Check your mail!!! I just got mine... /goes back to reading it.
Edit: (
Could be spoilers below, so be warned )
Have to say, I'm not liking the animations of "the crazy mountain man" it looks like he's been shot in the shoulder... but then he puts away his dagger and he's fine. o.O Yea, I know it's all alpha footage... but why animate the Zealot like that?
The wolf on the other hand was animated great! Looked really smooth and life-like... even when they were playing with the different animations it looked awesome.
Proud Member of Mongbat
Oh and my story made fan fiction YaY! (then I self read it and didnt like it but meh)
Wonder if its time related? I mean I signed up for the newsletter so long ago now I still had hair...
Die Noctique, By Day and Night
"STEVE: Right. The point I was making is that there is no class that is more effective "just" healing.
For instance, WPs also [at this time] have an aura-based buff system that buffs friendlies IF they are within range of him. This means that he is better off being in the front line where the fighting friendlies can both fight and be in range of his buffs. If he held back and just healed from range, he would not be doing as much good as getting in the thick of it.
SANYA: *squints distrustfully*
STEVE AND JOSH: Have you tried it yet, or are you just assuming?
SANYA: *leaves to go try it*
Okay, Steve and Josh didn’t actually say that last line even though I did give them the evil squinty eye. They didn’t have to. Does this design work in practice as well as theory? Well, so far, so good... you guys should let me know how you feel once beta starts and you get your hands on it all."
A: Designer Josh says, “The Marauder will definitely have non-mutation weapons and will go through item advancement just like anyone else. Mutations and weapons will both advance, but will do so independently.”
That is great news because in most games these built in weapons tend to be too good for something you get for free or pretty useless compared to the better traditional weapons.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
~J. Krishnamurti
One of the most disappointing things about these Newsletters, is the fact that it makes me want to play Warhammer and it's so far away!!
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Yeah, thier newsletter signup is prolly buggy. I never was able to put my personal information in thier site when I registered. Now it says my email is already subscribed, yet I still can not edit my personal information. Guess I'll have to add another couple of e-mail adresses to thier sitte so I have a chance of getting into Beta. =(
I didn't get it either.
I received my newsletter two days ago! I wasn't expecting great things from the Feb. newsletter since so much was reveled in Jan. To my surprise, they have some great content in this newsletter. One thing's for sure, the WAR team is on top of their game and it seems like getting everything right according to their standards is and always be their number 1 goal above all else.
I will have no problems supporting a team that puts so much heart and effort into their work. I might not agree with all of their decisions, but at least they are going into full detail about how they came up with these decisions. It's clear this won't be a game they're just slopping together in attempts to make a fast buck from it's title.
Bravo to the developers of WAR. You find ways to amaze me each and every month!
Due to this, I expect every newsletter from now on will detail a new Order and new Destruction class, maybe a new area, as well as contain some nice videos and interviews. Based on that, we should hopefully see some information about the High Elves and Dark Elves by May, since the Empire and Chaos should be done in another two newsletters, if they keep up this pace.
I still really, really, really want to see the class outlines for the Knight of the Blazing Sun and the Witch Hunter, as I will probably end up playing one of them.
thanks to the good people since i didn't get mine must have been low on the totem pole but thanks for not making me wait to see this