Bug, bugs everywhere , creatures walking backwards . Falling thru the world , horrible lag , broken quest , npcs stuck in the world. The released this game way before it should have been. I had very high hopes for this , and maybe they can iron out some of the troubles . As it is now , this game is pretty bad. Beautiful scenery poor gameplay and the lowest fps I've had on a game . The list of bugs goes on and on , don't get on the boat or it'll disappear on you in the middle of nowhere . What where these guys thinking releasing this. Wait for this one till a few patchs go thru , its a stinker right now.
Things will improve. At least I don't have to wait in 3 hour queues to login
If ya dont like it dont play.
The above post is purely my opinion. If you disagree, that's your right. However, don't be an ass about it.
The bugs are so bad....the game is so unfinished...
I refused to buy it.
Unfinished spell graphics, animations, sound effects, gameplay, it's just plain UNFINISHED.
You have to be a liar or blind to say you've only encountered 2 bugs.
I'm playing this game with some friends right now due to lack of better options and being bored with whats already out there. If you've only seen 2 bugs since you've been playing your either not paying attention or been playing 2 minutes. Taljinn is right on this one. Mobs walk backwards with thier walking forward animations, mobs vanish, npcs vanish. Some quests lines are broken and the games coding is poor at best as far as performance goes. I could go on but most people with thier eyes open already know what I'm talking about.
Even maxed out this game doesn't look as good as it should and the other games coming out soon put it to shame. Thier character customization isn't anything to be proud of either.
The bottom line is everyone is paying to play a beta right now, which is par for the course when you consider the source.
However, all said, if they can fix the bugs, improve the games performance and finish the game and get it to the point it should have been at release, the game has a lot of potential. And since Conan got pushed back again, hopefully it will be entertaining for a while.
The above post is purely my opinion. If you disagree, that's your right. However, don't be an ass about it.
Sheesh, calm down people.
No MMORPG in history had a clean launch, not even the vaunted WOW. Vanguard is far from being either the best or the worst in this regard.
On the other hand, if the majority of the bigger problems are still not either fixed or about to be fixed a month or so after release, complain away. but for now, leave the issue alone already.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
why look at wow tech forums this is about vanguard isnt it. jealousy gets you no where
And no, I'm not saying there isn't any bugs, I'm simply saying I haven't encountered any yet.
And if it's a beta, then I'm having more fun playing a beta than I've ever had playing WOW. But to each their own.
That's the right decision. Buy it when you think it's ready.
I bought it already and I'm having a great time, bugs and all.
Thats why the smartest thing to do is wait for couple of months and then buy a new MMO. If not then you yourself are to be blamed. My two friends are playing Vanguard at the moment and they both are frustrated with the game. So i decided to wait for another 4-6 months before they get rid of all the bugs.
At least this hasnt been posted about 50 trillion times before for every MMO made at launch.
Anyone who starts these threads (after the first one) should be banned for life from anything on the internet where people can talk about their opinion.
Did you not think "I wonder if this has been posted yet so I can just add my opinion to it?"