OMG its got a hotbar WOW-RIPOFF . OMG its got scrolling combat text WOW-RIPOFF. OMG its got quests WOW-RIPOFF. OMG its got "cartoony" graphics. OMG its got weapons WOW-RIPOFF!!!
Incase you couldnt tell, I am being sarcastic. MMORPG's were around for about 8 years before world of warcraft and will be around long after it dies.
I hate MMORPG virgins that pop their cherry on warcraft and think its gods gift to gamers. WoW basically just ripped off the best bits of previous MMORPG's and made them noob friendly. Warhammer online is the next step in evolution.
It happens with every genre of games. Can you really call Half-life 2 a rip off of the Doom franchise because they both use first person with guns? No, of course not, that would be rediculous.
That is exactly what you are doing when you say Warhammer is ripping off Warcraft.
That's all it takes to make 8 million people retarded.
Grr, yesterday when i left my guild on WoW and stopped play wow for WAR half the guild start complain on WAR. they have not an idea on what WAR is. WAR is a ground on WoW. And whatta about the orcs.. All those who played WoW for a long while says "their orcs" is the right.. FFS THEY LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE THAT TYPE OF GUY THAT GOES ON TEA PARTY ON SATURDAYS! I like Orcs in WAR, that was the biggest thing getting my attention to this game, they are brutish, cool, red eyes and soo blood thirsty that they will rip out their friends heart any second with a face like this --->
second thing that this not gonna be like WoW is RvR part. i dont know what RvR is really ^^ but i think its like taking teritorrys and that thing.. if so WoW sucked on that.. had like some small towers to take and hold in Eastern plauge land.
Proud Member of Mongbat
So quit argueing about if Warcraft or Warhammer is correct. Because nether of them match Tolkin's Orcs. They are all differnent creatures for the respective worlds they belong in.
I play Wow, and plan on playing War as well. bonafidee is correct in saying they are simply improving on ideas used since MMORPG's came out.
I'm not saying that Warhammer Fantasy is 100% Original Either. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings was published way back in 1954.
i know the other posts about "war is not ripping off wow" are proximitly 1 hour old, but could you please stop making these "useful" threads.
and if not, then try to make them in WoW forums - thats where the people judging, are.
BUT each game is it's own entity and it has to be viewed as such. Warhammer has been around since the early 80s if I can recall correctly. I don't remember Warcraft coming into the picture until the early 90s. I could be wrong about that, but I don't think I am.
I agree with the posts that say the fantasy-esque genre has been around for decades (Tolkien), therefore, most fantasy stories follow the same patterns with different, slight variations.
As far as Warhammer following the same type of gameplay as WoW, I say GOOD! I know that system If not, then GOOD! I can learn something new! I'm really psyched for Warhammer... it's a new story to me, and a different community. Hopefully WAR vs. WoW will be like PC vs. MAC, devotees to one will never touch the other-- honestly I don't think I can take WoW devotees infecting the WAR universe. LOL.
I concur.
Did you see the gameplay videos on Gametrailers, I could barely tell the difference between it a WOW. Apart from the graphics, wich are more or less the same but inferior, the game plays exactly the same. Please one of these days a dev will have an original idea. Hope i'm alive to witness it. WAR may have used this graphic style before but they could have tried to make it better than WOW and not copied it directly. MOTS again and again and again.
*Post removed*
I concur.
It was a joke.
Proud Member of Mongbat
im sorry to make this my first post but warcraft has been around for 10-15 years or so (im talkting about the single player orcs vs humans) maybe less.
warhammerer i was playing with the minatures when i was 9-10yo and im probally the oldest guy here so warcraft is a COMPLETE RIPOFF of warhammer.. and yes i play warcraft.. but i know what it is
Quite frankly, just from the stuff Mythic has released about WAR, the combat system isn't even close to WoW.
CC doesn't exist.
Long duration buffs don't exist.
Stealth is minimal at best.
There will be attacks that chain off attacks from members in your group.
None of that exists in WoW. It has a ton of CC, a lot of long duration buffs and Stealth is a core component of WoW. And chained attacks between party members? Doesn't exist. There are only chained attacks for yourself..i.e....Rogue Combo points.
Just seeing a video of gameplay footage doesn't give you even a clue of how it plays. It's just showing you animations and what the game will look like.
Bring more WoW players to for crist sake. Everybody!
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "