Hello, I'm thinking about coming back to DAoC, but I have a few questions I would like to ask. Firstly, has the community turned sour? I've heard it has from a few places, So I wanted to know if this was true or not. Secondly, I'm getting a horrendous frame-rate while running on a Geforce4 MX 4000. I emailed Mythic, and they told me upgrading would be my best bet. So, I was wondering, if I upgrade to an Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 would remedy the situation?
Thanks a ton for your help
I have painted a dark picture but it is still likely the best community in an mmorpg around. If you are wanting the original days of pick up groups where your class and spec did not matter, that is gone. If you want to go back to having easy groups in the Front, those are gone as well. A lot of the bonds that held players and realms together are gone. But, it is not as though most players have turned into asses, camp steal, harass, or do anything really bad to other players. Things just are not as nice as they used to be.
I am surprised you could even login to DAOC. The MX cards are not directx9 and you need that to play. A 5200 would help but that is still 3 series behind. We would also need to know the rest of your specs. A 5000 series is the minimum and I would suggest you go for a 6000 series of some sort. Try newegg.com for cards since when I have gone to most stores they try and sell vid cards for 3-5 times their actual cost and act as though a card that is 1-2 years old is top of the line.
And I'm running at 1.5G's of RAM with an Intel Celeron CPU 2.53GH. I would get a high end card in a heartbeat, but, sadly, I'm stuck with PCI slots. I want to upgrade to AGP, but on a tight budget, it's just not in the cards.
Your comp seems fine. Father odd to have a 2.53 ghz with a PCI slot. I still think you should check newegg. You could probably get a new mobo and vid card really cheap. $160 I spent a month ago to upgrade wifes computer to AMD 64 3400, new mobo, and 7600GT card.
Thanks a lot for your help, once I get myself a new motherboard and get set up with a new graphics card, I'll come back.
If your comp can handle WoW it can handle DAoC!