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So sick of it

Kraven83Kraven83 Member Posts: 16
I am so sick of people crying about how bad WoW is. If you don't enjoy the game why do you feel the need to tell the world? Because most people really don't care how you feel. In fact 8 million people that currently play WoW do not care how you feel. Every MMO out there has its faults. WoW is in no way a perfect game. But people need to take it for what it is intended to be. It is intended to be a game. A form of entertainment.  And people constantly dissect it and try to find all the bad in  it. If it truly was so bad I don't think it would be as successful as it is. I play this game for the enjoyment. I don't do raiding, I do PVP. And yes everyone will say PvP blows! But I enjoy it very much. Player vs Player is a fun experience. Especially now with the new Arena PVP. And everyone keeps saying that after the craze of TBC xpansion this game will die out. I seriously doubt that. Another expansion will come. And this game will continue to sell extremely well. Play that game for the fun of it. Remember that it is a game. You don't have to sit there 6 hours a day if you don't want too. Take your time. Explore the world. What's the rush to be lvl 70?. So stop crying how bad it is. I've never seen such a successful game have immature people constantly cry about how awful it is. No one wants to hear it. So if you don't enjoy this game then please go play something that you will enjoy.


  • MegadoomerMegadoomer Member Posts: 7
    People are complaining because TBC has turned WoW into the type of MMO that people left to play WoW in the first place. End game in WoW has become an endless grind for reputation and running the same instances over and over. This is not what made WoW the success it is and people are feeling "fooled" and "betrayed" in a sense.

    If you still enjoy WoW, then hey, more power to you. I hope you continue to enjoy it. But please realize that where there's smoke, there's fire, and if so many people are complaining about these issues, there might in fact be a problem, at least in the eyes of those players who are doing the whining. If you don't like it, don't read the posts.

    If you enjoy the game so much, then nothing anyone says should effect you in the first place. People are entitled to their opinions, just as you are.

    "There's no difference between me and everyone else. All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."
    ~The Joker~

  • ownedyou1ownedyou1 Member Posts: 364
    Why do kids feel the need to tell the world the game isn't dying,

    I'm so sick of it.

    Noone cares.
  • ShoalShoal Member Posts: 1,156

    They do this for a number of reasons :

    *  Some are simply Griefers and Sociopaths.  Nothing is ever good enough for them.  These folks never post what game they DO play that they feel meets up the their standards.

    *  Some are Trolls.  They really have no position on the game and are just out to make trouble.  Very close in mental state to the Sociopath.

    *  Some simply cannot stand ANYTHING being a success that they have not personally been a part of.  And thus attack.

    *  Some simply cannot stand that the game that they want to be successful is not.  Therefore, they attack any successful product with a vengance.  All the while declaring their choice as being better.

    *  Some have a fantasy mental image of what a game *should* be.  And any game that does not meet up to that delusional position is attacked.  Of course, similar to the first point, no game will ever meet up to their standards.

    *  Some simply do not understand what the game is supposed to be.  Folks like this will be found being critical of WoW graphics, for instance.  Without ever understanding that WoW graphics are a 100% dead-on successful implementation of what they are *intended* to be.  Which is a representation of the WARCRAFT world.  Not a representation of the 'real' fantasy (Tolkein for instance) world.

    *   Some have tried to play WoW and actually failed.  Or have played by blasting full speed to Level Cap.  Then, since they do not have a clue about how to really play the game well, complain that it is to 'easy'.

    *  Some may just not like the game.  That is fine.  However, they then come on to pronounce it as a 'Bad' game generally.  They do not seem to understand that just because *they* do not like it, does not make it a 'Bad' game.

    In short, WoW is not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination.  It is a high quality product that has been proven to provide hundreds of hours of entertainment to all types of players.  From basic casual and solo players, to PvP players, to Crafters, to Raiders.  With so many votes of acceptance by paying Real Life Cash, it is hard to understand the position of those who bash it.

    The most amusing post I recently saw was the WoW player who was claiming to have played the game for two years but was quitting because it had no 'replay' value.   Go figure.

    In any case, enjoy the game you are playing now.  Whether it is WoW, or, EVE, or DAoC, or EQ2, or V:SoH, whatever.


  • alyndalealyndale Member UncommonPosts: 936
    Originally posted by Shoal

    They do this for a number of reasons :
    *  Some are simply Griefers and Sociopaths.  Nothing is ever good enough for them.  These folks never post what game they DO play that they feel meets up the their standards.
    *  Some are Trolls.  They really have no position on the game and are just out to make trouble.  Very close in mental state to the Sociopath.
    *  Some simply cannot stand ANYTHING being a success that they have not personally been a part of.  And thus attack.
    *  Some simply cannot stand that the game that they want to be successful is not.  Therefore, they attack any successful product with a vengance.  All the while declaring their choice as being better.
    *  Some have a fantasy mental image of what a game *should* be.  And any game that does not meet up to that delusional position is attacked.  Of course, similar to the first point, no game will ever meet up to their standards.
    *  Some simply do not understand what the game is supposed to be.  Folks like this will be found being critical of WoW graphics, for instance.  Without ever understanding that WoW graphics are a 100% dead-on successful implementation of what they are *intended* to be.  Which is a representation of the WARCRAFT world.  Not a representation of the 'real' fantasy (Tolkein for instance) world.
    *   Some have tried to play WoW and actually failed.  Or have played by blasting full speed to Level Cap.  Then, since they do not have a clue about how to really play the game well, complain that it is to 'easy'.
    *  Some may just not like the game.  That is fine.  However, they then come on to pronounce it as a 'Bad' game generally.  They do not seem to understand that just because *they* do not like it, does not make it a 'Bad' game.
    In short, WoW is not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination.  It is a high quality product that has been proven to provide hundreds of hours of entertainment to all types of players.  From basic casual and solo players, to PvP players, to Crafters, to Raiders.  With so many votes of acceptance by paying Real Life Cash, it is hard to understand the position of those who bash it.
    The most amusing post I recently saw was the WoW player who was claiming to have played the game for two years but was quitting because it had no 'replay' value.   Go figure.
    In any case, enjoy the game you are playing now.  Whether it is WoW, or, EVE, or DAoC, or EQ2, or V:SoH, whatever.
    This pretty much sums it up.  Interesting how no one seems to have anything original on this forum to share.  Seems all anyone apparently wants to discuss is popularity of the game.

    Certainly we have a more astute group here on this forum?  Or is it all just basically young people that feel the need for attention?

    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth
    John Lennon

  • GreenHellGreenHell Member UncommonPosts: 1,323

    This whole thread has been done so many times it makes me wonder why the op even bothered. No one cares about people bitching about WoW just the same as no one cares about people who love WoW. What is the point to this thread? Do you believe it will stop anything? Do you believe that all of the people who have bashed it for years will read this thread and suddenly see the light? This thread is just as bad as the hater threads and is only an invitation to flaming.

    If you play and love WoW you have already won this stupid battle. Does it matter what a few people might say when (as all WoW lovers point out) you have 8 million people who agree with you. You have a game that you love and enjoy with a huge player base. You dont need to try and convert any of the non believers.

  • xAlrythxxAlrythx Member Posts: 585

    Here I will cure you all!!

    If you love WoW, DO NOT click on WoW threads that include negativity towards WoW.

    If you hate WoW, DO NOT click on WoW threads that include positive remarks towards WoW.

    I have the feeling most of you people actually LIKE looking at hate/love posts and you LIKE posting in them for either proving yourself better, defending/bashing your game or other reasons undisclosed.

    Currently Playing: Everything but MMORPGs
    Cancelled: L2, FFXI, VSoH, LotRO, WAR, WoW
    Looking Forward To: SW:TOR

  • RecantRecant Member UncommonPosts: 1,586
    I've just had a startling revelation.  Startling because it's soo damn obvious, and a revelation because I've been wondering why this community has so many haters for a while now.  It goes like this...

    Most MMOs have official forums, and while you might not get banned for hating the game, chances are you'll be faced with a torrent of arguments that mostly disagree with what you say.  You're far more likely to convince people that Vanguard sucks, on this site, than you are on Silky Venom (as close to official as Vanguard forums get, I guess), for example.  Actually Vanguard might be a bad example, but I've been accused recently as unobjectively defending WoW, and well... WoW is just the game I know and is the popular example everyone can relate to.

    So where do haters go when the community of the game they want hate won't tolerate them?  Why, of course!   I'm not implying that everyone here is a hater, but I do think that a great many people come here just to hate-on a game 'cause they got ganked or something.

    Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...

  • Kraven83Kraven83 Member Posts: 16

    ownedyou1  3/29/07 11:05:57 AM

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    "somone else will clean it up"


    Why do kids feel the need to tell the world the game isn't dying,

    I'm so sick of it.

    Noone cares.


    Did you even read my post? I never said the game wasn't dying. I said I was tired of all the constant forum topics of how bad WoW is. And whoever said I was a kid? You're too quick to judge someone, so i'm going to a guess that you yourself is just a kid. And you are probably one of the WoW haters that feels the need to tell everyone. Grow up. If you are in fact "so sick of it." Then why did you feel the need to post on this topic? If I was so sick of something I wouldn't continue to read about it. And I definetly would not post about it.


  • NshtielNshtiel Member Posts: 26
    [quote]People are complaining because TBC has turned WoW into the type of MMO that people left to play WoW in the first place. End game in WoW has become an endless grind for reputation and running the same instances over and over. This is not what made WoW the success it is and people are feeling "fooled" and "betrayed" in a sense.[/quote]

    The end game was a grind before TBC in much the same sense.

    If you can come up with some examples of how the endgame was different when the cap was 60 compared to it being 70, please enlighten us. :)

    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents." -H.P. Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"

  • JWPikeJWPike Member Posts: 71
    Somke may come here hoping that devs will read the ideas and maybe implement changes.
  • MegadoomerMegadoomer Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Nshtiel

    The end game was a grind before TBC in much the same sense.

    If you can come up with some examples of how the endgame was different when the cap was 60 compared to it being 70, please enlighten us. :)

    In terms of PvE raid progression, pre TBC didn't require all these useless time consuming rep grinds and attunement quests just to enter the raid.

    ZG: Just walk in. Zandalar faction gained as you did ZG. It wasn't required to mindlessly grind mobs to get enough faction just to walk into the instance.

    MC: One attunement quest and you were all set. Hydraxian faction was gained as you did MC.

    BWL: One attunement quest and you were in.

    AQ20/AQ40: Just walk in. (I don't count the long event on each server to open the gates as a pre-cursor to this raid as the entire server was working towards the goal, not just you.) Cenarion Circle faction gained as you progressed.

    Naxx: By the time most players were ready for Naxx they were already revered/exhalted with the AD. If not, attunement could be bought.

    Yes, Onyxia required a long quest chain, but since it was really the only raid that required one, it was manageable.

    There was a logical progression to these raids as well, each one preparing you for the next.

    Now, nearly every facet of PvE progression past 70 requires rep grinds and long annoying attunement runs, the only purpose of which seems to be to keep you playing longer. That's archaic MMO design.

    I'll concede that WoW has always had it's grind elements but never to the blatant extent that it has now. Before TBC grinds were elective, (farm rep with a faction for a certain item, level your tradeskill, etc.) but never absolutely nessecary for PvE advancement.

    Now if you want to get anywhere in this game after lvl 70, be prepared to do the same menial tasks, and run the same damn dungeons over and over. All to see some little bars move.

    It's EQ all over again.

    "There's no difference between me and everyone else. All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."
    ~The Joker~

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