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Just checking to see what everyone thinks of the new RvR explanation and how exactly they're planning on merging PvE and PvP content.
I like the tier base system despite its lacking number of provinces which we will we able to fight. But we don't know exactly how big these provinces really are do we? The endgame for this Tier 4 PvP ladder "push-pull" condition is going to produce some intense PvP fights. Can't wait to see what's in store for Empire vs Chaos and High Elves vs Dark Elves!
Also the public quest options sound very fun too. The idea of everyone having to work together sounds great. Imagine this: everyone's got to get some wood, ore, and random other supplies together to build cannons for the engineers to blow up the ramparts and gatehouses. Each has a cause and effect too. For chopping wood, dryads and huge treemen come kick our asses? Oh man this is wicked!
Anyone else have any comments or suggestions? Please keep this constructive. Thanks for your time!
The video can be found here:
While I like the tug of war system of RvR, I am curious if they will implement any restrictions for servers to prevent disparities between the two sides. For example, what if Server B has a player population of 6,000 Destruction, and 3,000 Order? Would they close off new Destruction recruits until the Order side can catch up? If not, how will they avoid the Order players getting overrun all the time in non-instanced zones, and in the battlefront tug of war in general?
On a related note, will soneone playing Destruction on Server B be allowed to create an Order character on the same server?
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
On each server you choose Order or Destruction. You can't have one on each side. You have to go to another server to play the other side.
He's not dead... he's electroencephalographically challenged.
Currently waiting For:
4th. Sword of the New world: Granado Espada
For the first question, they stated that Scenarios (The evenly balanced instanced type of RvR) will give you the most Victory Points. So even if you're outnumbered in the Open Field 100 to 1, in the Scenarios it will be balanced out, so you will still have a chance to gain Victory Points which are what determines who has control over what Battle Front or Tier 4 Zone.
Note: Scenarios aren't looking to be like WoW's battlegrounds. They've said they plan on having 40 different scenarios at launch, and from the latest set of previews, they seem to be really fun, and are set at Pivotal points in the game, so you have your Open PvP around the gate to Ekrund, then you have a Scenario to determine control of the Ekrund gate pretty much is how I read the previews and interviews, etc.
For the second question, they said that you won't be able to create a Destruction and Order character on the same server.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
For example, if the campaign is dead even, meaning neither side has gainied any territory, will players be able to ride through enemy lands and be able to make their way deep into enemy lands, or will there be gates and other obstacles implemented to stop that?
My opinion is that even though it may be fun to ride solo deep in enemy territory, it takes people away from the battlefront and slightly reduces the enjoyment of those big RvR battles.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
RvR is one thing Mythic does well. The removal of long duration buffs and CC is a huge improvement. If only there was a way to get rid of the radar applications, it would be close to perfect. The system Mythic is implementing in WAR will alleviate a lot of this. When's beta starting? Can't stop drooling. I guess I'll just have to play lots of Supreme Commander in 2 weeks to sustain me till I can play WAR.
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
Very much looking forward to the public quests and PvP sounds like a blast so I am very excited. I think any issues with one side being more popular than the other should be remedied by the fact that every tier helps towards the final goal of taking over a city, and with so many different scenarios and tiers its not always going to be a question of numbers (especially in scenarios where things like the dogs of war should help make things balanced and fun, though I am sure we can all agree NPCs cannot replace skilled players).
One thing Im concerned about (as was mentioned) was how players outside of the RvR sections of the map when in enemy territory are dealt with. That is to say if I walk outside of the RvR area of the map and into the PvE enemy area of the map. Can this be done? Will I be stopped? Can I not attack until attacked? Or am I ghost like? Also the impact of one tier dominating. I.e. if the Greenskins are winning in Tier One, do they get access to the Dwarfs tier one PvE areas, or some such? How does this impact the other players if there tier zone has been lost to the opposing faction?
I understand that there are too many questions to try and tackle at once so I apologize, but I am really excited about RvR (I have never played Dark Age of Camelot) so I am curious to all the different ways things could play out. Very excited and really looking forward to the PvP I suppose some questions will remain unanswered until we get further along in the development cycle.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Well, from what we know, the world is divided in pve and pvp areas. Common sense tell us that you cannot kill the enemy in pve areas.
We also know that at start only the neutral area is "Active" as a battlefront. This tell me that only that pvp areas is actually active. So, it might be possible for, say, a dwarf, run trough it and go to orc lands... but once there, he cannot do much for it. cannot kill other orcs, cannot be killed, he can just sightseeing at best (and prolly get attacked by the npc guards or something).
So.. either you can't or if you can, you cannot do pvp there until the area is activated, so you wasting yours and your realm time.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
As there will be PvP and PvE area's it's pretty clear that you can't PvP in a PvE area. So if you can get into the enemies PvE area, you won't be able to do anything, just sightseeing ^^
The Illuminati Gaming Society
Well, the last podcast shows how RvR works. I'll explain how RvR is now at the moment:
As you know, you cannot fight lower tiered players. This causes tier 1 fighting tier 1, tier 2 vs. tier 2 etc.
Considering every race has eleven zones. It's set-up like this:
In each pairing, every tier has 2 zones, each in the hands of one race. For the exception of Tier 4, which has 3, excluding capitols.
Tier 1 conquers the enemies' zone, the zone starts to look like it's in the hands of the captor: ex. Orcs take the Dwarf tier 1 zone, it will look Orcy instead of Dwarfy. Tier 2 Orcs get a bonus, and it's easier to capture the Tier 2 zones. as they have Tier 1 in hands. Lets say 25% less Victory Points required. Tier three gets 12,5% from the control of Tier 1 etc.
Now if the Orcs capture Tier 2 as well. It's way easier to take Tier 3 as well. Finally If that's taken as well, in the best scenario (not to be confused with the battlegrounds.) The 'neutral' tier 4 zone is more easily captured. Causing the Orcs to become closer to the capitol, with only one Dwarf-zone in between. Once they capture all of the tier 4 zones (you do not need the previous tiers, but it makes it alot easier to take tier 4) you can raid the enemies' capitol.
After that is done, it resets more or less in tier 4, not sure about the other tiers and you can start working on it again.
Also, what's to be noticed, while scenario's do hold the most victory points, it is not the thing that tells you that you've taken the zone. To require a zone, you need to do Scenario's of course, but you also have to conquer to open pvp-objectives. Like an armoury or an keep. Which grants less VP, using the abbrevation from now on, but is still crucial to the War-effort. Public Quests make taking the Open-PvP objectives easier.
Either way, I think they've constructed a fine RvR-system, that makes sure that every form of PvP in the game is used and not to be forgotten. So if you want to do Open-PvP you still help capturing the zone. Either way, everything you do can be useful to the ultimate goal; conquering the world.