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Okay, I've played every FF that has come to the u.s.. So I'm far from a Final Fantasy newbie. BUT I havent yet gotten into 11. Its the only one i havent beaten or even played. I recently ordered it online not knowing its on 360 AND pc(DOH!). But, I'm planning to get a 360 very soon so here lies my several questions.
I have cable, is there any reason why my game should be slow? in certain areas? Is the ps2 known to lag?
(if anycould tell me the diffrence in performance of the three platforms, i'd appreciate it).
are there still players on ps2? Are the three platforms sharing servers?
If I start an account with playonline on a ps2, can i use the same account/character on 360?
is there still a lot of people playing this game after so long? Or should I get pissed now? lol
and most importantly, like every other final fantasy, does this game capture you and make you its bitch?
i'll post new questions as I think of them
thanks to anyone as they help me start another ff journey and please, keep the flaming to a minimum.
Hi , for your questions about Final Fantasy XI , alot of people still play it online. FFXI use's a job system from FF5/FF tactics and semi realtime combat like in FF12 and other MMORPG games. Alot of peoople play FFXI still but most of them already have high lvls in a job , you should'nt have to much trouble getting low lvl groups cuz you have to lvl your subjob for your main job seperately.
All 3 platforms , xbox360 , PS2 and PC share the same servers and can interact with each other. But you have to choose a world server you want to play on ,each world server holds about 5000 people , usually 3000 playing cohenrently depending on the timezone.
The Ps2 version is still supported and you can use that account with any other version , but the PS2 version is the most expensive and if your FATps2 breaks , which are hard to come by you'll be out of a 100$... also theres no all in one disk with all 3 expansions for the ps2 , PS2 version comes with rise of zilart , the very 1st expansion.
FFXI is mostly a lag free game everone is capped at 56k , on your cable you will experince little to no lag at all. FFXI can be quite addicting depending on how much time you put in it , its a very grindy game , but the chanllange and the friends you'll make can produce some good memories.
Well welcome to one of the most involving and rewarding Final Fantasy games to date. This incarnation is ruthless, unforgiving and well.. will make you hate it sometimes... but its not only th emost rewarding FF game to date, but the most rewarding MMO. All it asks from you is time.
Now to the questions:
The lag is framerate lag, not latency. The reason being is the PS2 one was laggy hell, the PC and 360 versions are little more than emulators... so unfortunatly the framerate issues come with it too. Its there on all versions, but probably the least in the PC one. So to sum up, its the game, not your connection.
Yes there are still players on the PS2. All 3 versions shear the same servers. You can generally tell whos on wich machine, but it makes absolutly no differnce, gameplay wise... unless you get a cocky PS2 gamer
You can indeed shear accounts across machines, I have the game on each of the supported platforms and change between them depending on where I am in the house, or visiting people or whatever.
There are still ALOT of people in the game, just look at any of the starting town auction houses at a weekend, then remeber most of the higer level players hang around Juno... LOADS of people still there.
And finally... "Oh god yes" Unlike the other FF games its a little more punishing and ruthless, but as I said earlier, the rewards it gives you, the storyline you will follow and the (REAL) people you will meet make it the most engaging FF game to date, in my opinion.
If you're on the Asura server, give Krytusk a shout! Thats me and i'll help you find your footing.
Thanks a lot. to both of you, serioiusly. I hope there's people willing to help me like you have, on my server. lol and if i'm on that server, i'll send u a whisper. i'll mention "spoken on"
I'm getting the ps2 version that comes with the hdd and the game and I believe that there is NO expansion that comes with it. If I'm wrong correct me. When I ordered it, it didn't say anything about any expansion cd.
Since I'm getting that version, about when does it ask for the first expansion or when am i going to HAVE to install the first expansion?
Just wondering, is there anything that vets can do to n00bs for amusements and to mess them up?
Like in everquest, when I played it, people would train you.
Funny if your doing it, not funny if its done to you. lol
The PS2 version is EASILY the most expensive version to date and will only work in the old style "Fat" PS2s (Not the slim-lines) and you will be required to buy the Chains of Promita expansion and the Treasurs of Ath Urghan when you want to use them, sepertly. It does come with the Rise of Zilart though... I'd personally recommend PC or 360 (2007 edition will be released the end of this month), but its your call.
Theres no point where you will NEED the expansion, but if you want the full FF experience, i'd STRONGLY recommend them. Each expansion is registered via Play Online seperatly. If it says you havn't registered it, it simply won't let you into the expansion areas. I belive all expansion content is level capped anyways, so regardless of wether your level is above the cap, your chracter will work like a Level 30... or whatever the cap is. I know, hard to follow, but thats only cause I suck at this whole talking thing.
From my experience theres no REAL damage a vet can do to your chracter. Training won't happen as mobs RARLY lose aggro, the only way to shake a foe is to zone... or die (9 times out of 10). If they zone, the mob chasing them just vanishes (As long as no one else aggros it) and is returned to its spawn point... no lingering by gates killing Newbies anymore The worst you might get is a higher level player or group farmingcamping rare mobs, but nothing thats REALLY going to hurt your game.
Hope you enjoy your time in the world of FF11, and don't be dishartned if its a bit harsh on you at first... like all good FF games, this one rewards you slowly. Stick with it!
Haha! I've spent much time in Jeuno, and then in Whitegate after the ToAU expansion was released. If you haven't experienced lags in these areas, then you have a hell of a system AND connection. "Everyone" whines about lags in these places, regardless if they're on 360, PS2 or PC.
Actually, that is not true.
The slim line PS2 v12/13 pcb still contains the IDE leads. You can solder a 500GB HDD to the PS2. As for why you'd want a 500GB HDD, that is neither here nor there.
That'll give you a bit of an idea of how many people play this game still. Keep in mind that probably everyone has 2 mules (extra characters) and the RMT's take up quite a few but at least 35% of those are seperate people playing. Dosen't sound like a lot but there's a LOT of people if you do the math (I did not as i am lazy lol)
And yes, you are biased for asura as Bismarck is better (yes, i play on it but it's better because of that fact lol) I still vividly remember my first experience. I was in the game for about 7 minutes with my noob flag up with no idea what to do or how I would do it. When I expressed this in chat, 3 people came rushing to help me out. I've said it many times but this game, hands down, has the best community of any online game I have ever seen. RPG or otherwise.
Also, welcome to one of the most aggravating, addictive love/hate relationships you'll ever have
EVE - Sharvala
FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"