I played this recently after constantly hearing the rave reviews or how awesome the game is. I really joined it with an open mind and gave it a more than fair chance. After going through the incredibly long (yet informative) tutorial, I was off into space on my own. I played the game up until I was going to upgrade to whatever is past the Caracal(sp?) ship. Beyond this, I found the training times to be ridiculously long and a horrible way of limiting your progress.
I just don't understand what the big hype about the game is. The missions were the same exact ones, just with different names. Kill X Pirate or Deliver X cargo, over and over and over. The scenery never changed, Mission 1 might have a different name, but it was in fact the same exact scenario that Mission 2 was. Don't even get me started on the delivery missions. This is why I can't understand why they just don't call it Space Truckers. I had a delivery so far away that I fell asleep several times just waiting to get into the right system.
I also noticed the game had an in game web browser. Are you kidding me? The game is so boring that it comes with a way to occupy yourself while you're "playing"? Fighting was relatively boring. Click target, push F1, click target, push F2... /Yawn...
It also seems as if you didn't start this game at the beginning, you have absolutely no chance of surviving in the low security areas of space. Again, no idea why this game is so popular.
On a positive note, though, the game didn't have any bugs that caused it to crash. This was helpful as I would've been angry if a crash caused my desktop to show up and wake me up from my nap.
I think as a better strategy, CCP should put this game on the Sleeping Aid aisles at stores. The game seems to be amazingly good at putting you to sleep if nothing else.
EVE is awesome!
For about 5 days once a year
Training times in eve are long by design, to make the game a very long-term affair. While it doesn't cater to everyone's play styles, those people who enjoy eve tend to stay longer than people would in other MMOs. For example, the average eve player quits after 6 months while the figure is closer to 2 months for other MMOs. So while not many people who play the trial end up playing, those who do end up playing tend to play for longer.
Travel times in eve are very large by design to keep the game world large, however you can speed them up immensely by not using the autopilot. The autopilot warps you to 15km from the next stargate then slowboats you to the gate. If instead you warp to the gate manually, you land right within jump range. if you add stargates to your overview, you can even see the next destination gate as it goes yellow on your overview.
The game browser includes additional game functionality such as the ability to display links to in-game items and to tell what system you're in (though you must select to trust the website with this information before it is given). While it doesn't conform to all requirements for a web-browser, It is primarilly intended to be used for things such as eve stores and tools. You'll find info on that by googling for evegeek, a website that hosts tools that are handy in-game, and NAGA, a corp that have a sales website. Also google "Jump Planner" and you'll find the ICSC jump planner, which also contains a store with some built in eve functionality that only works in their in-game browser.
As for why you're not getting the amazing gameplay you've probably heard people describe in reviews, I think the reason for that is that you've missed the aspect of eve that people enjoy the most. Eve is based on PvP. Everything in the game is geared toward PvP. If you want to get the most out of eve, you need to join a corp that is actively involved in some form of group pvp. While in Everquest or World of Warcraft, raiding is a group of people running through a dungeon, in Eve Online raiding tends to be a PvP experience where a pack of ships fly into enemy territory and attack.
I'm not going to lie to you and say Eve's PvE aspects are amazing - they're not. I play Everquest 2, which has amazing PvE, though it's obviously not the same genre of game as Eve-Online. However, not one game I have ever seen, INCLUDING Everquest 2 on a PvP server, can hold a candle much less a torch to Eve's PvP.
Insert signature that doesn't break the rules here
The game really is kind of boring....I agree with everything the OP said....
My brother & his friend looked at this game, I was trying to get them to play it, and they said the same thing as the OP, before I got sick of it myself and am no longer playing this game....
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
Insert signature that doesn't break the rules here
Eve is great in the fact that it really truly is only as good as you make it, if you stay in the same couple systems running missions the entire time you're going to OD on boredom, if you go out and establish yourself in a well organized 0.0 alliance or pirate corp or merc corp or even an industry corporation you're going to have a blast.
EVE is kind of like real life in that it is what you make it, you have to take risks and make an effort if you really want to experience what EVE has to offer, there is no instant gratification. Which is probably why EVE is a very niche game, some people just want to have fun and don't want to have to work for i, and there's nothing wrong with that. I and every other EVE player enjoy this game because having to work for our gratification is what, well, gratifies us lol.
So even though I'm bored and burnt out on EVE and I don't intend to go back anytime soon I still have to give it props for being a great game for it's target audience, and not just trying to appeal to the masses like most MMOs do.
On a side note, AoC ftw! :P
MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.
MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.
MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.
LOL dont tell me you only did PVE the whole time :P do some pvp its fantastic. Why not manufacture goods run a trade rout ply the economy hunt pirates there soo much to do some people have trouble finindg what to do!
btw posters who replyed here if you hate eve so much why are you posting on eve forums?
Like is said every time one of these posts comes up, learn the game by exploring your unlimited possibilities yourself. If you cannot look beyond long travel times and look-alike missions, then have fun elsewhere.