hey people, a little while ago I gave eve a try (played the trial) and had the luck of seeing some stuff in there thanks to an experienced guy helping me. I admit the game got some very good stuff (like for example the level system and detail of stuff if you get close enough), but there's one thing that disappointed me during my trial: no matter how many missions I did (trust me, I've done loads in that short time) I always ended up shooting down all enemies from a distance where they appear to be no more then the target boxes with the name on my screen. It may be me, but in space games I also like seeing some close up details during my fights. Anyone else noticed this or am I just missing something?
Of course, fighting large ships, you could also set an orbit close around the target, which is quite advantageous not only from a view point of view.
So anyway, Just a question about the thing with orbitting the big ships. I also noticed when I was being circled by smaller trash it really was hard for me to shoot them down, but then, assuming you're not with a fleet, isn't it 1 dangerous to try to get that close, or to get anywhere within shooting range at all and 2 don't the big ships have a ready response to someone orbitting him at a few 100 yards?
Yes, big ships will have an hard time to track small fast frigates oribiting at small ranges, that is why interceptors can be so powerful. There are ways to counter it, like webbing that slow them down to a crawl so that you can get distance and blast them to smitherens. Of course a fast interceptor with good AB or MWD will still be much faster than your humonguos battleship... then again it is gonna take ages for the puny pew pew the frigates has to get down your shields and armor... if ever.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Also, u got to remember ur skills, training up Target Disruptors, also helps knock points off the ships attacking power, or, even stops them from locking u for a few moments. Its a game where u must out think ur oppenent on all levels to, reason why Eve is classified as one of the most tortuos pvp player games on the market.
To the OP:
The smaller the ship is the harder it is to hit with a large class gun like the ones of a BS. The closer you get the harder it gets for that BS to track that ship. Ofc the counters are webbers/nos/neuts and such. The thing about eve is that the amount of modules and ship combinations gives you a way to decide whats best for what you want to accomplish which is great.
To the Troll:
I suppose you hate EvE cuz someone blew your noob ship or something? PISS OFF THE THREAT KID.
Since you love spacecowboy go knock yourself out playing that and leave those who like Eve alone. The OP is new to the forums and needed questions answered, the community is trying to help him yet your idea of community is to post a troll comment (and it is a troll post as it doesnt help the OP in any way.). If you wanted the thread somewhere else you could have made a more polite suggestion rather than posting the crap youve been posting. You have Elite status man IMO anyone with that status should be trying to help people in this community (MMORPG.com) rather than bashing the game they chose to play.
No longer visiting MMORPG.com.
Also thanks for the reactions everyone especially the target disruptors sound like something worth checking out. It's nice to see so many people are willing to help out.