About a mont ago I was at the main NCSoft website where I signed up for a beta key for Tabula Rasa. Anyone else out there sign up for this this beta and have gotten an invite yet?
I also saw a taped interview with one of the devs, I think for TR and she was suppotive and and excited about beta, but very, very noncomittal as to when TR would do another large scale batch of invites. Now, this was a taped interview several weeks back, so not sure if they've started inviting yet.
Anyone have any word on this?
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
John Lennon
haven't heard a thing from NC soft since i signed up
"It's no good coming to our game if you are trying to grow weed, It's no good coming to our game if you want to make pants. It's only worth coming to our game if you want to burn things to the ground."
-Paul Barnett, WAR is coming
A tricky thing, beta invites...
If someone HAS gotten an invite and are currently beta testing, they can't tell you :P
From what I understand from rumors is that the game is still in a very very closed beta whereby 'friends and family' are the only ones playing. Sometime soon they are going to send out about 1,000 invites, then a month or so later, they'll send out another 1,000.
P.S. Hi CuppaJo!
The Diva...
<p align=center><a target=_blank href=http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm><img border=0 src=http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/20.jpg></a></p>
I was hinting that he put one on here, where I would see it
Or he could just email me one - with a question like,"Did you receive this email? Reply to win a beta account"
<p align=center><a target=_blank href=http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm><img border=0 src=http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/20.jpg></a></p>
I was hinting that he put one on here, where I would see it
Or he could just email me one - with a question like,"Did you receive this email? Reply to win a beta account"
CuppaJo being a women might not like being referred to as a HE.