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HELP Social research into Second Life ***Respondents required.***

drugizanedrugizane Member Posts: 2



I'm DrugiZane Something

I am an undergraduate at Leeds University in the United Kingdom conducting a social study of second life. To my knowledge no other academic in my field has ever conducted a study like this. I feel passionately about SL and am trying to find out residents views on this virtual environment.

Here is a link to the Second life Forum where my questionnaire is attached:

If you are interested in helping me out please follow the link and download the attachment.

However it has come to my attention that certain residents cannot enter the offical forum so at the bottom of this post is the questionnaire in full, although a rather crude outlay I'm affraid. If you could copy and paste it into an email that would be great.

The Questionnaire is on social relations and online identity and contains 23 questions mostly with closed multiple choice answers, and should only take between 5-10 minutes

Please email the completed questionnaire to

Your anonymity will not be compromised and I will not email you back unless you have any questions or specify that you would like to participate in an interview to expand on your answers. In conducting this research i must abide by the research agreement with linden labs.

to read the official linden stance on research in secondlife go to:

If you would like to speak to me or ask me any questions on this matter in world, I am there everyday.


Please mark choices with an X.

1. How often do you use Second Life?

a. Every day

b. 4-6 days a week

c. 1-3 days a week

d. Fortnightly

e. A few times a month

f. Rarely

2. How long on average do you spend in one session on Second Life?

a. 8 hours or over

b. 5-7 hours

c. 2-4 hours

d. 1-2 hours

e. Under an hour

3. What nationality are you?

4. What is your age in real life?

5. When did you become a resident of Second Life (month/year)?

6. What is your real life gender?

a. Male

b. Female

c. Other

7. What is your preferred gender in Second Life?

a. Male

b. Female

c. Other

If other please specify below:

8. Do you change your gender in Second Life?

a. Always

b. Sometimes

c. Never

9. Do you change your Avatar’s form?

a. Constantly

b. Sometimes

c. Never

10. If you do change your avatar:

i. Changing your avatar changes the way you interact with other residents.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not Sure

ii. Changing your avatar changes the way other residents interact with you.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not Sure

11. Do you keep your Real Life identity secret?

a. I always keep my real life identity secret

b. I only let certain people know my real life identity

c. I always feel fine telling others about my real life identity

12. I feel my online identity is completely separate from my offline identity. How much do you agree with this statement?

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neither Agree or disagree

d. Disagree

e. Disagree Strongly

13. Second life is termed a Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG). Do you see Second Life as:

a. A game

b. An online community

c. Both

d. Not sure

e. Other

If other please specify:

14. Do you think the communication in second life is as effective as talking face-to-face in real life?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not sure

15. Approximately how many ‘Friends’ do you have in second life?

Please use the space below to leave any comments on your 'friends':

16. Are you a member of any groups?

a. Yes

b. No

17. If yes how many?

18. I feel that the friendships and acquaintances I have made in Second Life are as meaningful as those I have in real life. How strongly do you agree with this statement?

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neither Agree or disagree

d. Disagree

e. Disagree Strongly

19. How do you feel about the influx of new residents (noobs)?

20. Do you consider sexual activity in Second life to be? (Mark all applicable)

a. Inappropriate

b. Not an issue

c. Similar to real life

d. Completely different to real life

e. Safe

f. Not safe

g. Other

If you marked other or you have any further comments on sex and sexuality in Second Life please use the space below:

21. Would you participate in sexual activity within Second Life?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not Sure

22. Please briefly list up to 5 activities that you are most likely to engage in while using Second life.

23. Please briefly list up to 5 things you spend your linden dollars on (if you don’t spend any just mark the first box N/A)

If you have any comments about this questionnaire feel free to use the space below.

Thank you for your participation

A.J. Hill (DrugiZane Something)

I have been granted permission from my department to conduct this research you may find my supervisors contact details at the address below if you would like to ask him any questions about my project please feel free:

I have also had alot of help on my research from Aleks Krotoski, find out more about her and her work at:

or in SL at: Simulation Research Lab&msg=The hub of social science research in the virtual world


  • Bren_34Bren_34 Member Posts: 32
    There have been 10000 studies from colleges like this, and are all the same.
  • drugizanedrugizane Member Posts: 2

     Naturally there have been studies done of lots of online communities, I am using some of them as references. To my knowledge there are only four academic social research projects on the go in second life at the moment. I am the first to conduct one in my department and perhaps at my university, I have not found any literature from any sociologist in Second Life although there may be some out there. Either way I'd rather be doing it on SL than any other topics that had been suggested to me.

    If anyone knows of any academic literature on SL I'd love for you to get in contact with me it would be very helpful to my work!

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