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I wish they would stop making games for the PS2, and only make games for either X-BOX or Gamecube. I can't stand the graphics on PS2, the system just plain sucks. It is so inferior when compared to the cube and box. I would enjoy GT3-aspec, FF games, and the rest soooo much more if they were made for one of the other systems. The Dreamcast had better graphics than this POS. That's what I think...
Do you even own a PS2? As far as I'm concerned, it's the most cheapest and reliable system out there.
Compared to the Gamecube, the PS2 has a much better game selection (more titles that are standouts). Also, it can play CDs and DVDs along with the games, something the Gamecube is far from.
The X-Box, which is put out by the biggest moneygrabbing monopoly on our planet, has horrible game selection (most of the games are out for PS2, and they're even better on that system), and for DVDs they require you to buy an add on.
PS2 has the best game selection out there, with all the games from the PSone and the PS2 available. You say the graphics suck and all...but if you love the FF series, you've obviously never played FF7. Those graphics were horrible, yet a great game. Gamecube and XBOX may have better graphics than PS2(thats what happens when they come out 2 years late), but the PS2 excels in features and game selection FAR ahead of them.
Just my thoughts.
no matter where u come from... no matter where u are now... no matter where ur going... its all about the EXP
Just imagine if they made those games exclusively for either GC or XB. Sony is the gaming monopoly, and should be stopped. Dreamcast died because of them, and I loved that system. Its true that they have a large selection, but those games would have worked just as well on another system minus the pixilated graphics. Dreamcast had/has better graphics and it was released long before PS2, could you explain that?
I WISH THERE WERE NO CONSOLES! Think about this: Why do consoles exist when there's PCs? PCs can be fully customized and run faster than Consoles. Computers don't have preferences for games (unless its Apple/Microsoft). PC games tend to cost less than console games. Computers came first. Computers and consoles are becoming more and more alike; soon you won't be able to tell the difference!!!! Computers can do more things than consoles can.
You could argue that more gaming hits come out on consoles than computers...and you'd be right. That's why I own a PS2. X-box and PC. Gamecube? Hell no. Gamecube is just plain retarded.
Ok, why not to buy a Gamecube: Gamecubes have those small annoying disks and can't play DVDs like X-box and PS2. Gamecube doesn't get half the hits that X-box and PS2 get. Gamecube is slower than both PS2 and X-box (with Xbox being fastest). Gamecube has the reputation of being a child's system (blame pokemon). And finally, Gamecube doesn't have the online play depth that Xbox and PS2 have. In fact it's practically non-existent.
In my personally opinion, people who like Gamecube have their own preference...just don't say its "better than other systems".
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My only problem with PC games is that they cost soooo much. Let me explain, in order to run them perfectly you have to have the latest and greatest cards, massive ammounts of memory, etc... And you know how often they change their specs, and need better graphics cards. A really good card alone could run for $500.00+, which is insane! If you don't meet the specs you end up with a half ass game, that runs poorly. I don't want to jeopordize the graphics just cause my system doesn't meet the specs.
Plus you can only upgrade for so long, then your system becomes obsolite and incompatible with the new hardware. Plus I like playing games off of my TV. What you said about the GC might be true, but I don't care as long as the games aren't on PS2...
I refuse to enter this debate again...
There are a few guys saying to themselves "Thank God" somewhere in this world as they read this message.
Um WRONG. Dreamcast failed because SEGA were a bunch of lazy jackasses who failed to develop any sort of support strategy with third-party software developers, despite the fact that the dreamcast was superior hardware. They did the exact same thing with the Saturn before that (I bought both, yay). Now they have bailed out of hardware completely, and I for one will never ever buy, rent, touch, look at, or spit on anything made by SEGA again, ever. . .
"I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If, on your journey, you should encounter God. . .
. . . God will be cut."
- Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill
Requiiem, Templar
the only console i enjoy, if it can be considered one, is gameboy advance. i probably play it more often than i breathe! just one more round of advanced wars 2... ok one more...
ps2 is good for platformers and rpg's. never liked xbox, if supposedly its greatest game is halo. never tried gamecube, considering getting one since its only 100. i dont care about the graphics, ps2 just gets better games.
The graphics on PS2 Games are great. There are a few that are beyond crap but there are others that are awsome. Like MGS 2 or Final Fantasy X and X-2. Its the best console out there in my opinion. Its got the best games the best controle the best the best .....everything!
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