Graphically the game is more fine than past year. They do a great work with optimization and it can run in middle configurations (a little big like Lineage 2) and it is important because of lots of people. Also the game is not entirely intanced like Guild wars, zones of combat are not intanced, only some little places, it's a big difference with Guild Wars. And this game looks interesting because of lots of features and myabe possibiliti
I wanted to add that this game will have the exact same loot system like Diablo2 had. Items with random stats etc. And also you can find for example "the axe of brutality :P" which usually drops from a boss from a normal mob like it was in D2, the monster lvl must be right but sure a boss has a better drop chance.
Thats what Ive read once, this game looks really promising and much better than War or AoC but thats just my opinion.
PvP will be there too, first just in arenas and later with addons if they are adding new races like egyptians, greeks or wutever then also with real PvP.
Raids, well raids if I didnt misunderstood it, it wont be like 40 man bashing one big boss its more like 40 fighting vs a big army a real war and not this button smashing at one boss mob till he is dead /zZzZZzZ boring. Also you can have minions so you dont need 40 real ppls.
Ah well I dont have this now all in my mind how it exactly was :P but you can go to to the forum and read the blog entries.
I wanted to add that this game will have the exact same loot system like Diablo2 had. Items with random stats etc. And also you can find for example "the axe of brutality :P" which usually drops from a boss from a normal mob like it was in D2, the monster lvl must be right but sure a boss has a better drop chance.
Thats what Ive read once, this game looks really promising and much better than War or AoC but thats just my opinion.
PvP will be there too, first just in arenas and later with addons if they are adding new races like egyptians, greeks or wutever then also with real PvP.
Raids, well raids if I didnt misunderstood it, it wont be like 40 man bashing one big boss its more like 40 fighting vs a big army a real war and not this button smashing at one boss mob till he is dead /zZzZZzZ boring. Also you can have minions so you dont need 40 real ppls.
Ah well I dont have this now all in my mind how it exactly was :P but you can go to to the forum and read the blog entries.
And sorry for my poor English ^^