Hey there. I am the leader of Tea Party on the guild Thunderaxe, and would like to let everyone that cruises these boards as much as I do, that we are currently recruiting.
A little background on the guild. We started 2 days after release, and have a core playerbase of about 10 members. Total size of the guild right now is 17 members. We average about level 22 right now.
Most of are RL friends, who come from a long career playing Everquest. We are looking for high play time individuals, with a mature personality and a willingness to advance.
Cruise on over to
http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=150769&TabID=1279443And apply on the boards. OR
Hit up Moloka or Herbal ingame.
You can also shoot Maudlin (thats me!) a tell in game to discuss it further. I didnt want to make this post long with all the jumble in it, so inquire if interested.