This is my upcomming MMO that is still in creation.
Rite now I am just trying to gain support as that is the only way that an MMO can get anywhere in the first place.
Please visit (the website, duh) and tell me what you think if you have the time.
Also, please join the forums as we are always on the lookout for new members!
"Currently, the game is no more that an idea, written on paper, meaning that it hasn't undergone developement yet.
We expect to see DOE ready to be tested in about 3-4 months."
A Work in Progress.
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No offense....but you may want to look up the definition of 'desecration'.
Good luck by the way
desecration- An act of disrespect or impiety toward something regarded as sacred
and thanks
Hhahahaha, this will fail.
Dude chill......the wether they meet the release deadline or not it is still a project he and his group will undertake. I think its good to see as many independent groups of people trying to make MMOs. Its these groups that usually have very unique ideas, and who knows someone may take notice.
You do nothing by trashing a project thats not even started.
We will be using stock resources for the beginning of development but we will not release even testing until RC2 comes out, which will automaticaly upgrade the game but just importing the source.
Believe me, all I need are supporters, everything else is already under control
Note that this game has already been a working Forum-Based RPG but we decided to take it a step up because of the lack of support that we had from our unique ideas. We will not let this game follow in those footsteps, i cant assure you all of that rite now
WoW (kazlaz-horde) Gul'dan