I had my heart set on a Zune for the longest time now. However I'm considering an iPod now also. Reason being is that there is allot more to be done on the iPod then the Zune. However the Zune is still newish and has allot of potential. Anyone have some advice, idea's, comments, whatever on which one I should get?
I checked out the Zune marketplace, and noticed allot of great bands listed - King Diamond (Mercyful Fate), Venom, Accept, etc. You know, old metal. Mind you I understand that I can get, and already have many many mp3's from other means, but still. The Zune pass seems nice, and it's allot easier to get what I want when I want it instead of hunting it all down. There are cons yes, (Pass gone, music gone for one) but I'm sure I can work around that at some point. Not sure if iTunes offers something along those lines or not, which brings me to my next obstacle. iTunes offers SO much more at the moment and I haven't read anything about the Zune offering anything of the sort in the future, although it might.
So far I'm afraid the iPod is winning.. But the Zune however seems rather promising.
Until then, I'm sticking with my iRiver H20. It lets me store my music in a folder format so I don't have to worry about all of those mistagged MP3s.
I have iRiver U10 (aka Clix) atm myself.
Otherwise I'd say that go with Zen or iPod
I've got iPod nano (the older nano) myself at the moment and it serves all my needs pretty well (though some more space would be nice as it's only 2gig.)
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