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i have been playing this game fore over 3 months graphix are wicked and some good ppl
i reported a few bugs in the game to GM and never got a answer so i asked again and again, 2 months it had taken them to even speak to me.
1.The matter was not even sorted then the bug was my fault (200 million isk ship) lost due to there stupid pvp rules i hit one of my mates drones with a smartbomb when we both was a in a gang the matter was still never sorted out.
2.we buy stuff under contact so guys make sure you always read the full contract i seen under items (54,342 units of ore) i paid over 20 mill isk for the items listed, the problem was i bought 4 lots of this so lots of money 5 days later i look at the contract well found out after the contact was paid for that is was a con i got 1 unit so i contacted "GM" for this con in the game again 2 weeks later was to late they came back to me and said they could do nothing and was my fault for not reading the contract (but i said that under there rules of fair play) so the told me if i did not like it to leave the game. well now i have stopped palying and feel better
now i pay for this "beta test" of this game $19.95AUD pm i expect better service from GM's and a lot quicker time than 2 months
This is a waring about eve if your going to play (play hard you can ripoff anyone and get away with it without been kicked)
i loved this game now stopped palying due to the crap from GM's in the game and lots of bugs that will never be sorted
game it self needs to be sold to ppl that can remeber we pay for this and offer better service that current
Game Rules
GM's Sucks
if you have have had problems like this please add to this post
also a poll on this aswell if you have had same problems please click on the poll
so let me get this right.. You lost a ship to CONCORD due to using a smart bomb in empire and hit one of your gang mates drones and cry bug...
Unless you and your mate are in the same corp that isn't a NPC corp.. then everything is working fine there.. a few little clues for you.. don't use smart bombs in empire and don't attack anyone not in your corp, at war with or is criminally flagged in 0.5 and above.. unless your in a NPC corp.. then don't attack anyone who isn't criminally flagged.
And you got scammed.. get over it. Its part of the game, rather then wasting GMs time. another little clue for you ... read the contract .. never accept freeform contracts.
So at the end of the day, you are crying about things that are working correctly... the two things your are crying about are not bugs.. and at the end of the day its your stupidity that needs to be addressed... maybe its a bug.. i would get in contact with your maker.
Well to be honest I have never really had problems with the GM's in the game... I have hardly ever had to report a bug or shiploss infact I have only done petition once over shiploss... it was due to a lagspike who sent my client to desktop... well this was while I was at a mission and when I came back my ship warped back into action with almost all Armor gone and my ship went poof.
Anyway ofcourse I did not get a replaced ship... and after that I have never sent a petition for a shiploss no matter how I lost it, infact I took a shiploss with a smile even when it was a expensive battleship, some corpmembers used to comment that I was laughing when I lost ships.
Apart from the Dev thing that have come to light last few months, the most problems I have had with the game was CCP's way to handle the influence of macro-miners that came after a while into the game.
No matter how much I did petition those buggers and belive me those where macro-miners, no matter how many times I did petition them all I got from that was reply's from the CCP about "Thank you for letting us know, we are going to investigate the situation" ... yet over a year later the macroers where still in the game logging in and out as normal (I know because I had them on my buddylist to follow them).
I know these where macroers because first of all not many normal players had names like "ofhsva" and "wylkuyer" and so on... and especially at one point I where spending a whole night robbing them blind and I race their hauler several times popping their containers right infront of them... (was before the container flagging) and nobody complained, this I did for 3 nights before they finally said something in the channel and that was "why?"... all they ever said.
Infact they probably are still in the game, and if I ever return to the game they probably are still in the game.
Due to the massive complaints on the forums they did something similar to what happend when T20 got caught, they made one post (ISD did ) had it sticky, and locked/delete all other post about it.
The whole time NO Dev's answered questions in that thread, we never really know if the Dev's did even read any of the post we had there.
That incident made me pay on a montly basis instead of the 6 months cycle I had before that, just in case I got fed up and quit wich I did after T20 got caught.
ya the gm's ingame were pretty cool, even got a mach back due to a disc in less than a day. but then they had to be cool with them subverting and cheating ingame themselves................
oohhh!!!!!! oh yes i did!!!
can you smell that?!!...............there is nothing quite like it.....................the smell of troll in the morning............i love that smell.
That pretty much sums up what needs to be said, thx for saving me the time to type it.
BTW every single time i reported something i got a relatively quick response and i always got a satisfactory return.
I lost a tempest to a client crash: returned in a week.
Lost a hurricane in pvp because the modules froze and would not activate, again i got the ship back in about a week.
A friend loses his caracal to the same issue as above his ship was returned in 2 weeks time.
The scam thing, ok that does suck and who ever did it to you is an A*hole thats for sure, but its not exclusive to EVE, that happens everywhere and in real life.
I sysmpathize that you have just had a real rough time in the game but there is really nothing anyone can do, GM wont give you your ship back as you just shouldnt have used a smartbomb in empire.
Not much they can do with the scam either as it was a consentual contract that you agreed to.
Sorry mate but its just one of though's things that you either have to bounce back from our find a new game and learn from this experience not to you trade systems that you have no fully understood yet.
1. You screwed up and attacked your friend in highsec, getting killed by the police in the process. This is your problem and you deserve no help from the GMs.
2. You didn't bother to read the contract and got scammed. Scamming is utterly legal in CCP and how some people make their money. You were ignorant and deserve no help from the GMs.
I've found EVE's customer service to be fine, you just have to have a justifiable reason to call the GMs.
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I find the new "Contract" system hugely cumbersome, the previous escrow system should still be available. The motto of "Keep it Simple, Stupid", should be applied to anything that comes into the game. Make something obscure and someone will find a way to use it in a scam, keep it simple and make those scams easy to spot and people will be happier.