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Well i saw this game and hadnt really read any of the forums or posts about this game i ust went off my own impressions and anticipation for this game
So off i went and ordered it online from a well known online retailers, it fiannly arrived day after official release, hands shaking heart beating in anticipation i installed it only to discover my comp is not 'quite' upto speed for it, disappointed i waited a few more days tehn checked my comp in for an upgrade and finally logged in on Feb 3rd
And after all that i am so glad i splashed out on upgrading my PC (ok i still gotta boost the RAM more), this game is amazing, the graphics are a lot better than i had been led to believe, i mean i even discussed this with a friend while upgrading my pc who had played the Beta and he said it was awful, kept trying to get me to join WOW, but i stuck to my guns and i am glad i did
I decided on a High Elf Paladin on the Infinium Server (Badem Jax is the name) and set about exploring, after a first few kills i started to get warmed up to the controls and started to explore a little further from the starting area completeing missions along the way, I finally found myself near the Veils camp and after a silly error suffered my first ignomious defeat at the hand of a timber wolf
After re-popping and heading back to teh camp i figured that maybe the junk i had in my bag wasnt exactly what i needed and sold it all every last little scrap for a fistful of coppers, these in turn being given to buy some new gear and hopefully avoid another painful death
It wasnt to be so and i was to go on to face many more painful deaths before finally reaching the safety of the city (and guess what? the death penalty after level 7 wasnt that harsh, ok i lost some XP and my equipment took a hit but its cost like 1 copper per item to repair and i got the XP back quickly)
On the journey up toward the city i came across an elf standing near some trees, striking up a conversation with him he agreed to teach me how to harvest, after completing the challenges he set for me i finally settled on Primary stonemason and secondary lumberjack (it was to take me a further 2 days before realising only the main harvest job will actually increas so i had to swap them around)
Heading up into the city the enchanting music drifter to my ears and i became entranced by this beautiful haven, exploring the city i found the markets and crafters and EVEN a FLUME RIDE (take the trip if you can find it too!!)
Everything about this game is great, yes there have been people shouting out how they dont like it but in accordance with teh mature people on ym server we simply gently reminded them they dont HAVE to play if they dont like it, the shouts for support and funny stories pour across everytime i log in , from falling through the world to breaking doors, each of them funny
Yes we know people are moaning about the bugs but hey, its just been released, its a new game,( i work in Telecom using next generation call systems bugs are my speciality) and i dont care, what i care about is the work that brad and the team at Sigil have put into it, the work and efforts of teh Beta players to locate as many bugs and help make the game as stable as possible, the work of the people live in tehg ame now to report bugs and exploits to make this game even better
I heard one person shout that the game would not survive more than a year, i beg to differ, once people start to ignore the 'WE HATE SOE' brigade and the flamers and actually take the chance to go in and explore this work of art they too will begin to enjoy it even more
Community at the moment is slowly coming together, the servers for Europe were a great idea (one thing that bugged me on my other MMORPG was never having enough people to party with as Japsanese were logging off when i got on and i logged off when americans came on) so far in Vanguard i have not spent any dead time hanging around, there is always something to do
I even last night entered the arcanum and fought alongside another paladin to reach teh very bottom, not as a party but as 2 individuals, we didnt speak until we left and it was the way we played togetehr, i would claim a mob and start attacking and he would jumper in and help me kill it, i didnt complain once nor did he when i assisted him, its was just helping each other to survive that stinky hell hole
I havent seen any signs of immaturity in the games but plenty of signs of fun
I think im gonna be staying in VG:SOH for a longtime to come, maybe i might even venture out of the valley and explore Thestra
but at the moment i am just busy, harvesting, crafting, diplomacy and on occasion killing mobs
Hi mate,
I think im on same server as you, AND in the same area! My name is Terminator or Termin8tor (cant remember now as im at work!)
Im having the same thoughts as you, I found it a bit of a grind early on when I was levelling up thru to level 5 but once I hit level 6 and got an upgrade to one of my spells, I could easily fend off the mobs around me and complete quests with ease. I was about to give up on the game but I thought I would give it a good go last night to at least see what the harvesting/crafting was all about.
It was only then that I found a route to the Elf City, and along the way after killing a shed load of wolves and bears did I find the harvesting guy who trained me to chop down a tree or three. I chose my 2 prof's then headed on into the big city.. of which im still trying to find my way around. Im currently in a building where I am training my Artificer Crafting techniques (im now level 7 Elf Cleric) This city is beautiful in the daytime and looks huge.
One thing that is annoying me tho is the nightime cycles Its so dark... I actually feel like just resting for 20mins, go over to the forums and learn a little until daytime arrives back. It just seems way too dark for me, even with the torch on.
But overall I am definitely warming to this game during each additional adventure. Come find me if you fancy grouping up!
Can I get some of that kool-aid?
yes i found EU servers from start very helpfull. and i'm also loving the game so far, im a dwarf sorc and i just love the dwarfs starting area. any fantasy game where u can be a dwarf and im it, and this was the most fun ive had starting off. i found it very easy so start lving and completing quests and yes some were kill so many of these etc but some where more fun like colapsing kobolt mines and watching from afar the entrances vanash in to mist.
i also find that most quests help with the lore of the area and my race which i love , and made my entering of my main home city bordinars cleft more exciting. im very impressed with the scale of the city too as it took me ages to run around it all . so far i find the game very enjoyable, yes there are some things that still need improving (like only 4 hair/bear styles for dwarfs) but still ive had more teething problems with other games ive played from start so this can only get better