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I was wondering what the gameplay was like for eve online.
Mostly rp, intrigue, discovery, hidden knowledge, lost of historical mythology and players that are known for stuff they ahve done more like a story and less like a battle, etc... I tried the trail a long time ago and I didn't get to see how it played, but am considering joining back up to see.
The reason I ask is that the skill level system in eve is the same as a non referrer link web based game called gokrida that is pure RP and I found it extremely fun and if eve online is run similar to that game then I would have a frame of reference to how good it was and could decide if it was worth playing.
for reference GoKrida is a social reality RPG. Participants describe the GoKrida universe as a social simulation, a role playing or strategy game, a toy, a stage, or an experiment.
Could you explain your experiences in eve online so that I may be able to compare the gameplay to see if eve would be fun for me to try.
thanks in advance for any info you may supply that may be able to get a feel for the game.
ccp the "we cheat for our buddies and are proud of it" company...
Couple that with the recent revelation that CCP, the game's publisher, has shown favoritism towards certain player organizations, and then attempted to cover it up and stifle any and all discussion of their wrongdoing, and I can say without reservation that you should not play this game. Which is a damn shame, because it really is a fun game, it's just run by an untrustworthy company.
In terms of gameplay. I personally enjoy it. It takes a great deal of time to get your skills to a high level, and you will never catch up with those who have come before you in that sense. But there are other ways to compete. An example of someone who become wealthy and wellknown without having a great many skills is Dark Shikari. He didn't start the game when it was made but using his own knowledge and abilities managed to work himself up to a decent fortune early on, and continued to grow in financial might. The main political players are of course, the older ones. This is mostly because they understand everything, and have already gained the respect and trust of others. Trust is a major point in EVE, no one is going to follow you in any major venture unless they trust you, something that the older players have more of than the newer ones.
But you don't have to be a top brass leader to enjoy things, and take part in the political part of the game. Leaders in this game often operate with others to help them, so even if you aren't the leader yourself, spend some time in a corporation and gain their trust, and if they are in an alliance they may always offer you as one of their representatives for instance. Trust can also be used to rip people off of course.
Then there is the manufacturing and logistics. This can get to be very complicated, and once again takes a while to get into at a higher level, but I would say its worth it.
PvP is also extremely fun. Although not really twitch based, your own reactions and ability to think on the go, and also before you fight are very important. Your fittings, and your abilities to choose your targets wisely are even more important. And of course the fact of real loss should you die can create some real tense and adrenaline filled fun.
Eve is an excellent simulation of real life, where you'll bust your ass for years, but in the end, the powers that be will stomp you into the ground without giving you a second thought. People will laugh at you when you cry foul.
Perfect game for masos, really.
In retrospect, I suppose CCP's well-known policy of tolerance for all sorts of in-game theft, con-games and scams should ahve alerted me to the fact that the company itself might have a problem with honesty.
To the OP. If you read more of my threads in here and the Eve O forums you will find I am vocal in my dislike for the current affairs that are souring CCPs image, however you will also find that I am still playing this game and whilst I am rapidly losing faith in the company the effects of the charade of trust is not one that will likely effect your gameplay.
Eve is a wonderful game. It is without doubt the most overly complicated yet childlike game you can play on the current MMO market. You can quite simply choose any proffesion you desire within the game and have a good chance at being succesful at it, or you can die from day one and onwards
You can whore your services or your in-game body (I used to be a pimp so I know this ), You can rat, kill, sell, make, build, mine, ransom, rant, whine, haul, irritate and immitate and you can excel.
IMO you *do* need to join a corp with good people. This is partly because it is an MMO and even though solo players abound, it isn't really the point of the game. It is also as one poster already said very hard to compete at first in universe of experienced players, however it is far from impossible.
Just yesterday I made a trade alt. From the off she makes money and I have fun with her, this is partly because I have experience though, another plus point to my idea that you joined a player corp.
I would recommend you chose wiseley though, there are corps out there that will abuse you and make your noob life a misery, but with choice and intelligence you will enjoy this game.
Look me up in-game, same name as in here but with a space before "Ulv"
The death of Eve is not one of them. The people who care about the game and the effect CCP has had with its decision to whitewash events will only be overcome by discussion.This is what I want.
Your post in red bold letters only causes one thing, the same thing that happened on the official forums. We get silenced by the scared.
Dev blogs admit that other devs still play in 0.0 alliances. You think they all play clean? Is it even POSSIBLE to "play clean" when you have intimate knowledge of the game's innermost workings?
Molovian, EVE is pretty much what you make of it, you are free to try whatever you like, be it piracy, becoming a business mogul, forming a new galactic power, playing the conman, thief, etc. The list is endless given you have the time and drive to do it, just set yourself a goal and go for it. One thing I would say though, it can be pretty cutthroat, there will always be someone trying to muscle in on your turf or steal your hard earned ISKs and therefore isnt a game for carebears.
The vast majority of EVE players are unaffected by those things. Most EVE players arent even involved with 0.0 alliance politics and antics, most of those alliances are self-sufficient economies with the only external interaction being wars or selling excess produce in Empire space.
I hope they dont stop their staff from playing the game, because the best way to root out problems in the game is to experience them for themselves, the best way to see what is needed in the game is to play it themselves. All they need to do is ensure that any future cheating by staff is kept to a minimum and punished appropriately. They are unlikely to sack a dev for cheating anyway, especially if it was one that has been with them for a long time as they will have experience with the product that is VERY hard and expensive to replace. That dev is highly unlikely to cheat again now they have been caught as they will no doubt be getting watch over a lot more now.
As for 'playing clean', of course it is possible. Does every shop assistant take stuff home with them? Does every stock broker participate in insider dealing? Does every bank employee steal money? Of course they dont, so quit trying to claim that the exception to the rule is the norm.
It is true that most Eve players aren't affected by these things. You have to toil in-game for YEARS before you get to experience this wonderful "get reamed by gm/dev alts in 0.0" content!!
Your kind of blind faith in authority figures is what allowed the holocaust to happen.
Freaking nazi.
hahaha, j/k.
What's the gameplay like? That's a tough question! I played for around 6 months or so just last year, and the main reason I stopped was to save a little money. Money situation is much better now, but haven't gone back.
I played the trial, was kinda hooked, then the first month of payed play I was pretty bored. But then I found a really good and interesting corp, and that hooked me into the game for the next few months. I've tried to get a few of my real-life buddies into it and they were all bored out of their minds. So, it's just really not for everyone.
As far as the recent events with the devs cheating. That really sucks. I the corp I was in was in an alliance that fell under attack by BoB's guard dogs (MC) because we had a capital shipyard etc etc etc. It might not effect you on the small scale, but everything in Eve is connected and any kind of misconduct like that is crap.
As far as the needing to be playing for the last few years to compete in pvp, not at all. You can work on tackling skills in a few days, then move on up from that. In the few months I played I was into t2 frigs and had the battleship skill (but not all the gun skills yet etc etc.)