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Ive only played EvE for a year, and i find it to be the best MMO atm IMO. I am exited about the upcoming features such as walk in stations and "heat" but i am curious as to what most of you guys would like CCP to implement into the game.
They have already stated that planetary stations will incorporated (or they have at least considered it); but how would you like this feature to be like?
Just stations in planets?
Flight within planets?
Or perhaps land travel as well?
Will we ever be able to walk in our own ship?, perhaps board another friends ship and chill?
EvE is an evergrowing universe and it has plenty of room to expand.
What else would you like to see incorporated in EVE?
If there was a way for players to actually create their own space lanes (the slow lanes of space flight) it could not only change the pace of the game but open up an entirely new market. You could sell rights to access these user created nav points between star systems.
I read a lengthy thread on the EVE-O forums on one way that this could be possible. It was basically using distance from the wall to measure a session change. You need to remember that these slow lanes take a while to travel as well so there would be reasons why most people wouldn't feel the need to take them, especially with no rest stops on the way.
And I think your missing the OP's point, it's not what would function at the most optimal in EVE currently, but what would we LIKE to see in the game.
I read a lengthy thread on the EVE-O forums on one way that this could be possible. It was basically using distance from the wall to measure a session change. You need to remember that these slow lanes take a while to travel as well so there would be reasons why most people wouldn't feel the need to take them, especially with no rest stops on the way.
And I think your missing the OP's point, it's not what would function at the most optimal in EVE currently, but what would we LIKE to see in the game.
Somehow more lag is something i dont hink they will want to see.
BTW, I know you call Infinity vaporware, but it's goal is to do pretty much what I explained. And EVE originally had no gates when you jumped. Can't they do something like that with session changes based on your proximity to the new system?
Or like I said, provide long-route alternatives for those who wish to avoid the gates. Kinda like deciding to fly there at impulse instead of warp speed.
At the moment that your friend mans a turret or missile bay, it uses your friends stats. So he/she can shoot farther and apply more dmg if they have better stats than you on weapons.
Just a thought.
-T1 & T2 BPO moved to lowsec.
-T2 restricted to POS.
-Station factories less efficient than POS.
-Hangar storage fees.
-Gate and docking fees based on size; modded by standing.
-Broker order adjustment penalties.
-Broker fees multiplied by call time, + station/local daily market activity frequency.
-Fixed market slots per station like research etc.
-Speed/volume limitations on refining plus costs.
-Make Concord bounty program go broke.
-Dynamic BPO license upkeep costs.
-More stringent faction travel restrictions; should never have positive standing to two hostile factions.
-Really indepth and exciting PvE missions that take monthes to finish and involve alot of exploration. Of course they should bring the great rewards
-More objects in space to make it feel "alive" and have some use (like those billboards)
-More unique ships to improve fleet battle tactics and involve even more skill. No more titans and other deathstars plz. We need small/medium but specific spacecrafts
-Greater enemies. Something like necrons and tyranids from Warhammer 40K, that invade EvE and bring troubles
-More professions! Mining is boring, bring us something new
-Possibilities to make cash while docked at station. Casinos, exotic bars and other staff. I want to make my own space restoraunt at Sarum Prime station that is know all over the universe
-More connections of EvE with internet. Like youtube shows at billboards, etc.
-Ability to trade ISK for real money and more possibilites to earn cash. This will make EvE grow instantly.
1st Person Cockpit mode, please.
I want to *Be* the pilot of the ship.
Not watch the ship's tail while 'playing a game'.
Actually if you read the background lore you will see why its liek it is now.
Basically yuo 'see' using small desposable camera drones you have one launched at a time giving you that 3rd person view. The reasont he screen goes blank when you dock or gate jump is becase the drone docks as it cant survive the process on its own.
One thing i would like to seein eve is the Much promissed jove race which till recently seemed to be a broken promise. Now tho a dev let slip months ago that they are comming out after revilations. So alte next year onwards i guess.
So i really hope i can upgrade my charecter to a jove one day.
In terms of professions... there is a lot of options, is only a matter of what you are willing to risk.
I got real excited about eve, even created my character on my real birthday.
I left real quick for what some would consider silly reasons, but in spaceship games these things are important to me.
Two things, firstly, more realistic physics. I want lateral thrusters at least. I dont like swimming through space. I should be able to turn my thrusters to zero and still be moving forward. I just cant wrap my brain around how things are now.
Second(ly), eliminate the click to move setup. I like to be able to use the keyboard to move.
while CCP is talking about own hangars and offices in eve due to the
"walk in station" i would like to see a implentation of " own house/apartments in
Maybe house on planets in different sizes ...
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