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Why dont they listen to the customers honeslty companys gotta remember if it wasnt for the players/customers the would have no company. So if the masses at SWG want their classic server things before NGE why not give it to them? It would seem they would gain alot of profit from it.
They should do like EQ open up a classic server and see what happens though EQs classic server wouldnt stay classic forever but as they saw it was a major success.
Because the good times end with the release expansions after kunark they were doing great before then.
Why after so long will they not admit they fucked up? Has there ever been such a large exodus from a game all at once over a single easily identified issue? Can LucasArts/SOE really be that stubborn, read STUPID?
Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face...
Life sucks, buy a helmet.
If you build it they will come?
....okay, sorry about that.
I would think that it would only highlight the NGE changes as a mistake. They seem more than willing to move on. Ah well, soon there will be other sci-fi options...
Yeah, well I think the problems lies in the fact that they may have changed the game so much they would have to literally go back and reprogram it on a large scale. Maybe not from scratch, but they would have to implement a huge patch that would basically be two full games that will work with eachother.
They screwed up. My buddy started playing again recently and I was watching him play tonight. It was a sad sad sight, tbh. It's basically a crafters game now. Looks very boring. I never played Pre-NGE but I got bored with the game in about 15days. Too bad I didn't know there was a free trial when I went out and bought it.
A Work in Progress.
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Because the good times end with the release expansions after kunark they were doing great before then.
*Buzzer Sound*
Scars of Velious is considered EQI's crown jewel by the vast majority of vets. Kunark is an uninspired piece of crap second only to gates of discord.
Dutchess Zarraa Voltayre
Reborn/Zero Sum/Ancient Legacy/Jagged Legion/Feared/Nuke & Pave.
Ah, the rose coloured glasses of Pre-cu...
At this point, opening pre-cu servers would be a waste, they've missed the boat. They have however brought back a number of pre-nge features and the game is actually picking up in population again. There are Heavy servers again
Actually devs etc dont listen to players because players are 99% retarded. As seen on these forums.
One guy wants one thing, another wants the exact opposite. ex somehow classes in games are considered overpowered, underpowered and balanced by different people, who do you listen to?
Examples from JUST WoW, on WoW's release the honor system wasn't done yet, people cried and cried, they released it, people cried and cried because they say it ruined world pvp.
Dishonorable kills in WoW. People cried and cried that others were griefing them by killing all he quest npcs etc, they put in dks to stop it, people cried and cried about the dks and they should be removed.
People cried and cried about the honor system in WoW, how "casual" players could never get good gear from it, they changed it, people cried and cried about how all the work they pu in was lost and that all the former "high warlords" etc should get free crap.
Every few weeks people whine about wanting a new server to start fresh, then people whine about low pop servers and they should be merged etc. If they merge people will whine about not wanting larger populations and how it was "fine before"
Players condradict themselves and each other, how the hell do you listen to the players if the players don't even know what they want?
If MMO players werent such morons things would be alot better.
It would cost too much to maintain two version of the same game. It isn't going to happen.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
It would cost too much to maintain two version of the same game. It isn't going to happen.
Cost shouldn't be the issue. If a company like Mythic (before EA purchased them), which was half the size of SOE, was able to open up three "classic" servers that were pre-TOA, I'm quite certain that SOE could do the same.
The issue IMHO...pride.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Previously I did not understand why people hated SOE so much. I never played SWG. I played and loved EQ1 and EQ2. However, with them releasing Vanguard in it's current state it appears that they only care about profit not the product. It is a "we will fix it later" attitude.
I am sort of conflicted because EQ2 is such a high quality, high value product but with Vanguard I have buyers remorse in the biggest way possible. It puts a new light on the company for me. As a matter of fact I have held off buying the PS3 because of it. I know they are different divisions but any company that can put out something like Vanguard and make people pay for it has something wrong at it's very heart.
I think I now understand the SWG fans a little.
That's why you dont understand
SWG was talented at completely destroying a game. SOE was also the first company to use SWG and turning into a completely different game WHILE the game was already live. First MMO to ever do this and last to ever do this. DEVs everywhere use the SWG fiasco as a "what not to do" to try to improve a MMO.
It just turned from bad to worse and the publishers and developers over their was just braindead is so man ways than one.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Sigil made and released Vanguard, not SOE.
...maybe they are afraid they would look weak if they went back on some changes they made.