In DAoC, you can gain realm ranks which enable you to eventually attain realm abilities which boost your characters strength in different ways.
My question is, do you think WAR should be the same? should it have none of it or should it exist just in smaller portions?
In my opinion, Besides the fun the RvR system offers, another incentive should be fundamental.
After you reach max level, you're pretty much like everyone else. If you have all those RvR trophies on you people should not only think "Wow, this guy must be really experienced because he killed lots of people", they should also think "I better not take him on, he might have some nasty tricks up his sleeve"
I didnt RvR for the rewards, very few people did. I just looked up one day and I was Realm rank 9.
Besides, that reward me stuff is for wow. WAR has started that they want Tactics to equate wins and losses.... not gear and power advantages. So awarding something for RVR? yes? something huge or class changing? No
I think any advantages should be small and contain mainly PvE/Siege style abilities. Do x amount of damage to castle doors. Jump walls that sorta thing. And race specific of poss.
I love PvP but I want a good fight every time. Not to walk over every1 but the hardcore.
It also shouldn't be getting a pretty rank emote to show off like in Guild Wars.
I don't want this game to be Guild Wars with RvR.
Yeah. I just can join the opinions before. The hard pvp rewards (nice gear with insane stats) will crush the other players gameplay because they wont be able to defeat this fanatiks just with their skills.
I think the pvp rewards should be just change the appearence (good looking gear etc.) and not the strenght of the char. That not bad if get some advantages, but never should get as much to be undefeatable.
I hope there are 10,000 Realm Abilities.
That way if I wanna make my charachter unique in his fighting style, I can.
Even if it turns out that all people are doing the same things for RA's, I could care less.
Ofcourse no one RvR'd For Realm Abilities but they were sure nice werent they?
What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...
Remember man that passes by,
as you are now so once was I.
And as I am so must you be,
prepare yourself to follow me.
TO CLARIFY, NO ONE is talking about Trophies for pvp.
Realm Abilities in DAOC for those of you who obviously dont understand, were abilities that you gained because of the ammount of pvp you had done.
At certain points you would earn a rank like 1L2 at lower levels and RR5(realm rank 5). Now when you reached a new level you earned points to spend on a whole assortment of abilities.
Some of the new realm ranks were health buffs, or interesting aoe+snare spells...or better dmg on spells or abilities that helped your mana regen alot quicker....the list goes on and on.
While I do want to look different from other players, its the ability to customize the class in a style that fits the player that Im interested in. Realm Abilities to some extent did that in DAOC and hopefully there will be something similiar and better in Warhammer.
I agree that they shouldent give PvP awards(armor/weapons) with an over whelming amount of stats that will soon lead to an unfair advantage on the battlefield. Although, i still think they should give u equipment with that will enhance ur PvP/RvR.
For Example: I think that they should give u a certain amount of "award points" when u kill a specific amount of people, and u can gather those points together to buy Trophies/Trinkets. These Trinkets/Trophies will attach to ur armor and make it better, but u can only attach a certain amount of them on at once. For example, say i have a nice chest piece and i have 4 slots to put what ever trinkets i want on it, so i choose to put +2defense,+5attack,+2%attack speed,+15HP. After i put those on my armor i cant put anymore on since all 4 slots are filled. Say later on say i want to exchange one out, i can go to a "blacksmith/armor merchant"(or w/e you want to call it) to remove the trinkets/Trophies for a certain price based on the lvl of the Armor and how good the Trinket/Trophie is. You might be thinking "hey that still makes it un-even" . Those examples i was giving above where random stats and buffs, they could make the real ones a little bit more minor to stop over-powering in PvP/RvR. sure! the player still has an advantage but not a huge one. You have to think of it this way, the more u do something the better u get, so the more people fight the more experience they get out of it. And this experience can be shown in Trinkets/Trophies in the game.
Also abilites from RvR/PvP ::
Abilities in PvP/RvR sound great, but the struggle is having them balanced out, and not making one class rise above the rest and own. I think they should make it so the amount of Trophies/Trinkets u get on ur armor gives u "Specialization points" and each class has unique abilities,(to even it out) they can spec with those points to get thier unique abilities. For example say i have 6 Pieces of armor and each piece has 3 slots. 6x3=18 , then divide by 2 = 6 ( i divided by 2 to make it so u dont get an overwhelming amount of points) there for giving you 1 point ever 2 slots you fill. You take those points and put them in a skill. But theres a catch, each skill should have a rank, kinda like u spec once in it, it goes to lvl 1, then u spec again in it and now its lvl2 , blah blah blah. There for increasing the skill the more u spec in it, but also costing u more points to spec in it.
So in all:
So in all i think that they should make it so u pvp and get "award points" for a certain amount of players u kill, then u spend those points on Trinkets/Trophies and attach them to ur armor(which can only hold a certain amount)you can also remove them by going to a Armorer/Blacksmith and paying them a certain amount based on the lvl of ur armor and how good ur Trinket/Trophie is. The more Trophies you attach the more "Specialization points" you get letting you spec in ur specific class PvP/RvR abilities. u can increase these abilities by the more u spec in them but, that costs u more points each time. Although these sound over whelming and look like u can over power the other classes, they should set these Abilities andTrophies/Trinkets to minor amount, so that over-powering Pawnage wont arise when ur playing this game. Lastly the more u do something the better u get at it, i think this would be a great way to show ur experience in the game.
P.S.~They also shouldent make these abilities and Trinkets/Trophies impossible to get, they should be easy(for low lvls). As u gain more experience and get stronger ur trinkets should start costing more but also be better. For example: i am lvl 10 and my trinket gives me +1 armor and costs me 2 "award points". Then when i get to lvl 20 i get the same trinket but better, it adds +3 armor but costs 5 "arward points"
Comments on this would be gladly accepted
I only want realm abilities or pvp rewards if they are SMALL and add fluff insted of power.
Like Remember ALB realm abilities? ya I dont want 1 button battle changing abilties. I want really marginal type and almost make you not want to buy them type abilities. Spirit master "pet sprint" ability anyone? one of the huge problems with Albion was that more of the classes and groups started to depend on the timered abilities to carry the classes where as the classes from other realms didnt and got stronger play wise because of it. I would hate for that to happen in this game which is why I hope for fluff pvp abilities and rewards insted of Battle changing ones.
An ability that instantly resurects your squigg? OK
An ability that instantly resurects your PARTY... not OK
hey anyone remember that midgard ability that let the healer rez themselves? How evil was it to lose a fight, be down to your last person then the healer rezes themselves uses the artifact that instantly resurects everyone within 20ft and then let off the instant group heal and everyone is back at full and you have to kill them again? man the memories
Yes i agree with you, i hated those fights( i played a 50 minstrel) but thats what i tryed to prove in my last post, i just want fluff taht will help you some what, not carry u to heaven and let u pawn everyone. i want a fight that is still fair and fun but at the same time i want to have some bonuses for how much i've won.