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ColaCola Member Posts: 402

JW how many ppl on are curently in the Ruin Beta phase?

I submitted my app a week or two ago. Havnt heard anything yet.


  • ColaCola Member Posts: 402
    Oh ya, and do I get a carboard cookie or sumthn because I made this Ruin Forum Official by posting the first thread in Ruin Online forum history :)
  • ColaCola Member Posts: 402
    Looks like I own this board.
  • Greldon7Greldon7 Member Posts: 6
    lol, this forum done got pwned

    til I got here..

    So, ya, it's Open Beta but they haven't email'd me a serial..  any luck?

  • ColaCola Member Posts: 402

    Originally posted by Greldon7
    lol, this forum done got pwned

    til I got here..

    So, ya, it's Open Beta but they haven't email'd me a serial..  any luck?

    same here, Just waiting on my keys :)

    This game looks like it really could be fun.

    There needs to be more games like this that break away from the everyday elf/orc/dwarf........fighter/paladin/mage  shiz

  • PWNFaceKillaPWNFaceKilla Member Posts: 7
    The keys aren't emailed, they appear in the launcher when you get approved by a dev.
    There's usually 1 or more in the live chat that can hook you up if everything is filled out right.
    I swear, newbs can't read or shoot straight, lol!

  • PWNFaceKillaPWNFaceKilla Member Posts: 7
    At least it's not a click'a'click'a tard fest like all the others.
    And if I see one single elf or fairy I'm running over them with my new tank!

  • ColaCola Member Posts: 402

    Originally posted by PWNFaceKilla
    The keys aren't emailed, they appear in the launcher when you get approved by a dev.
    There's usually 1 or more in the live chat that can hook you up if everything is filled out right.
    I swear, newbs can't read or shoot straight, lol!

    Ya, I know the Keys are not emailed.

    I hope this is not the type of community that you have to deal with in Ruin Online.

  • TEDMOLLY0TEDMOLLY0 Member Posts: 33

    I tried their irc client. It showed several dev/mods/admin logged on, but no one replied to my request for an eta on the key.  I can't blame them for being careful, but there must be a way to streamline the process of key distribution.



    Dr. B

  • JondozerJondozer Member Posts: 10

    Originally posted by TEDMOLLY0

    I tried their irc client. It showed several dev/mods/admin logged on, but no one replied to my request for an eta on the key.  I can't blame them for being careful, but there must be a way to streamline the process of key distribution.

    Sounds like someone got a case of the AFK's. Come on back sometime, we're not always there, but if we check back and see a name of someone checking on thier approval, we usually open go check your account and approve it (unless it sux.... incomplete or fony).

    Yes, there is a ton we can do to streamline this process, however soon we will make it pretty much "open" where anyone that applies will get in. For now, though we are in open beta (not invite only)... BUT we do require you fill out an accurate complete NDA, and ask that you be patient.

    We're a small team and only have about 5 people that approve accounts now: 2 devs and 3 GM/CSRs. Jondo, Ari, metalwolf, Meph and Vis are the folks that can approve. Yes, its annoying that you dont get an email either way, approved or not... just check your launcher account, once you're approved it will show your key right there.

    Also, get signed up in our forums with a user name that matches your launcher account name and the whole thing is faster. Some people wait an hour, some 3 days. If you're denied, its due to incomplete info or fake info. Go ahead and make new 'real' account and we'll prolly approve it... we dont hold grudges, forever.

    Just as an FYI on our status to the readers:

    We've got a year or so work planned before launch, alot of the art is just for placeholding... and many of the systems in game are just the intitial framework (inventory, combat, zoning, exp, skills). So yeah this is a game for mature player/testers with a sense of vision, that can see where we're goin with this. If you dont have an attention span longer than 6 seconds, look elsewhere. (meant at the genral public, not the poster :P)

    Just putting some info out here to clarify things,

    Jondo out

  • I tried this game, but I lagged terribly and I couldn't do anything but chat. Last time I was on there wasn't a lot of people, like 12 at max. whats the situation now?
  • JondozerJondozer Member Posts: 10

    If the lag was 'terrible' the server was either crashed or about to crash. We did get some more RAM for the main server and next month we're getting some 3.4 gig server boxes.

    Its getting better.

    Still a mess and we've got a ways to go...

    Our gen 2.5 characters are almost in game (much more control over these chars, more versatile. These arent the final chars, but a step along the way).

    We're beginning to work on the n00b quests, that will keep new testers/players interested a bit longer, but its still mostly a combat sandbox experience.

    If anyone wants to come flex their creative writing muscle, c'mon over! We're working with a few new writers and testers-turned-writers. This is something we're looking for community support from, so if you got some writing skills and want to see what 'developing' a story for an mmo is like... just email or PM me. We're also looking for scripters (script kiddies?), 3D modelers with wide experience (not 1 proggy, but whatcha got?) and of course 2D artists too.

    Jondo out for now

  • gaunt006gaunt006 Member Posts: 7
    ok, so i've got the loader downloaded.  i log into live chat to get an account going and i get dumped befor i can log on.  does the mean teh server is down?  or am i missing i big switch on the launcher that says "here noob"?
  • vss3rdvss3rd Member Posts: 41

    yes when the server times out then its down..or devs are poking around in it <the database>

    if you never see the loading screen with bar at bottom..sheez down

    if it times out sheez down

    if it grinds a bit then you get dumped your running too much chop for your rig..or sheez down

    or you might be laggin hard with serious packet loss <malasian connections>

    also in the current config there is no server listed BUT it is there just press start :)




  • phanatxphanatx Member UncommonPosts: 41
    just signed up.. waitin on a key
  • vss3rdvss3rd Member Posts: 41

    you will need to register on forums and apply to testergroup

    -->thru usergroup button at top rt of forums to get access to a key

    there is a key in the beta3 forum

    testergroup is moderated so a real human has to ok your entry<dev/mod/admin>

    but after that its cake

    and tho ill remind all readers..that beta4 will be infinately better than the current build

    -i wont discourage ppl from checking it out :)


  • JipsterJipster Member Posts: 23
    Can't believe I've only just found out about this game - must be all the beer, anyway it sounds like a hoot so I've signed up on the forums.

    Even though I've reg'd I can't post any replies or anything so I've followed your instructions vss3rd and applied to tester group. Hope this sorts it out :)

    Looking forward to beta4
  • earthhawkearthhawk Member Posts: 247

    I would love to try my hand at writing for this game. I'm a long time pen&paper RGP player and wrote my own adventures 99% of the time. I've been writing and playing PnP games for over 20 years, most of the time I was the GM (that guy who 'runs' the game). I've played/ run Rifts, Exalted, D&D, WHFRP, and too many others to list here. Drop me a line sometime at Take care and talk to you soon.


  • vss3rdvss3rd Member Posts: 41

    yes applying to testergroup in usergroups is the way

    the beta3 sever has been deactivated

    but we all wait with baited breath for beta4 :)

    could be soon..we all hope soon :)

    they are making alot of progress..good screenies and a movie to watch

    good stuff :)

  • ZAGANZAGAN Member Posts: 236

    LMAO, while you wait i have something for you to do.

    1 x 5 gallon of Primer and 2 x 4" brushes.

    1 x 5 Gallon of finish coat.(white).

    I have a House to Paint can you do that for me... (LMAO)

    Ohh i would like to sell my/our house soon .. but it needs some fixin. (another LMAO).

     Beer + Beta = AWSOME  GAME

      you get what you Pay for or do we.

  • vss3rdvss3rd Member Posts: 41

    wow just a touch too slow :)

    if you want to help/participate in game building for ruin online ::

    goto our usergroup button..joingroup..tester..apply/accept

    then there are forums for volunteeers to let their intesnions<sp>/wishes be known

    they LOVE come on over :)

  • ZAGANZAGAN Member Posts: 236
    Is the beer Cold
  • vss3rdvss3rd Member Posts: 41

    new news on ruin online forums <more tidbits about progress>


    jupster visit ruin forum..and check yer pms if ya havent


    later all

  • JordwJordw Member Posts: 9
    Ruin Online is now Open Beta btw. Just download the client from, install and create your character.
  • deltiordeltior Member UncommonPosts: 50

    So how is the beta so far?


    Ooops sorry, Took a look to the screenshot and realised that the game can t be good


  • vss3rdvss3rd Member Posts: 41

    they are still tweeking skill systems and such so these items are inactive ingame atm


    in game community is still merely they havent done a blanket release yet

    <they want it to be very shiny before they tell every1 to come play>


    ppl are welcome to dl client and try her out..but..

    -before going into game reduce your video settings..until you see if yours can handle the rendering

    -opts/ settings to bout accept/apply then ok

    -heres the tricky must use the exit button on title screen..this will save the settings<res as well>

    lowered vid settings can reduce chop..even if your rig is awesome..its best to start low and work your way up


    F1 is help menu..tells controls an -u- then type for in game talk.. the -/- key gives cursor<toggles mouselook>


    bring friends so you have live meat to kill :)


    controls are pretty intuitive..moreso if you are an action gamer..takes a bit of getting used to for slow control gamers

    -but its do-able


    loot drop is if you dont see didnt get anything..loot moves so you gotta look for it sometimes<loot POPS loose>


    give it a whirl..and enjoy..theres MUCH more to if you like it now..its all you will play later


    until we meet again

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