After trawling through the forums here and reading recent user ratings for the game I thought i'd give UO another go after a 6 year hiatus.
Despite my characters STILL being intact to my amazement, and trying several of the most popular servers (Siege, Pacific, Atlantic, Europa) there was literally no-one about.... this was about 10-11pm UK time.
I wandered for a good hour on the servers around Britain and in the wilderness, the only players I saw were around the Bank as expected but only about 6 people and all were GM High faction players - Basically I stuck out like a sore thumb.
I expected the servers to be much reduced when compared to the golden 97-2001 days but seriously, the servers were a shadow of their former glory. As I wandered around the wilderness, there were literally dozens and dozens of unused housing plots, something I don't think i'd ever seen before. The roads were teeming with spawned reagents and monsters, obviously not been travelled for an age. I must admit I was severley dissapointed to see that at the Britain Smithy, once the hub of the game, was occupied simply by one npc vendor and about 3 times as many anvils as had been there 6 years ago. I felt like I was playing a custom Shard.
After my intial dissapointment at the lifeless atmosphere of the game I finally accepted that the UO of old is truely dead and cancelled my sub the same night.
Characters did look ridiculous as I had heard, elves with neon yellow hair, blue skin and neon weapons, the samurai ad ninjas just seemed out of place.
Maybe I was missing something, or it was some sort of GM event day so everyone was out of town...The thing is, despite the new changes, I could probably live with them and still play it if the game had a little more atmosphere. But this isn't going to happen until a hell of a lot more players login, maybe KR will achieve this. If it raises the server pop and gets rid of the neon colours, they can probably count me back in. Here's hoping.
But I won't hold my breath tbh.
I just started playing again about a month ago. And I was worried that there wouldn't be any decent population. But boy was I wrong, and so were you. I play at all times of the day and night. Besides when I'm at work. And there are still people everywhere. Of course it's not like it used to be.
The banks are always OVERcrowded. Every dungen I've been to has had several people. The Brit graveyard has several people. Hell, even walking through the woods I stumble across people.
Wouldn't unused housing plots be a good thing?
You say you could still play through the changes if it had a decent atmosphere. I think you need to open your eyes. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
UO is not even close to dead, infact it is about ready to be reborn. (almost made a funny)
Hope you change your mind and come back.
Out of interest, what shard do you play on?
I play on Atlantic. I think Atl and Seige are the most populated servers. I could be wrong though.
And if you playing 10-11pm UK time, that should be prime time for all of us in the US. Maybe there was something going on last night, not for sure. I know I played from about 6-9est and the place was crowded like usual.
It's not going to be like it used to be. Like regs laying everywhere, ect. But alot of that is because of everyone being loaded and not needing to pick up things like that.
Everyone has there own opinion, which is fine. But I was in the same boat as you are now. I wasn't sure if I should come back because of the population. Now that I am back the population is not even close to being an issue.
One thing I noticed is people are more willing to help than they used to be. I was standing around the bank on my first day and someone walked up to me and gave me 1million gold. The next day I was in a guild, loaded with armor/money. The third day I had a house.
LOL, back in the day it took me about 6 months before I had my first house, and when I bought it I cleaned out my bank to do so.
I'll let you know how I get on.
Open his eyes? Open his eyes and behold the piece of EA mass-market garbage that UO has become?
The reason that people have left is because the world has been neglected and destroyed.
Open his eyes? Open his eyes and behold the piece of EA mass-market garbage that UO has become?
The reason that people have left is because the world has been neglected and destroyed.
You have'nt played in a while have you , except for a couple smaller shards many are very populated , it's just theres so many areas , everyone is spread out , not like the bank fests of britt (3-4 years ago) , I must say UO is way better now than it was 1-2 years ago.
Open his eyes? Open his eyes and behold the piece of EA mass-market garbage that UO has become?
The reason that people have left is because the world has been neglected and destroyed.
Don't mind this Semp tool. His mother can't afford the monthly fee, so now he channels is anger into hate posts. The world has not be destroyed. There are alot of changes that never should have been made, but the game is still the best of the genre.
Go ahead and give it another try. I can't MAKE you like it. LOL
I do hope you stick around and if you looking to join a decent guild on atlantic let me know.
I wouldn't question one second to go back to UO if we would get the "real" UO back. One big world, no magic swords and armors, no robots and aliens, no strange lands, not to mention all the samurais and ninjas and everything that came along with that. I would love to play if the sword would just be the sword, not an object that gives you magical powers. Same goes with all the armor and clothing. We had horses to ride, no fancy dragons and creatures that I can't even name. We had normal houses to live in, no space-like bunkers. We had a nice world, Britannia, big enough for all. No, you have two Britannias now, both empty, you got Takuno islands, empty aswell and the paladin/necro and again, not populated. And few others, usless ones. Really, every single time that EA makes something for UO, they make a huge step away from what this game was ment to be.
Seriously, if they would make just one server that would have original Ultima Online with Lord British on the throne, I would join in a second. But, as far as I see Samurais on their dragons flying around and Elves with fancy hair colors, wielding their +32213 strenght weapons and +120312 skill increase, I won't play it even if they would meke it free of charge. And nobody cares, so there we go. (But at least EA should, because the game is slowly dying - and it will be one nasty death).
Knock the world right off its feet and straight onto its head.
If i put on one of the first televisions there was the screen will be ugly as hell , unwatchable even...still doesn't take away the fact that it opened up a new technology for the world to enjoy.
Don't look back at the first mmorpgs and talk about how bad they are them for the legacy they gave you back.
And, every day that the current Electronic Arts' Ultima Online continues, is another day that the Ultima franchise is depreciated.
A classic server is the only hope for Ultima, and has been for seven years, since the day that EA caused Lord British to leave, replacing him with their own knuckleheads, with a mission merely to pump out and sell an expansion every year with no regard to the integrity of the game and Ultima franchise.
Ultima Online will always be one of the brightest MMOG designs turned crap, ruined by corporate ignorance.
Well my gf still has an active account on Lake Superior, and that server is deader than a doornail. She also has some characters on Great Lakes also a very dead server, I was on both this weekend and hardly saw a soul in a few hours play. I wandered around looking at the few vendor malls I found, almost all empty, only thing I found still on vendors were things people never buy.
Funny going to a reagent shop and finding all the vendors loaded down with reagents.
So there might be a few servers still functioning, but most are not.
This game died the day they introduced the Age of Shadows expansion.
The main city where people meet, now, is Luna, not Britain. I wondered the same thing when I went back to the game a few months ago. A lot of people still play, and I'm often seeing them everywhere, even in dungeons, still. And I wish I could find housing plots, as generally they're usually full-up. - Pacific here. Anyway, with Kingdom Reborn just around the corner, a lot of players are coming back to get ready for it. I think it's a good idea to not judge UO until we've seen their new dedication to players.
Its not hard people - PLAY A PLAYER RUN SHARD.
FFS, I know we arent allowed to post details, but just search on google for ULTIMA ONLINE PLAYER SHARD
Its not difficult, really. There are TONS of them, and at least one will have the patch/features you want. Some are Pre-UO:R, some are Pre-T2A even. All are interesting.
I couldn't agree more!
Wow - I can remember spending hours looking for a spot to place a house on LS (FInally got a nice place a bit east of hte Yew crypts)
I played on LS for a few years - My account is still active - tho i gave it to a friend that still plays
I tired going back a while ago but afte a couple of hours I just kept Getting the "been there done that" vibe - Plus all of my old K@S guildies have moved on to other games.
IF they ever get around to doing a proper UO2 I will probably play that
The thing to do nowadays to find people is to know where to look. Then again, I don't know what you were looking for when you stepped in. The role playing community is still alive and kicking on the Europa server.