Mmmmm. Most likely you will find it similar. I dunno maybe the high up Task forces might intersting. Like the Statesmen one. Not sure what that will be like.
But the spawn and mission system has not changed significantly that I know of.
There are alot more varience with missions now, and teaming up with heroes has never been better! The only downside to it, is finding a good active super group
Thats awesome, I cant wait but there customr service sucks it use to be so much better, im having issues trying to reactivate but something odd is up. And they still have not emailed me back and I could not find a number to call. Btw is the champion server still good or should I reroll virtue to get better teams and sgs?
Well I know I wont get bored with it if I find the right server and sg, but the only reason I got bored with it in the past was lack of groups coh was dying and I just couldnt be an evil toon. I guess because im strong in my beliefs call me nuts but its just in my nature. Anyways now coh has alot more variety im sure ill be happy plus I get a single player game here and there if I need to take a break, but to be honest I dont game alot personally I like to go outside alot or go out with friends and my gf. Anyways like I was saying costumer service sucks!
Weird in regards to customer service I always felt they were top notch. I once got stuck in a mission trying to get my epic, the GM helped me out ASAP. and like 2 other times GM's checked my mission to see why the mission wouldnt complete.
I came back after 6 months or so and the game is the same, very repetetive to me. The updates didn't seem to affect anything at low and middle levels that I noticed.
Randomly generated instances is what the game needs. I know it would be a major reworking of the game, but it needs it to hold my interest. I believe crafting is on the way however.
if you left between i7 and i8, then um, you might as well wait until i9.
don't be too disappointed when you go back and it's 85% the same things you remember. except now heroes have cop radio missions, like villains have paper missions. so there's a little more variety, but um, yeah, don't expect a LOT, and you'll be happy.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
I have a very funny relationship with this game. It's a blast to play for a very short time, but then I just have to cancel due to sheer boredom. Last time I played was in October of last year, for just a month. I reactivated my account 2 days ago, and just this moment cancelled again. I quickly remembered how boring it becomes. I have 5 charcters ranging from 40-47, never hit 50 on any of them simply because I get bored to tears playing the game after a short time.
I noticed two things when I logged back on which were pretty neat. As the previous poster (Damien7) said, the radio missions are new. They are a nice twist. It basically acts like another contact, and you can do missions given to you by the radio. The other thing I noticed was breakable items in the city environment. For example, there is a swinging gate that you can swing back and forth, and if you run into it hard enough, it breaks off it's hinges. I don't know how long either of these things have been in the game, but they are new to me.
There are a small handful of little things they add every few months, but it's just not enough to justify keeping an ongoing subscription. I get the same feeling from just about every single group I'm in too. When I happen to get in a group in 7 or 8 people (which is fun by the way, due to the number of mobs in missions), it seems that after 2 missions max, people become zombified and everyone at once says "Well, it was fun..have to go <insert real life actiivity here>". It's almost comical, because you can tell everyone gets bored after doing 2 missions, and they almost leave skid marks logging out of the game.
It's a nice change of pace from a WoW/EQ type game where you have to micro manage everything (inventory, bank slots, auctions, gold, etc). However, this game is the total opposite where you do NOTHING but fighting. You simply have nothing else to do. The only management you have is your enhancement slots which is unbelievably quick and simple to do.
Yes the fighting is fun, yes the graphics and effects are super, but the game is just lacking...something.
Originally posted by Centhan When I happen to get in a group in 7 or 8 people (which is fun by the way, due to the number of mobs in missions), it seems that after 2 missions max, people become zombified and everyone at once says "Well, it was fun..have to go <insert real life actiivity here>".
I highly recommend Task Forces, everyone has to stick to the end so there's none of that here.
That of course is the pick-up group situation, people leave, but I think I have better than average success with mine because my top priority is speed. The tank (or scrapper or controller, whoever's aggroing) has absolutely no reason to pause between groups, their feet should never stop moving. And the leader knows the mission is ending, they can recruit for blank spots at the end and have the next mission in mind. Especially with scanners now, if no one has a good mission ready and I don't have an arc open, I'll just grab scanners to keep it moving.
I never quite figured out why people love my teams so much, but I think that's a big part of it. Another thing I do differently than a lot, and this ties into the "repetitive" complaint, is change strategies as I see fit. Herding is a great tool, but there's no reason to do it every time. Maybe the controller opens, which is different for each controller and possibly from group to group. Even blasters, my fire/fire, ice/em, and ar/dev play pretty differently from each other, even if they don't (necessarily) open.
And there are other things to do to challenge yourself, making them pretty different experiences. Last Sunday I took it upon myself to solo the respec trial. On Invincible no less. It was a bit lonely (if not for global channels) but definitely wasn't a "repeat" of any experience I had elsewhere in game. I'd like to try it on a blaster eventually (on heroic though).
Don't get me wrong, the "new" feeling does indeed wear off, and I wish they'd come with more damn tilesets. (Though they did get better on that with i8, both with new faultline sets and with minor additions to warehouse and office layouts.) But I have to wonder if people who find the game repetitive that fast aren't just choosing to repeat themselves a little.
I have a very funny relationship with this game. It's a blast to play for a very short time, but then I just have to cancel due to sheer boredom. Last time I played was in October of last year, for just a month. I reactivated my account 2 days ago, and just this moment cancelled again. I quickly remembered how boring it becomes. I have 5 charcters ranging from 40-47, never hit 50 on any of them simply because I get bored to tears playing the game after a short time. I noticed two things when I logged back on which were pretty neat. As the previous poster (Damien7) said, the radio missions are new. They are a nice twist. It basically acts like another contact, and you can do missions given to you by the radio. The other thing I noticed was breakable items in the city environment. For example, there is a swinging gate that you can swing back and forth, and if you run into it hard enough, it breaks off it's hinges. I don't know how long either of these things have been in the game, but they are new to me. There are a small handful of little things they add every few months, but it's just not enough to justify keeping an ongoing subscription. I get the same feeling from just about every single group I'm in too. When I happen to get in a group in 7 or 8 people (which is fun by the way, due to the number of mobs in missions), it seems that after 2 missions max, people become zombified and everyone at once says "Well, it was fun..have to go <insert real life actiivity here>". It's almost comical, because you can tell everyone gets bored after doing 2 missions, and they almost leave skid marks logging out of the game. It's a nice change of pace from a WoW/EQ type game where you have to micro manage everything (inventory, bank slots, auctions, gold, etc). However, this game is the total opposite where you do NOTHING but fighting. You simply have nothing else to do. The only management you have is your enhancement slots which is unbelievably quick and simple to do. Yes the fighting is fun, yes the graphics and effects are super, but the game is just lacking...something.
Great post, I couldn't agree more. I had been wanting to resub this game for many months, don't know why, just had a craving. Well, the first 4 days back were great, lots of fun but then it became a bit of a chore to log back in - it just got boring. I have canceled my sub again and I think I am going to take a break from MMO's for a bit, I feel burned out on them.
CoX really requires a different mindset than most games, which is why I like it.
I can't see how it's dying. I have yet to be able to form a 6 man team within 10 minutes, anywhere. 8 man I can do in 30.
You have to accept that your team will constantly cycle through people. But that's not a big deal, if you're ready for it.
I avoid task forces for that reason - people get annoyed, people want to leave, and you can't add them in. It's all the difficulties of doing an instance in WoW, combined with the fact that you don't really get that much for doing one.
Who am I? @Lorechaser on CoH Badjuju, Splinterhoof, Plainsrunner on WoW (Moonrunner) Shyy'rissk on SWG (Flurry) ClockworkSoldier, HE Pierce, Letnev on Planetside Gyshe, Crucible, Terrakal on DDO And many more.
Well im playing cox again and now im loving it its much more populated, sure it gets boring sometimes but then that leaves room for me to do other things, like play my console or read a book etc. The truth is im glad I came back wow took to much time to do stuff in my opinion. And I love how fast I can get into a team this is why I play online is to team with others.
What they need to do is add micro-managment! Take away from the constant fighting with some real RPG stuff - they are moving in this direction slowley with the introduction of Loot and Inventions (crafting) - and also with the bases. What they need is a more RPG orientated quest system where you could solo if you wish and it felt like a real accomplishment, what it lacks is anythign to look forward to besides the next level.
Comic book MMORPGS should be just that (RPG) since the comics lend themselves so greatly to that - Perhaps the DC or Marvel Universe games coming out will have more RPG elements. (My claim to fame is a superman build Lvl 25 tanker - and yes, I got bored!)
Originally posted by burdock2 What they need is a more RPG orientated quest system where you could solo if you wish and it felt like a real accomplishment
OK you lost me here. Story arcs!
Though you can use a team for any part of it, arcs are definitely solo-friendly since you have to run a series of your own missions for the same contact. Like this (and I'm going by memory here, but this is pretty close to a real arc or 2):
Contact: Hero, there's been a break-in at a warehouse in King's Row. Get over there and see if you can stop them? Mission: defeat all Banished Pantheon in warehouse. Clue: Though you stopped most of the robbers, a few of the Banished Pantheon got away. It seems they were after very specific crates belonging to a Manuel Roberts. Contact: So the Banished Pantheon were after something specific? You'd better go ask the Roberts what was in there. Mission: Free hostages Clue: The Pantheon have taken 4 of the Roberts family hostage. Contact: The Pantheon are definitely up to something, but what is the connection to the Roberts family? We need some leads. Go to Dark Astoria and shake down some zombies for clues. Mission: Defeat 20 Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria Mission: Investigate base (Beat boss & associates), free 1 hostage Clue: When you rescued Shelly Roberts, she said "they say we're decendants of some ancient race and have magic powers. That's crazy, I'm an accountant!" Clue: After defeating the boss, you found a book labeled "Secrets of the Mu" but you can't read it. Contact: The Mu? The name sounds vaguely familiar from old legends but I don't understand. You'd better take this book to Azuria. Mission: Deliver book to Azuria Azuria: The Mu were a very powerful race of magic users many centuries ago. We thought they were all wiped out but the Banished Pantheon seem to think otherwise. The good news is I know a source for more information. The bad news is the hosts won't part with it easily. Mission: Retrieve book from Circle of Thorns base(Glowie click) Azuria: Of course, now I see it. Many years ago the Mu fought against the evil goddess Marnica and were able to lock her away forever. In captivity she's been mostly powerless, but was able to reach out to the Banished Pantheon. It seems that if they could harness the power of the Mu, they'd be able to free her. Those crates they stole must have some powerful artifacts. You have to stop them! Contact: Clearly we have to find those artifacts. Fortunately, I have a lead. Mission: Retrieve Mu artifacts (glowie click) Clue: You located the Book of the Mu, the Chest of the Mu, and the Spatula of the Mu. Contact: Azuria just called, she made a mistake! The Pantheon don't want the power of the artifacts, they want the souls of the decendants themselves! They've probably already started the summoning ceremony, so get to that old altar and stop them! Mission: Stop ceremony, shut down altar, free hostages (glowie click, boss & friends, 3 hostages) Contact: You did it, congratulations! The Roberts family thanks you, and so does all of Paragon. If Marnica had been summoned, I don't know if we ever would have been able to get rid of her again. For your reward, please take the Spatula of Mu as a souvenier, and also your choice of Single-Origin enhancements (and a bunch of xp).
OK I took a little liberty on names and stuff, especially toward the end, but that's pretty close. How exactly is that not "RPG orientated"? How does it not give you a sense of accomplishment? You have that souvenier sitting in your clues forever then, so you can always go back and re-read the story you acted out.
My one minor gripe is that the souvenier is hidden away where only you can see it. It should be something you could show off, like a base decorative item or something like that. But in terms of a accomplishment, that's pretty good - and a mid-20s arc as well.
I'm reminded of a story from a few years ago when I was working at a Six Flags park. One day this woman comes up ranting about how she should sue us for false advertising, how half the rides in the commercials don't even exist. Well they most certainly do exist, it just turns out she couldn't read a map, see an open walkway, read a sign, follow a crowd, ask for directions, or ultimately find her way out of the entrance section. But that's crazy - it couldn't be her fault, we must have made it all up!
That sticks with me and when someone complains about something lacking I often wonder if they just didn't look enough. I'm not saying you can't find the game repetitive - I certainly think they need more maps and tilesets. But no RP missions, no sense of accomplshment? Come on...
I do agree with Amasir. now i did hate some of the arcs cause you'd get to the end and sometimes you might get stuck cause you cant find the glowie. That was annoying. I petitioned to get that mission dropped. they did not do it so i had to spend like an hour to finish it. Now they have the new feature where u can drop a mission I hear- something they used to not have.
Story arcs also need to reward a bit more xp (especially upon completeion of a series). people still farm papers for xp mostly. And people are farming content like sewers etc which is not good. sure this happens in like every MMO though whereas people hang around for the big xp and if it doesnt happen they leave the group (if too much debt builds up etc)
But I feel I cannot comment on repetitiveness very much. since I am guilty of farming papers on hardest difficulty so i could lvl faster. And I farmed the hell out of Cuda AV before she got nerfed to go from 23-30+. Then farmed that Freaks mission from 30-40 on one or two toons
On my brute I mostly soloed missions for fun I loved maxing out my fury bar.
Anyway I'm not the authority in PvE in any regards but I agree that I felt accomplishments from doing the task forces and some of the hard content and from the story arcs I had to do for the good Badges (like demonic aura power)
edit- Again I am no expert on PvE but I really loved some of the Villain arcs. Folks used to say Villain PvE > Hero PvE not sure if they still say that. I loved my story arc for my Black Scorpian epic it was fun. Had some other fun ones in that nice looking arachnos interipr tile set. Some of the CoT missions were fun like getting the extra costume slot. The Villain TF 'would be' awesome if it wasnt so darn hard. I did grow to despise that one. but there's some other awesome ones where u do stuff for the fortunas and ghost widow. And like I just said- the patron story arcs are fun and engaging. I am not sure how numerous fun story arcs like that are though.
and sometimes you might get stuck cause you cant find the glowie.
They BLINK and they emit a WOOP WOOP sound if you walk close by...
Which IMO is great, I play without the sounds, so sometimes I miss them, turn the sound on, and I walk around...pretty hard to miss them with the sound.
On my new toons, I do stories that give badges usually, but I will admit, I don't do stories which don't give badges much.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
SWG Refugee
Bloodfin Server - Starke
But the spawn and mission system has not changed significantly that I know of.
Weird in regards to customer service I always felt they were top notch. I once got stuck in a mission trying to get my epic, the GM helped me out ASAP. and like 2 other times GM's checked my mission to see why the mission wouldnt complete.
MMORPGs are virtual skinner boxes.
don't be too disappointed when you go back and it's 85% the same things you remember. except now heroes have cop radio missions, like villains have paper missions. so there's a little more variety, but um, yeah, don't expect a LOT, and you'll be happy.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
I have a very funny relationship with this game. It's a blast to play for a very short time, but then I just have to cancel due to sheer boredom. Last time I played was in October of last year, for just a month. I reactivated my account 2 days ago, and just this moment cancelled again. I quickly remembered how boring it becomes. I have 5 charcters ranging from 40-47, never hit 50 on any of them simply because I get bored to tears playing the game after a short time.
I noticed two things when I logged back on which were pretty neat. As the previous poster (Damien7) said, the radio missions are new. They are a nice twist. It basically acts like another contact, and you can do missions given to you by the radio. The other thing I noticed was breakable items in the city environment. For example, there is a swinging gate that you can swing back and forth, and if you run into it hard enough, it breaks off it's hinges. I don't know how long either of these things have been in the game, but they are new to me.
There are a small handful of little things they add every few months, but it's just not enough to justify keeping an ongoing subscription. I get the same feeling from just about every single group I'm in too. When I happen to get in a group in 7 or 8 people (which is fun by the way, due to the number of mobs in missions), it seems that after 2 missions max, people become zombified and everyone at once says "Well, it was fun..have to go <insert real life actiivity here>". It's almost comical, because you can tell everyone gets bored after doing 2 missions, and they almost leave skid marks logging out of the game.
It's a nice change of pace from a WoW/EQ type game where you have to micro manage everything (inventory, bank slots, auctions, gold, etc). However, this game is the total opposite where you do NOTHING but fighting. You simply have nothing else to do. The only management you have is your enhancement slots which is unbelievably quick and simple to do.
Yes the fighting is fun, yes the graphics and effects are super, but the game is just lacking...something.
That of course is the pick-up group situation, people leave, but I think I have better than average success with mine because my top priority is speed. The tank (or scrapper or controller, whoever's aggroing) has absolutely no reason to pause between groups, their feet should never stop moving. And the leader knows the mission is ending, they can recruit for blank spots at the end and have the next mission in mind. Especially with scanners now, if no one has a good mission ready and I don't have an arc open, I'll just grab scanners to keep it moving.
I never quite figured out why people love my teams so much, but I think that's a big part of it. Another thing I do differently than a lot, and this ties into the "repetitive" complaint, is change strategies as I see fit. Herding is a great tool, but there's no reason to do it every time. Maybe the controller opens, which is different for each controller and possibly from group to group. Even blasters, my fire/fire, ice/em, and ar/dev play pretty differently from each other, even if they don't (necessarily) open.
And there are other things to do to challenge yourself, making them pretty different experiences. Last Sunday I took it upon myself to solo the respec trial. On Invincible no less. It was a bit lonely (if not for global channels) but definitely wasn't a "repeat" of any experience I had elsewhere in game. I'd like to try it on a blaster eventually (on heroic though).
Don't get me wrong, the "new" feeling does indeed wear off, and I wish they'd come with more damn tilesets. (Though they did get better on that with i8, both with new faultline sets and with minor additions to warehouse and office layouts.) But I have to wonder if people who find the game repetitive that fast aren't just choosing to repeat themselves a little.
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
I can't see how it's dying. I have yet to be able to form a 6 man team within 10 minutes, anywhere. 8 man I can do in 30.
You have to accept that your team will constantly cycle through people. But that's not a big deal, if you're ready for it.
I avoid task forces for that reason - people get annoyed, people want to leave, and you can't add them in. It's all the difficulties of doing an instance in WoW, combined with the fact that you don't really get that much for doing one.
Who am I?
@Lorechaser on CoH
Badjuju, Splinterhoof, Plainsrunner on WoW (Moonrunner)
Shyy'rissk on SWG (Flurry)
ClockworkSoldier, HE Pierce, Letnev on Planetside
Gyshe, Crucible, Terrakal on DDO
And many more.
Well im playing cox again and now im loving it its much more populated, sure it gets boring sometimes but then that leaves room for me to do other things, like play my console or read a book etc. The truth is im glad I came back wow took to much time to do stuff in my opinion. And I love how fast I can get into a team this is why I play online is to team with others.
Did you reroll on freedom or return to your old server? Gratz
What they need to do is add micro-managment! Take away from the constant fighting with some real RPG stuff - they are moving in this direction slowley with the introduction of Loot and Inventions (crafting) - and also with the bases. What they need is a more RPG orientated quest system where you could solo if you wish and it felt like a real accomplishment, what it lacks is anythign to look forward to besides the next level.
Comic book MMORPGS should be just that (RPG) since the comics lend themselves so greatly to that - Perhaps the DC or Marvel Universe games coming out will have more RPG elements. (My claim to fame is a superman build Lvl 25 tanker - and yes, I got bored!)
Though you can use a team for any part of it, arcs are definitely solo-friendly since you have to run a series of your own missions for the same contact. Like this (and I'm going by memory here, but this is pretty close to a real arc or 2):
Contact: Hero, there's been a break-in at a warehouse in King's Row. Get over there and see if you can stop them?
Mission: defeat all Banished Pantheon in warehouse.
Clue: Though you stopped most of the robbers, a few of the Banished Pantheon got away. It seems they were after very specific crates belonging to a Manuel Roberts.
Contact: So the Banished Pantheon were after something specific? You'd better go ask the Roberts what was in there.
Mission: Free hostages
Clue: The Pantheon have taken 4 of the Roberts family hostage.
Contact: The Pantheon are definitely up to something, but what is the connection to the Roberts family? We need some leads. Go to Dark Astoria and shake down some zombies for clues.
Mission: Defeat 20 Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria
Mission: Investigate base (Beat boss & associates), free 1 hostage
Clue: When you rescued Shelly Roberts, she said "they say we're decendants of some ancient race and have magic powers. That's crazy, I'm an accountant!"
Clue: After defeating the boss, you found a book labeled "Secrets of the Mu" but you can't read it.
Contact: The Mu? The name sounds vaguely familiar from old legends but I don't understand. You'd better take this book to Azuria.
Mission: Deliver book to Azuria
Azuria: The Mu were a very powerful race of magic users many centuries ago. We thought they were all wiped out but the Banished Pantheon seem to think otherwise. The good news is I know a source for more information. The bad news is the hosts won't part with it easily.
Mission: Retrieve book from Circle of Thorns base(Glowie click)
Azuria: Of course, now I see it. Many years ago the Mu fought against the evil goddess Marnica and were able to lock her away forever. In captivity she's been mostly powerless, but was able to reach out to the Banished Pantheon. It seems that if they could harness the power of the Mu, they'd be able to free her. Those crates they stole must have some powerful artifacts. You have to stop them!
Contact: Clearly we have to find those artifacts. Fortunately, I have a lead.
Mission: Retrieve Mu artifacts (glowie click)
Clue: You located the Book of the Mu, the Chest of the Mu, and the Spatula of the Mu.
Contact: Azuria just called, she made a mistake! The Pantheon don't want the power of the artifacts, they want the souls of the decendants themselves! They've probably already started the summoning ceremony, so get to that old altar and stop them!
Mission: Stop ceremony, shut down altar, free hostages (glowie click, boss & friends, 3 hostages)
Contact: You did it, congratulations! The Roberts family thanks you, and so does all of Paragon. If Marnica had been summoned, I don't know if we ever would have been able to get rid of her again. For your reward, please take the Spatula of Mu as a souvenier, and also your choice of Single-Origin enhancements (and a bunch of xp).
OK I took a little liberty on names and stuff, especially toward the end, but that's pretty close. How exactly is that not "RPG orientated"? How does it not give you a sense of accomplishment? You have that souvenier sitting in your clues forever then, so you can always go back and re-read the story you acted out.
My one minor gripe is that the souvenier is hidden away where only you can see it. It should be something you could show off, like a base decorative item or something like that. But in terms of a accomplishment, that's pretty good - and a mid-20s arc as well.
I'm reminded of a story from a few years ago when I was working at a Six Flags park. One day this woman comes up ranting about how she should sue us for false advertising, how half the rides in the commercials don't even exist. Well they most certainly do exist, it just turns out she couldn't read a map, see an open walkway, read a sign, follow a crowd, ask for directions, or ultimately find her way out of the entrance section. But that's crazy - it couldn't be her fault, we must have made it all up!
That sticks with me and when someone complains about something lacking I often wonder if they just didn't look enough. I'm not saying you can't find the game repetitive - I certainly think they need more maps and tilesets. But no RP missions, no sense of accomplshment? Come on...
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
I do agree with Amasir. now i did hate some of the arcs cause you'd get to the end and sometimes you might get stuck cause you cant find the glowie. That was annoying. I petitioned to get that mission dropped. they did not do it so i had to spend like an hour to finish it. Now they have the new feature where u can drop a mission I hear- something they used to not have.
Story arcs also need to reward a bit more xp (especially upon completeion of a series). people still farm papers for xp mostly. And people are farming content like sewers etc which is not good. sure this happens in like every MMO though whereas people hang around for the big xp and if it doesnt happen they leave the group (if too much debt builds up etc)
But I feel I cannot comment on repetitiveness very much. since I am guilty of farming papers on hardest difficulty so i could lvl faster. And I farmed the hell out of Cuda AV before she got nerfed to go from 23-30+. Then farmed that Freaks mission from 30-40 on one or two toons
On my brute I mostly soloed missions for fun I loved maxing out my fury bar.
Anyway I'm not the authority in PvE in any regards but I agree that I felt accomplishments from doing the task forces and some of the hard content and from the story arcs I had to do for the good Badges (like demonic aura power)
edit- Again I am no expert on PvE but I really loved some of the Villain arcs. Folks used to say Villain PvE > Hero PvE not sure if they still say that. I loved my story arc for my Black Scorpian epic it was fun. Had some other fun ones in that nice looking arachnos interipr tile set. Some of the CoT missions were fun like getting the extra costume slot. The Villain TF 'would be' awesome if it wasnt so darn hard. I did grow to despise that one. but there's some other awesome ones where u do stuff for the fortunas and ghost widow. And like I just said- the patron story arcs are fun and engaging. I am not sure how numerous fun story arcs like that are though.
They BLINK and they emit a WOOP WOOP sound if you walk close by...
Which IMO is great, I play without the sounds, so sometimes I miss them, turn the sound on, and I walk around...pretty hard to miss them with the sound.
On my new toons, I do stories that give badges usually, but I will admit, I don't do stories which don't give badges much.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren