Hello I'm a pretty big mmo fan even though the entire market is pretty stale atm with alot of good titles a long ways off. I just left a couple games which the community was eating away at me. I'm a LONG time dungeons and dragons player from back in the Ad&d days. I've always wanted to play UO but i never knew anyone who did so i shy'd away not wanting to delve in alone. I'm just curious: How's the game going Do you think i'd enjoy it at this stage and hows the community?
If you're a flamer please don't post as i will disregard your comment immidiatly.
Please all comments good or bad State reasons so this doesn't turn into a flame war.
Thank you all in advance for your help.
I think it's never too late to play UO. For a game that's been going now for a good 7-8 years, it's doing remarkbly well. The community is fantastic, there are always people to help you out, which means you can easily delve into it alone. The only other MMORPG which has a very good community IMO is EverQuest II.
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I played from roughly 2000 to 2003, and from my personal experience, it's the only game which can keep me immersed and 'in-the-zone' for that long. There's a 14 day trial on the Ultima Online website, give it a go, you've got nothing to lose.
No longer visiting MMORPG.com.
I played UO when it first came out for about 3-4 years. Hands down the best MMO I've ever played still to this day. However, the game has changed a lot since then and that is why I'm not longer a fan. The game is still great, I just wasn't able to adapt to the changes (that's just how it goes sometimes). I agree, try the 14 day trial and see how it goes. As far as any game like UO there doesn't look like there will be one until Darkfall and that game is up in the air right now.
You should give it a try. I used to play back when it first came out and loved it. I started playing again a few weeks ago and I still love it. There has been a lot of changes. Some I like. Some I do not. But for one who has never played the game the changes won't affect you. There is a free trial. Nothing to lose. I say go for it. And if you end up playing on Atlantic let me know. I joined one of the best guilds I have ever been in. They are very, very helpful.
Don't waste your time on Ultima Online.
Here's the straight scoop in a nutshell:
Ultima Online was once a great game many years ago, but for the past seven years Electronic Arts has neglected it both technologically and design-wise with imbalanced and ridiculous expansions aimed solely at milking it's existing customer base out of money, litterally dangling virtual-junk carrots in front of their player's eyes to entice them into buying the latest "expansion." These expansions have done very little to actually improve upon the game design or technology, and in many cases have ruined cool or interesting features and destroyed most of the original game design that was responsible for Ultima Online's success.
It's garbled junk now, the mixed product of EA corporate greed and numerous different producers and game designers that have come and gone over the years, each with their own "great ideas" for what to do with the game.
I started last weekend and would definetly say it's not too late. I've spent the time trying to decide between the standard shards, where there's ALOT of anti-griefing rules, and Siege Perilous where it's much more open, but the active population on that server is only in the low hundreds.
Personally I've come to dig it because of the open-endedness. Other MMOs are just a more or less linear chore from start to finish and all the classes do the same ride. Because Siege is openloot in a FFA pvp setting it means people don't bother with the high end items everyone has on the prodo shards and instead use mostly player made items (which are easily replaced on death), this gives you a more equal footing and the chance to get rich on crafting because the economics is playercontrolled
Should you try UO? In my opinion, if you asked yourself the question in the first place then you're probably openminded enough to go 'back in time' and see how great MMORPGs used to be before they were dumbed down (and make sure you get a piece of the experience while you still can) It's no harder than downloading the two week trial. And if the standard UO servers aren't giving you the sort of kick you're looking for, or you want to be a merchant, then you go to Siege once you've got hang of the basics.
Thanx everyone for your time And assistence in this matter. Semp although i thank you for your time in posting your oppinion of the game i do feel that your statement was a little off topic. I was not asking wether the ame has changed over the coarse of being release (for better or worse or w/e) i was simply asking wether or not i should give it a shot at this time. As i cannot go back in time (yet) The fact that it was a different game way back when does not affect me one bit.
The game deffinitly does seem like it is amazing and full of open endness and fun to be had. In addition with the new graphic update comming out (not that graphics make me want a game or not but it's a nice update) and the new expansion i'm deffinitly wanting to get a hold on the game now. One more question before i seal the deal and download (i'm at work for 16 hours day till sunday so gotta forum hop till then). In the games question and lvling is alot of it party based leveling or more solo? Meaning are healers healers? or are healers do all people who can solo? Like incertain games sometimes they balance so anyone can really do it all? OR is it very group oriented meaning you'll need a tank a healer etc. Also If the game is strong on the party focus. Is partying easy or hard? Are players so spread out that hopes of finding a decent lvling group are "hope-less"?
I'm starting to get excited about jumping in the universe and i thank you all for your time...
(goes looking around at classes MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA)
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
(Or, maybe actually, yes. You seem like the type that might enjoy it.)
(Or, maybe actually, yes. You seem like the type that might enjoy it.)
Ahh, good old Semp, always the hater! all bow to the master of the negative postHi Everith! I just wanted to come and say that I played UO for 7 years and it is one of those games that has kept it's staying power for many years.
It has it's bad points, as do all games. A few bugs and not so great systems, but it's a great game nevertheless. I think one thing that you will find VERY different from other games is the Community. UO relies on it's community for everything. The players hold events constantly, invite you into their homes to help you out, etc. Depending upon what shard (server) you play on, you will be surprised at just how active the community can be.
As was said before, it's getting a big overhaul. And the best thing is, it's going to be a free upgrade to the new 3D client. The next expansion to buy will include a Gargoyle Race that you can play. Currently it's just humans and elves. They've done quite well sticking to the Ultima history.
If you are interested, I suggest maybe checking out an Ultima Online forum. MMORPG is great, but one that's dedicated to UO will be able to answer your questions better and help you out in game if you decide to give it a whirl. I run The Lost Lands, which has a great staff who know a ton about UO. www.thelostlands.com
That said, you should absolutely play UO. Even as the pile of shit I deem it to be now , it is still hands down the most in-depth accomplished MMORPG out there. Infact, it´s the only (major) mmorpg that really deserves the RPG part.
If you are serious about RPing (and can ignore elves that should not be there) then UO is the only game worth buying, atleast in a fantasy setting.