating on MMORPG.
If you enjoyed EQ and EQ2, you'll naturally fall in love with the design of this game.
Feel free to contact me if you have any specifc questions. I've helped quite a few people on the boards, and I don't mind the interruption, as long as I'm not on the campus.
I never cared much for realistic graphics, so that part of the game does not really attract me. Hey if I want to see real looking trees, I will leave my computer chair and go to the fucking forest . I'm pretty much into PvP and nice combat, and I didn't find my niche in this game.
All the one i have played a lot, i got them at release and even beta tested em.