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If you didn't join it 3 years ago..forget getting anywhere
The only way you can truly advance in the game is to go into 'low security' space and that is locked up completely (instant death) by the old-timers
Or you can join the old-timers and be someones butt-monkey yes-manNot to mention to adavnce in anyway doing 'missons' its lather, rinse, repeat.
It's no easy game like like WoW for example, no handholding.
Well im only 6 months old myself and I feel like I´ve gotten lot of fun out of EVE. I thought best way to "prove" this would be by example and so here is what I did last evening in EVE
First we formed small corp pvp gang outside our homestation and started heading towards our destination at that time, which was approx 30 jumps away. After only 3 or so jumps or scout got wasted by a raven and we decided to start hunting that pilot. This didn´t really lead anywhere but soon we heard of gang consisting of about 50 hostile pilots heading towards the area we were in. We joined alliance gang being formed to counter this threat.
After getting the gang together we started hunting the hostile gang, odds were pretty even both gangs having about 50 pilots and rather similar ship types which were mainly small ships and just couple bs´es. Finally we came to a situation where we were formed on one side of the gate and the hostile gang on the other side. This was when something unexpected happened, Someone had cynoed friendly carrier right in the middle of that hostile gang. FC had to make quick decision and soon we had jumped through the gate and we engaging the enemy. This fight lasted prolly about 5 mins and was suprisingly lag free even with local going way over 100 and damn fun! The result was hostile gang completely decimated, friendly losses being less than 10 ships.
After this op me and another corpmate made decided to try form roaming gang and soon we had gang of 8 podpilots together. We set destination 30 jumps in to hostile territory, sent our scout forward and started roaming. Our route took us through many empty systems, many hostile systems, sometimes we were chasing people and other times we were being chased. The end result was that our gang consisting nothing bigger than t1 cruisers had killed battleship, battlecruiser, industrial and a t1 cruiser. Most importantly though we had tons of fun Was especially nice to have completely new player in gang, he was less than one month old, flying a t1 frig and telling us how much fun he was having, guess he didn´t know new players had no chance in EVE.
It's no easy game like like WoW for example, no handholding.
busdriver is right (as well as others)
I have about 2.5 million SP in EVE, barely a newb out of the cradle, so to speak, but I have had more fun in EVE than in any other MMO game I've played, even more than in SWG, pre-CU.
There is no game that I am aware of that allows the degree of freedom that EVE does, or where I can choose among so many careers/paths.
Bottom line, for me EVE is a HUGE BLAST!
My biggest tip is not to play solo, just talk to people and get involved in something bigger than killing mindless computers(unless your into that kinda thing)
It's one of those people again...
Personally, I don't know what the heck your talking about, I joined roughly 6 months ago. I'm the CEO of an average sized corp, I got myself a Battlecruiser (Myrmidon) and a Mining Barge (Retriever)
I've also been into 0.0 space many times, and it's not instant death. It's mostly empty, and the times you do see people, as long as your not enimies, unless there pirates, won't blow you up. There are many 0.0 systems which are not claimed by alliances, many of these alliances are not all "old-timers" Goonswarm comes to mind here, although there CEO is a complete reject, he HAS managed to bring new players out into a safe stretch of 0.0, ISS did the same, but in a rather different way.
And of course, you dont have to go to low-sec space to have a fun EVE life. My corp holds many high sec mining ops, and there fun, there's also the rat and deadspace ops, which are fun.
Basically, next time you mark a game down, make sure you actually know what your talking about.
Mining in this game is extremely boring....if anyone described what mining entailed most people who don't play the game would notice how boring it really consists of finding something to mine, turning on your mining lasers, moving your ore from your ship to a can, and continue to move your miners to a can until asteroid is destroyed, moving on to a new rock....eventually you or one of yoru buddies will have to transport the can to a station, using a transport ship, most transport ships cannot carry the entire contents of a can so need to make multiple trips....that is about it....
Most people who are mining in EVE are also doing something else, listening to the radio, watching TV, etc....because mining in mind-numbing and very boring....
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
Yup, mining is very boring, I figured that out the day I activated my trial. So, as soon as i could (or we, i was with friends) i went to 0.0 to hunt rats to make quick and easy money.
You're not limited to mining, some people even PvP to make money, whether it's a merc. business, ransoming people in low sec., or some other creative idea.
Like you said, if you must mine then watching TV or something like that helps, just as you do if you grind exp in games like WoW.
Also, the OP says that low sec. is "locked up" by old-timers... that's not true at all. There's so many systems in EVE that it's not even possible for that to be true. My friends and I (around 4 - 6 of us) were even able to "control" some low sec. system once, as a lot of miners found a place and were quietly mining away... until we came and told them they must pay us weekly with ore else we'd keep killing them (we're not complete wankers, it was only peanuts really). This is the difference between the players in EVE, some don't like PvP and will mine forever (i don't know how, personally) and won't know how to PvP if they tried, and you won't need much skills to take them out.
The OP mentions being someones "butt-monkey", well have you tried making friends? You seem like a bitter person, so i'm guessing no. You'd enjoy EVE a lot more if you make friends in this game.
Again, lack of skill points doesn't mean you can't have fun. I have a video somewhere of us on Alts that weren't even a week old, yet we killed lots of people in low sec. areas, including an Apoc.
Mining can be boring, true. Or, if approached correctly and with the right mindset, it can also be fun. That is why I recently started a second account with its main a miner/industrialist. She doesn't have a huge amount of experience yet, she only mines in a cruiser, but she is already contributing to the corp she belongs to, which is not a mining corp, but one that does need a constant influx of ore and isk, and even as a 2 week old miner she is able to help with that in some small way.
Everything in EVE has its place, and as long as people are different there will be people who enjoy filling those places.
Of course, mining is not for everyone, just as EVE is not for everyone. But with a little imagination...who knows?
You know I keep hearing the same lame response in that if you are a new player to Eve all you have to do is specialise and you can compete.... what a load of horse crap. Specialise?, to what end? To end up doing exactly what the OP said and end up being slightly more effective in your role but still being the gopher or as he colorfully put it someones "butt-monkey". If you want new players not to feel that their situation is completely hopeless you have to give them some incentives to want to keep playing a game where they are nothing more than cannon fodder to every long term player in the game. Enable some training boosts that loose effectiveness as they get more skill points, they could get some diversification under their belts so they wouldn't be pidgeon holed into tackleing but could experience some of the other areas to the game.
Eve is a good game if you're into it, but new players are getting discouraged long before the game has a chance to sink its hooks into them due to the sense of hopelessness that creeps in. Long term players don't get it anymore, and pumping out the party line of specialization is the key is a cop out initially. Give a person the chance to see the multiple roles available and then once they find what suits their play style then they can specialize. If you're going to play this game? Never feel the need to cater to someone elses idea of how you should play, find what works for you and go from there. Take the advice that fits for you and dump the rest, unless someone else is paying for your subscription they have zero right to tell you what to do.
Well spoken advice, but also pretty obvious to most people. Still, for the ones it may not be so obvious to, thanks.
I am not an oldtimer, far from it. I have 2 accounts (because I can, and because it pleases me to) and neither has even 3 million SP. And yet, I can say with no fear of contradiction, you don't need 10s of millions of SP to have fun in EVE. In fact, I would not even want to see new players receive SP at a faster rate. Why? Because EVE, unlike level based games such as EQ or (dare I say it?) WoW, is not about the destination, it is about the journey.
I have 2 different characters on different tracks and I enjoy both of them as they are, today! Sure, I look forward to the time when they will have XYZ skills in addition to what they have now, but in all honesty, they are more fun to play now than any character I have had in any MMO game I have played.
I guess it's not only the old-timers that enjoy EVE, eh?
you want to know what it requires to get ahead in eve? simple 3 things.
1. patience
2. an idea of what you want out of the game
3. the willingness to acually put forth effort to get what you want
So, if you are starting this game, get more than 1 account, or don't play at all. You'll be frustrated by your need to dumbly grind for everything beyond T1 cruisers. Get 1 PvP char, if you are interested in PvP, and another ISK making char, miner or trader. You will have 4 slots left, make them R&D chars. A good T2 BPO is the "I Win" button in Eve. You won't need to grind anymore, if you get it, never!!!
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
oh yeah forgot to mention theyre fixing that whole one t2 bpo exclusiveness thing. its kinda a work in progress until ccp works out the kinks. but you, blackcat, probobly dont even know what invention is.
A BPC T2 isn't a BPO T2.......imagine how much you could make if you could research the BPO for ME and make many BPC's of it, to sell to others for massive profit....besides building it yourself at a reduced material cost....
believe it or not I played the game, I am familiar with the latest game mechanics, and am looking forward to forgetting all about invention or any other thing I know about this game.....
I had assets at approx 600 mil isk, and a char with millions of SP, I do and did know about the latest game mechanics and hope this game dies fast and hard....with the cheating and scamming of CCP.....
I agree with the OP -> Avoid this (game) like the plague........
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
I'm not an expert on Tech 2 BPO's, because most people don't have any...I do know that its a valuable commodity.....its considerably less time consuming to make a copy and then research it, while you build from the the long run you'd be saving materials researching ME up, which is one of the main benefits of having an original blue print....
This is what I did for the BPO's I had, I had a few to understand it and spent many months doing ME research on it.....
Mostly the BPO situation isn't that important because ultimately the game isn't that good, its boring and if you want to try this boring game, feel free, try the trial, realize how bad it is, and then come back here stating that fact and that your not going to pay for it and why....
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.