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Help choosing server

DariniusDarinius Member UncommonPosts: 9

I want to have the option of pvp but don't think i want ffa.  Can anyone explain the team server?  Also are there any pvp options at all on pve servers like battlegrounds in wow or arenas?

any input would be really appreciated.


  • SniperfireSniperfire Member Posts: 83
    i to would like to know  ^_^

    Cloud mother bitch!
    Final Fantasy 7

  • MrPetterMrPetter Member Posts: 32

    As would I. What are the teams on the team PvP server..? I find it hard to believe it is continent vs continent, giving how some races are mixed on the islands. Is it races vs races? And are there two sides - or more? Does anyone know?


  • EverithEverith Member CommonPosts: 482
    There IS PvP on Normal Servers I BELIEVE don't quote me. But i'm pretty sure there are just PvP areas where you can fight anyone who wanders in them. On a pvp server i think it's extended to most if not all areas. BE WARNED there is a problem with pvp ATM. It seems like it was a last add thing and alot of the classes aren'[t balanced yet for instance Druids have a pretty much insta kill skill lol and rogues can stun you and kill you and when you revive you're still stunned till you log out.

    As for server choice I went with the RP prefered because i was hoping to find a more mature and team oriented crowd which i feel i did. And once i get more aquainted with the game:Skills classes and other things i might migrate to a new server depending on how the community is fairing and where they're migrating too.

    My suggestion is join one with someone you know and once the game matures a little more and you find what aspects of it you like best you can pick a FINAL server. Only reason being is this game is MORE towards PvE so you might not even like the way pvp is run so you might be more towards PvE and RP and it would suck to then be on a PvP server. HOpe this helped


  • DariniusDarinius Member UncommonPosts: 9

    I have not heard of any pvp structure in this game.  Ex. specific zones or goals.  Does anyone out there have extensive knowledge in this area.  It seems like they are making it up as they go.


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