Hi all!
I realize this is a very common question here, but I have not managed to find anything I like on my own and I would really appreciate some help. The only MMORPG I have played a lot and really enjoyed is City of Heroes/City of Villains. For single player RPGs I like Sacred, Titan Quest and similiar games. I have played but did not enjoy Guild Wars.
I want a game where me and my wife (and perhaps a few friends) can log in and play a few missions/hunt a bit and then log out, I rarely play for more than three hours.
What I want:
Good PvE content
Small downtime
What I do not want:
PvP - should be avoidable
Crafting - at least not if it is obligatory to get anywhere in the game or to get the good stuff
Roleplaying is not important
Dungeon Runners looks good, but is not released. Anything else out there? It does not have to be free, I am willing to pay both a monthly fee and to buy the game.
Thanks for your time,
WoW is easy to pick up and has what you seek.
Hi Bolger,
I would recommend giving EQII a go. You would only have to purchase the latest expansion Echoes of Faydwer which includes all the previous expansions aswell as EQII itself...one month included aswell...or you could just go with the trial. EQII is quite big, polished and have a friendly community. Classic fantasy setting - either you like it or you don't.
In 3-4 months perhaps Vanguard would be worth a closer look - depending on your hardware.
Some people would perhaps recommend Lord of the Rings, which soon is about to hit the shelves. I personally enjoy taking a part of a game from the beginning and I am thinking about joining thisone.
If you are into space thingie perhaps EVE would be something to take a closer look at. Not my bag at all. There is a good trail availible for this aswell.
Don´t forget...the road...not the goal
Playing: Rogue
Played: AO, CoH, DAoC, EQII, Horizons, Planetside, SWG
Tested: AC2, Lineage II, Vanguard, WoW...and more
I just downloaded dengeon runners the other day... It's free, it's fun, and it just might tide me over till another good MMO comes out.
DAoC is still the best MMO out if you into PvP though, and WoW is great if you love PvE
Since you didn't say anything about graphics I would recommend Runescape because you can completely avoid PvP.
I'd give the free DDO trial a shot. It's definitely way more action-oriented than your average MMORPG. Then again, there are no persistent areas where you can go blast monsters like in CoH. All fighting is done in instances, with parties meeting up in common lobbies. Then again, each of the instances is pretty fun and nicely done. If you're not the kind of guy who spends hours upon hours each day playing, then the content in DDO will last you quite a while. It also gives you a ton of choice in terms of ability customization, while still keeping within your class role, like CoH. Can't really go wrong trying the free trial.
Somebody mentioned WoW. That's definitely a solid choice, but I'd say it has much less actiony feel than CoH or DDO. Still, you can log in, get a bit done, get out. If you play on a PvE server, PvP is entirely optional. Unless you attack a PvP-flagged mob, which is usually just enemy town guards, or enter in a specific command, you cannot be attacked by enemy players. This is a nice halfway. It lets you PvP when you want, while avoiding it when you don't want it. The PvP that cannot be avoided is on the clearly labelled PvP servers.
EQ2 is alright for casual players, but there are better choices, in my opinion. Try out SOE's Play the Fae trial, which shows off the new Echoes of Fadywer expansion. If you buy EoF, you get all the previous expansions included, so it's a fairly solid deal. I'll say this. EQ2 is a markedly slower than WoW, and the combat animations suck in comparison, which really hurts the fun of the action, in my opinion.
Nothing else really springs to mind, to be honest, for a casual game, not one that will really please a CoH-lover.
Dungeon Runners is now in limited release. It plays more like an action game than a RPG. Think of it as a low budget MMO Diablo. It is fun, and fast paced. However there is no real strategy, or depth to it.
It cost ~$5 per month for a subscription. No matter what they say.... you will want a subscription if you are going to play past level 15. Only subscribers can use the 'good' equipment... and the game is equipment based. It is a classic beer and pretzels game.