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Good Rogue Build..

Remlin34Remlin34 Member Posts: 12
What is a good rogue build?


  • kertcralwerkertcralwer Member Posts: 3

    This is not really the right forum to ask that, but since you did, just go to this web site

    then head over to the section labled General, which is at the very top of the side list, and check out guides.

  • OysterBoyOysterBoy Member Posts: 8
    it depends do u waNNA THROW STARS OR USE A DAGGER?
  • OysterBoyOysterBoy Member Posts: 8
    oops caps lock went on there
  • OysterBoyOysterBoy Member Posts: 8
    if u want any help add on msn messenger
  • geeman1237geeman1237 Member Posts: 25
    personally right now the sindit is one of the best out there now. its a mix between the assasin skills and the bandit skills. to master the skills for it  use the guide on . its cool because u can throw stars and use the dagger as a great attack on long range and short range attacks. have fun!! 


  • PhantasmNLPhantasmNL Member Posts: 13

    Sindits suck, and there are reasons why: 1. they are VERY costly to keep up both a good dagger and a claw&stars 2. some people say that sindits train faster, this is NOT true, sure, they lvl up quickly in 1st job, but everyone does, ('cept for archers, maybe) and what difference does it make? 1 day? not worth it if ur going for the long run.... 3. can u imagine yourself switching between your dagger and your claw & stars at say...Tauromacis? training as a thief (and especially as a bandit) requires timing and skill, because u have that low hp, and still are a melee class ('cept fer sins) and tauros deal at lvl 7x 500+ touch damage and 700+ magic damage, u need 2 seconds to switch, and tauros Run as fast (if not, faster) then you with maxed haste, they'll bump into you, and in the worst scenario, u cant even equip your claw/dagger because ur in the fighting "stance". 4. also, they lose out at 30 - 40 to other sins with their lucky 7 damage because they dont get  critical, and as a result, get VERY slow training from 30 - 40, wich are already the most difficult lvls for any character

    simply said, be an assassin if u like teh ranged way, and a bandit if u like it the melee way, nothing in between

    Characters: (Maplestory)
    Lv80 Chief bandit~ PhantasmNL
    Lv51 Sin~ UltraRebel
    Thieves for Ever ^^
    R> Guild "Fear" (Scania) PM me

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