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EIB question

damian7damian7 Member Posts: 4,449
what was the final tally on what cally/dentara walked away with from EIB?

could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?


  • Nu11u5Nu11u5 Member Posts: 597

    Originally he bragged about getting away with several hundred billion, even posted screenshot of his wallet (which later turned out to be faked). When CCP investigated it they said that the actual amount was much less than what was reported, though they never released the findings to the public. Only after he was banned (for trying to cash out?) did he admit that his claims were false and that he had actually only obtained a few 10 billion. If you read any of his posts you would have seen just how much of a genuine jerk and attention whore this guy was, so seeing that he lied about the scam isn't all that surprising.

    //insert sig here
  • Ashton692Ashton692 Member Posts: 138

    Original video is here: where he confesses.

    I watched it all through - it was a while ago, but I believe he originally gives a number of over 700 billion.  I don't want to watch it all the way through again to confirm.

    He was almost as pompous as Istvaan Shogaatsu... actually no.. scratch that... not even close.


  • SonOfAGhostSonOfAGhost Member Posts: 383
    He actually would have made more continuing to run the business. My impression was he was already getting bored when Currin started screaming scam and decided to steal Currin's thunder by claiming to have out-done him several times over. We still see people asking about EIB and even GHSC but CT's simple ponzi scheme is all but forgotten. Given that CT was an even bigger attention whore than Cally I'd say relegating him to a footnote was the real success of EIB.
  • damian7damian7 Member Posts: 4,449
    i was just curious because i noticed dark shikari making a post about it being 60 billion isk, the other day.  i didn't think a number like that had ever been released.  sort of got me wondering how much dark shikari and folks like naphtalia (who supposedly had conversation/emails/phone calls/etc with the cally/dentara guy) were in on the scamming.  i mean, dentara gives mad props to both in his "i win" speech.  dark shikari did a hell of a lot of defending eib, naphtalia/emfi sure helped him last longer.   just curious how it is that he's posting 60 billion as an absolute, if ccp never released numbers and no one, aside from cally/dentara, knew the true amount.

    could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?

  • SonOfAGhostSonOfAGhost Member Posts: 383
    Well, remember that EIB was at one point a legitimate (as much as any bank can be) and profitable business. Between the audit, and what the tellers saw in terms of what went in and what got paid out towards the end and how much there was in outstanding loans, a pretty good idea can be had of how much disappeared from private accounts. I think this is where the 60B number comes from, but it's been a while. What nobody can be certain of is how much there was in the alliance accounts as only Cally dealt with those and no alliances have publicly stated they lost money never mind how much.

    Remember too that even before EIB Dantara Rast (sp?), Cally's main, claimed to have over 600B to start with, so having 700 a few months later after hours and hours of work should have been feasible even without scamming.
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