Back in the day when AC first came out I was a specced in swordsmanship and melee defense. It ended up being a lackluster and ineffective build, though, even with a high focus put on my base attributes like strength.
This was at a time when melee was dominated by hand to hand combat along with item and creature magic.
A pure melee user just couldn't come close to competing
So has anything changed in that recharge over the last five years?
One of the only areas AC2 really blew away AC in my opinion was in melee combat. Melee combat in AC just isn't that much fun. For magic AC is such a great game but I enjoy playing melee characters alot and this is one of the things that keeps me from coming back to AC. I played it recently and it was still kind of similar. I am not really familiar with decal or any other mods and if it actually changes the way you can play melee and make it a little more fun. Anybody that played AC2 can tell you that melee characters in the game had alot more option then choosing auto attack and low mid high. That was my experience with melee combat in AC.
I am really hoping down the line if they make a new version of AC that it does take alot of the fun parts of melee combat from AC2 with all the greatness from AC thrown in. With all the pretty visuals from LoTRO you have a great game right there.
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