That's about what I'm thinking too. The fact they've started to gear up the beta phase is good news, but they've already slated late summer for open beta, which I'll guesstimate 2 weeks of that, which puts us in the mid-late Q3 to early Q4 time frame.
Current Games: WOW, EVE Online
PlanetTR are giving you another possibility to enter the TR Closed Beta Test directly from the front door, with a caption contest.
Planet TR Caption contest for T.R Beta slots
Or do you mean your invite?
That's about what I'm thinking too. The fact they've started to gear up the beta phase is good news, but they've already slated late summer for open beta, which I'll guesstimate 2 weeks of that, which puts us in the mid-late Q3 to early Q4 time frame.
Whilst there is no firm data a couple of sites are quoting a NCSoft rep as saying its currently set for end of Q3.
Press statement quote thingy here