Looking for a well established SG on the Freedom server.
-Must be flexible (work on both PvP AND PvE)
-Active group (logging on and seeing everyone offline for 10+ days usually prompts me to quit the SG)
-SG created by Adults (if the description/title of the group contains "pwnz" "WoRdS lIkE tHiS" "n e 1" don't bother, bad grammar/spelling just kills me)
Sorry for the pickyness but I've gone through so many SG's it's not even funny. I'm looking for one that will keep my attention. One that I'll enjoy for a very long time. This goes for both CoV and CoH (I have characters on both) same server.
My global name is Mr. Lantz, main character on CoH is Mr. Lantz and main character on CoV is Cupcake of Doom.
"I turned to speak to God about the worlds despair, but to make matters worse I found God wasn't there." --Robert Frost
Legion of Doom The Doom Supremacy
look us up and tell them Born Of Inferno sent you.
Please, it's a guild in an online game, not a top government job!
Okay, how about a cohesive, active and organized SG on Freedom that DOESN'T require you to go to their website and sign-up, fill out multiple questionnaires, confide every detail of your past, post your credit-card number, submit blood, tissue and semen samples, and promise your firstborn to the Guild Leaders?
Please, it's a guild in an online game, not a top government job!