Greetings all,
I'm in the market for a new MMO to start playing for a while. Let me give a little bit of background and my tastes and see if you guys can suggest a game here or there. I played MUDs back in the day and various FPS. I finally broke down and gave SWG a try and loved it. I also bought and started to play COH.
Now that SWG has been changed and sucks so much now I want to move forward. I loved the old school way of playing in SWG and I liked the idea of owning a home and displaying things etc. COH I liked the idea behind it just lacking in options in my opinion. I'm not a band wagoner. I don't just go buy like WOW because everyone is playing it. I do like Fantasy games, did play wow for a month but then stopped couldn't get into it fully (due to lack of time to play at that time).
Now I have the time to invest here and there for a new MMO. Want to stop playing SWG and COH and work on a new game. I ike Elfs, but I don't have to have them in an mmo to like (hence my other games i've been playing). I do like fantasy mostly, but willing to be open to other types. I've been toying with the idea of FF XI, WOW, DDO but I'm unsure about all those games and don't want to waste money on them all. I hear good and bad things about those MMOs and others. Yes I do love to play FF on Playstation and all other RPGs as well. Also have been keeping my eye on 9 dragons looks interesting.
Anyway with that crap of dragging out posting there, can anyone suggest any of the games i've been looking at or another one that I might like?
Thanks for everyone's time to replies.
There's a free trial for almost every MMO out there. Just grab a bunch and decide.