Originally posted by laffncry I like the story very much..just wondering what would be a fitting end?? i hope it would be a good one coz it would be upsetting to see a lame ending
What really is a lame ending? Ah, well anyways here is a popular series of movies on WCM, they features the storie thats behind WoW. I haven't watched the movies myself, will do when I get time tho. The movies got very high average score tho (around 4.8 of 5.0 max).
Dude thanx for the info, I always wanted those movies out of the game. Now I can watch them anytime, SWEET! As for a ending for WoW you could have the frozen lands as the new area and try to kill the Lich King is a good idea, but there can never be a ending for that game because as long as the Horde and Alliance do not get along there will always be warcraft.
I like the story very much..just wondering what would be a fitting end?? i hope it would be a good one coz it would be upsetting to see a lame ending
What really is a lame ending? Ah, well anyways here is a popular series of movies on WCM, they features the storie thats behind WoW. I haven't watched the movies myself, will do when I get time tho. The movies got very high average score tho (around 4.8 of 5.0 max).
I like the story very much..just wondering what would be a fitting end?? i hope it would be a good one coz it would be upsetting to see a lame ending
Death of Arthas of course..
i think not... u see there are 2 sides that azerothians (us) are fighting... that is scourge and burning legion, 2 factions not just 1 :P
arthas is leader of the scourge, so evidently kil'jaedin who is the leader of the burning legion should have to die as well :P that's right! but in what way?? by whom?? grr..this is making me wish that there would be a WOW movie!
I like the story very much..just wondering what would be a fitting end?? i hope it would be a good one coz it would be upsetting to see a lame ending
The invention of Artificial Intelligence, of course. Goblin and Gnome engineers finally agree to join forces and construct something known as "Skynether". "Skynether" is an azeroth-wide defense system meant to protect both Alliance and Horde alike. Sadly, "Skynether" became self-aware and millions of Goblin landmines and Gnomish rockets fired on every part of Azeroth.
The death of Arthas would be a fitting end. He should die after all those demons. But I don't want the story to end before Furion Stormrage returns from his sleep, or we get to visit Emerald Dream and see him there. He is my absolute favourite character in the Warcraft universe.
it doen't matter what's the end, important is that Medivh will lead us there (yes he is dead but he was already dead during WC3 but who saved the world?^^)
I would think the end would come with the conclusion of some of the current unresolved story arcs (The humans kidnapped king being found, Malfurion coming back) and the death/defeat of some of the main villians and factions (Arthas and Illidian being killed, the Burning Legion getting pushed of Outland, the Nagas and other factions being reduced to minor such minor threats that the armies of the Horde and Alliance don't waste all their resources on them.) I would imagine they would keep the Burning Leagion and Kil'Jaden alive atleast so they can make a Warcraft IV. As a ultimate ending for all of Warcraft in general we would of course need to have Sageras return from the dead (or where ever the hell he may be at since his defeat in Medivhs body during the first Warcraft) and a grand final battle that would see the Horde and the Alliance finally mend their differences and stand as a whole once more against the Burning Legion. It will then end with Sageras being defeated by some grand world shattering spell (similiar to his first defeat by the Night Elves when the Well of Eternity blew up) and the threat of the Burning Legion ending forever.
I like the story very much..just wondering what would be a fitting end?? i hope it would be a good one coz it would be upsetting to see a lame ending
Death of Arthas of course..
i think not... u see there are 2 sides that azerothians (us) are fighting... that is scourge and burning legion, 2 factions not just 1 :P
arthas is leader of the scourge, so evidently kil'jaedin who is the leader of the burning legion should have to die as well :Pthat's right! but in what way?? by whom?? grr..this is making me wish that there would be a WOW movie!
supposedly, there are making a Warcraft movie. Live action. I don't know where/how/when it fits into the Warcraft universe, or even if it is still being made, but they did an official announcement on it a while back. Makes sense, but given the quality of the cinematic scenes they do for their games, even if they did a CG movie it'd blow everything out of the water, even FFXI cg movie which was absolutely incredible.
and I concur that the next major expansion will be the frozen lands of Northrend and a battle with Arthas. We can now face Illidan, and I think Naxxaramas and the invasion of the Scourge is the precursor to a new scourge invasion of both realms by Arthas. Now that the dark portal is reopened, Arthas will want to finish Illidan once and for all, so he'll launch a massive invasion of Azeroth and Outland. This will take the battle to Northrend and a final confrontation with Arthas.
Beyond that, the Burning Legion still exists, is quite mad at the people of Outland/Azeroth for defeating them... I'm sure we'll see another Reign of Chaos before the end of Warcraft.
After they do all of this, they still have StarCraft and Diablo
supposedly, there are making a Warcraft movie. Live action. I don't know where/how/when it fits into the Warcraft universe, or even if it is still being made, but they did an official announcement on it a while back. Makes sense, but given the quality of the cinematic scenes they do for their games, even if they did a CG movie it'd blow everything out of the water, even FFXI cg movie which was absolutely incredible.
and I concur that the next major expansion will be the frozen lands of Northrend and a battle with Arthas. We can now face Illidan, and I think Naxxaramas and the invasion of the Scourge is the precursor to a new scourge invasion of both realms by Arthas. Now that the dark portal is reopened, Arthas will want to finish Illidan once and for all, so he'll launch a massive invasion of Azeroth and Outland. This will take the battle to Northrend and a final confrontation with Arthas. Beyond that, the Burning Legion still exists, is quite mad at the people of Outland/Azeroth for defeating them... I'm sure we'll see another Reign of Chaos before the end of Warcraft. After they do all of this, they still have StarCraft and Diablo
from what i read, Blizzard is making a warcraft movie but not with the storyline the game have. it would be like the FF:spirits within movie. i do hope and want that the movie would be based on the beginning of warcraft up until now.
Well there are plenty of events, stories and characters that they never really fully explained or only hinted at (Like whatever happened to Garona Half-Orc after Gul'Dan tortured her? How did Medivh come back after being killed during the first war?). I wouldn't be suprised though if Blizzard uses the movie to tell some story arc that they had originally planned on implementing but never got around too (Kinda like how Warcraft: Adventures, which was the story of how Thrall was raised by humans and what he did to eventually become Warchief, got cancelled as a game but then had its story told through book format in Warcraft: Lord of the Clans).
Do you mean like when the Titans came to the planet that would become Azeroth to fight the Old Gods and form the world to their vision and before the Titan Sargeras got corrupted and started his burning crusade? Or do you mean the begining in which Medivh opened the Dark Portal and let the Orcs come through as in the first Warcraft game? Because the fomrer probably wouldn't do so will mostly because you wouldn't see any of the races we have come to love and associate with warcraft (though perhaps the war with the Old Gods could be pretty cool and seeing Sargeras go from protector of worlds to the destoryer of worlds would be interesting), while the latter idea could work. Either way though I think they should try and do this in CG as Blizz does a hell of a job with all their cutscenes and do to Warcraft's unique visual style I think I live action version might look alittle silly or atleast "not warcraft enough" for fans.
warcraft will always be stuck in a constant loop of wars i dont think there will never be a definate end. But there always is a end to major characters like uther, grom etc. All bets are malfurion will be killed, illdan will eventually be killed but not by players. Arthas is a maaaaajor character he will never be killed off he is a major faction leader thrall will most likely die before arthas but i dont see thrall dying. Carne will probably be killed and his son will take over.
Raid wipes, no loot everyone cries: "Oh nose, these pixels are so awesome". Arthas *evil* lolz roflz, runs away "See you in Lootcraft in year 2035 losers!". The saga continues ->[insert infinite loop here]<-.
Death of Arthas wouldnt mark anything except the death of the current Lich King
What would mark the end of the game is the annihilation of the Horde or Alliance, because then it would simply become World of Horde/Alliance... The war would then become between scourge and whomever remained and the Burning Legion
i think that wouldn't make the story great. i mean they are arch-rivals even if they joined forces against the scourge/burning legion. it wouldn't be complete with one of get annihilated or something. i guess it should be between the scourge or the burning legion.
What really is a lame ending? Ah, well anyways here is a popular series of movies on WCM, they features the storie thats behind WoW. I haven't watched the movies myself, will do when I get time tho. The movies got very high average score tho (around 4.8 of 5.0 max).
Pre WoW Part 1
Pre WoW Part 2
Pre WoW Part 3
Pre WoW Part 4
Pre WoW Part 5
Pre WoW Part 6
Pre WoW Part 7
Pre WoW Part 8
Pre WoW Part 9, act 1
Pre WoW Part 9, act 2
Pre Wow Part 9, act 3 FINAL
Which FF Character Are You?
Currently Playing: WoW, Guild Wars, DDO
Have Played: FFXI, EVE, CoH/CoV, Linage2, LotRO: Alpha - Open Beta
Awaiting: WAR, WAR40K
NON-MMO Playing: Jade Empire
What really is a lame ending? Ah, well anyways here is a popular series of movies on WCM, they features the storie thats behind WoW. I haven't watched the movies myself, will do when I get time tho. The movies got very high average score tho (around 4.8 of 5.0 max).
Pre WoW Part 1
well for me a lame ending would be when it would not justify the story. anyway, tnx for the wow movies. i love those!!Pre WoW Part 2
Pre WoW Part 3
Pre WoW Part 4
Pre WoW Part 5
Pre WoW Part 6
Pre WoW Part 7
Pre WoW Part 8
Pre WoW Part 9, act 1
Pre WoW Part 9, act 2
Pre Wow Part 9, act 3 FINAL
i think not... u see there are 2 sides that azerothians (us) are fighting... that is scourge and burning legion, 2 factions not just 1 :P
arthas is leader of the scourge, so evidently kil'jaedin who is the leader of the burning legion should have to die as well :P
i think not... u see there are 2 sides that azerothians (us) are fighting... that is scourge and burning legion, 2 factions not just 1 :P
arthas is leader of the scourge, so evidently kil'jaedin who is the leader of the burning legion should have to die as well :P that's right! but in what way?? by whom?? grr..this is making me wish that there would be a WOW movie!
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
currently playing: Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2.
Waiting for: Warhammer:Age Of Reckoning, A good Star Wars MMO
Retired From: WoW 40 Ne Rogue/40 Tauren war/40 BE Hunter, SWG 72 Bothan Medic, CoV 40 DM/Regen stalker, GW 20 W/R 14 E/M 14 W/R, DAoC 20 Vampiir 20 BM 20 BD 20 Thane.
how about a nice tall glass of STFU
The death of Arthas would be a fitting end. He should die after all those demons. But I don't want the story to end before Furion Stormrage returns from his sleep, or we get to visit Emerald Dream and see him there. He is my absolute favourite character in the Warcraft universe.
it doen't matter what's the end, important is that Medivh will lead us there (yes he is dead but he was already dead during WC3 but who saved the world?^^)
And thats my 2 cents
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
i think not... u see there are 2 sides that azerothians (us) are fighting... that is scourge and burning legion, 2 factions not just 1 :P
arthas is leader of the scourge, so evidently kil'jaedin who is the leader of the burning legion should have to die as well :Pthat's right! but in what way?? by whom?? grr..this is making me wish that there would be a WOW movie!
supposedly, there are making a Warcraft movie. Live action. I don't know where/how/when it fits into the Warcraft universe, or even if it is still being made, but they did an official announcement on it a while back. Makes sense, but given the quality of the cinematic scenes they do for their games, even if they did a CG movie it'd blow everything out of the water, even FFXI cg movie which was absolutely incredible.
and I concur that the next major expansion will be the frozen lands of Northrend and a battle with Arthas. We can now face Illidan, and I think Naxxaramas and the invasion of the Scourge is the precursor to a new scourge invasion of both realms by Arthas. Now that the dark portal is reopened, Arthas will want to finish Illidan once and for all, so he'll launch a massive invasion of Azeroth and Outland. This will take the battle to Northrend and a final confrontation with Arthas.
Beyond that, the Burning Legion still exists, is quite mad at the people of Outland/Azeroth for defeating them... I'm sure we'll see another Reign of Chaos before the end of Warcraft.
After they do all of this, they still have StarCraft and Diablo
Well there are plenty of events, stories and characters that they never really fully explained or only hinted at (Like whatever happened to Garona Half-Orc after Gul'Dan tortured her? How did Medivh come back after being killed during the first war?). I wouldn't be suprised though if Blizzard uses the movie to tell some story arc that they had originally planned on implementing but never got around too (Kinda like how Warcraft: Adventures, which was the story of how Thrall was raised by humans and what he did to eventually become Warchief, got cancelled as a game but then had its story told through book format in Warcraft: Lord of the Clans).
And thats my 2 cents
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
And thats my 2 cents
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Raid wipes, no loot everyone cries: "Oh nose, these pixels are so awesome". Arthas *evil* lolz roflz, runs away "See you in Lootcraft in year 2035 losers!". The saga continues ->[insert infinite loop here]<-.
Later this evening: "At least we tried. "
What would mark the end of the game is the annihilation of the Horde or Alliance, because then it would simply become World of Horde/Alliance... The war would then become between scourge and whomever remained and the Burning Legion