yeah well, i claimed my key in time but havn't heard anything since, neither from nor from flying labs.
could anyone help me out on what to do now? would be highly appreciated, cause i am really wanting to test this one.
been following all the news about the game for years now.
cheers from berlin, irnaii
You're talking about the Ticket #?
Because I had a problem with my brower not displaying all the content in the email. So I selected all the text, and there was content of text, plus the ticket #.
Just so you know, that beta key won't automatically get you into the beta. It's a closed beta at the moment and all that key does is move you closer to the front of the line. It's still up to FLS to choose you based on their testing criteria--basically, what kind of machine you've got.
I'd try contacting first look over their email carefully as the poster above points out to see if the keys there just hard to find.
Good luck!
Apply lemon juice and candle flame here to reveal secret message.