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Garrett Fuler returns today with his Outside the Box column. Outside the box is designed to look at innovative and interesting choices being made by developers thorughout the industry. Today, Garrett talks about the Public Quest System in Warhammer that will allow players to cooperate without having to group.
Many of the next generation MMOs have brought out some unique gameplay features for players to experience. One of the big titles that people have their eye on is Warhammer Online. I know there are many areas to talk about with this column; however, I chose to look at the Public Quest System in W.A.R.. Granted, this is primarily because I had experienced it last week at the EA Mythic Press Event. Please understand the following write-up is based on what I have personally seen so far. Do not take this as being written in stone, Warhammer Online is still in development and anything we have seen may change in the near future. For now, I am writing this based on personal experience and opinion. Yours may differ drastically.
For those of you new to MMOs, questing has become one of the primary ways for you to level up your character. Players in most MMOs meet with an NPC and are given a quest dialogue to play out. "Go and kill swamp rats, collect ten swamp rat tails and bring them to me." This is just an example of the common grind quests we have gotten used to in MMOs.
Read the whole column here.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
You have to however contribute in someway to the quest in order to be rewarded for it. You are then rewarded in accordance to how much you actually helped. If you enter an area where a public quest is taking place the assumption is (and we can only hope practice will be) that if you decide to not partake in the quest (i.e. AFK or you are doing something else) you get no reward. Unlike the Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft were leeching honor was due to everybody being rewarded equally once the game ended (which isnt the case from what has been stated so far).
Sounds like a interesting idea. But I have to ask though is this really outside the box? From the sounds of it, it just sounds like a quest chain where people can hop in and out as they please and meet with other players. I guess it just depends on how you look at it. I can see both some positive sides to this public quest and some negative sides to it. Only large scale public testing will truely say if this will work or just be another feature that doesnt really do much of anything once you have done it once or the population has leveled past it.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
How do you know what stage of the quest it is on before entering the area? I might want to be there from the start of it to get all rewards and experience. Will I know when a new series starts, somehow? What's wrong with the tried-and-true of just grouping up to complete quests? Are these areas for anti-socialites that want the group exp and better group-based quest rewards without having to be socialable with others?
Either way, I do not know if I like the sound of it all. Time will tell...
Regardless, I will be playing Warhammer Online when it releases.
With this possibly being the case, I don't see the issue of wondering what stage a public quest is in, unless you are on your way somewhere else, in which case, you wouldn't stop anyway. Chances are, you are already going to be in an area, questing, hunting, whatever, when a message shows up saying that "example public quest" is now underway, in which case, you could begin working on that. I don't imagine these are going to be rare occurances, where it would get announced and then people from all over the world would rush to take part in. While that would be cool, I just don't think that is what these public quests are intended to be.
This is the kind of thing that would have worked wonders in Auto Assault, where you never bother to team people cause there are tens of thousands of short quests you can solo. I'm not a WoW player, but from the time I tried it I noticed people always found some way to have fun with an event spawned miniboss in the area called Duskwood, either kiting him long ways or simply trying to kill him. He didn't have anything worth collecting, but because he was different and would come charging into the alliance town (with npcs defending), killing lone questers in his path he made that area quite lively. I think stuff like that is more than welcome
I'm not crazy about another hotkey mashing mmo when people could be making Conan clones, but I'm going to try out WAR anyway because of the alternativ level progress, public quests, rvr and it being Warhammer ^^
In short - what happens if there are Mob/Kill stealers? If participation is based on the amount of damage you do to a target that is much better but then that brings up the conflict of high level PCs around killing things off very quickly - will public quests be limited to certain levels based on the zone?
Anything that you would do in that area would be directly related to the PQ. If you wanted to fight a Mob or gather wood, I'm sure there would be the same mob and trees outside of the radius of the PQ. As to the question of the high level PCs, that's still up for debate, since we don't exactly know how they're going to handle high level versus low level interaction.
What I see being the logical answer is that the High Level PCs will have no reason to do Low Level PQs since the gear they offer and the exp they offer will be significantly lower than what they need. Besides they'll have their own PQs in the higher level content to do.
It would be like killing things that con green or gray to you. There would be no purpose, so you wouldn't do it.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
Sounds fun, but also sounds like a instance from DDO, Guildwars, or WoW. Chances are if there are activties in these "Public quests" that can be soloed, then when you have a group together they will completly slaughter the quest. It might come down to where the difficulty is such that a group is needed.
Of course this isn't a bad thing, my favorite part about the above listed games are there instanced areas and quests. My real question is how many of these things can Warhammer realisticly pump out, would it be possibly to get 1 per level, maybe ajustable difficulty? I know that might be a bit hopeful but WoW instances run about a new one every 3-5 levels, not counting the 8 or so that are aimed at the end game. Of course in WoW it can take up to 10 full runs through some instances to level so that sort of makes the point moot.
On another note I can't imagen a system like this being non-instanced, games like Ultima Online and maybe other early MMORPG's tried this type of thing on a global anyone can access it scale and it lead to either griefing, or people sweeping in at the last moment for the real reward.
The system isn't instanced. It's a Radius in the global zones. And since you get reward based on participation you can't "grief" it. You either participate or you don't and you get the reward accordingly. If you sweep in and get the last hit on the boss mob, I highly doubt you're going to get all of the credit for killing it. I think EA Mythic have thought of that scenario. I'm betting it's a very complicated formula or something so simple I would have overthought it that determines how much someone participates, since DPS wouldn't be an accurate way either.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
I think you can take it as either way. It's either giving people more solo content or an easier way to access group content. If the PQ is difficult then you'll have to converse with the players around, and since it'll create an area where people will converge for the same goal of doing the PQ, it will make finding a group infinitely easier than yelling "LFG" then meeting up somewhere, then traveling to the place you want to quest, etc. etc. which can take a really long time.
Hopefully you'll be able to see the flash on the screen that you're in a PQ and then find some people that are nearby that are also doing it and group up really easily.
I took it as trying to build community in a faster more effective way, by not having people excluded from groups and not having to go through the tedium of finding people that are doing the same quest as you since your'e automatically doing the same quest.
I could see how it could be taken as more singleplayer content though, but I ultimately think it depends on the way you look at it. I think it'll replace the need for Raids. My Opinion of course.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
Now that I think about it... it would be interesting if a game took this idea one step furthur. Make the entire game content groupless. Often in life people do not "group" or "team up", they just do what needs to be done to get the job done.
Would be interesting to abolish grouping systems from games entirely and give players more the feeling that the population of players is thier group.
I don't know about you but i know many instances that require a group of people, the easyest that comes to mind is group-sports ?
Or generaly "Work"
But "Checkthis500" made a point wich made me change my view abit (just alittle) on the system, but we will know for sure when we have tried it ...