Today I realized something; I can't bear this game any longer.
I've been playing it for a long time and off, and recently i've been playing a lot with my real life friends and my brother. They're all lowish levels, and i'm the only 60 out of the bunch. I've made countless alts to play with them at their level, and leveled with them...but they keep making new toons and so do I.
I've played every class but a priest until level 30, and than my friends start leveling their other toons, so than I decided I would too. All the while, forgetting I have a level 60.
Well, I got poor one day, and looked through all my toons to find something to sell.. my level 55 friend was in AV at the time so I said, "what the hell". I started loving it, and than over the course of two weeks or so, started playing (only AV, didn't want to deal with fighting people in all raid gear again like I did in the 60 bracket), and just having a blast. I decided i'd play so much i'd get a HWL weapon and than possibly level in Outlands.
Well, I did. I got HWL Pig Sticker, and logged into Outlands for the first time. My game started being all choppy, for the first time EVER. Even in peak hours in any main city, Horde or Alliance, I NEVER lagged at all. But now, for some reason Outlands makes my mouse and character lag, and so my reflexes are slower. I power through a few quests, than take a break and eat dinner. When I log back on again, I think to myself. Jesus Christ, this game sucks so horribly.
I'm standing there at in front of a quest giver, debating in my head whether to take the quest or not. I really, REALLY, don't want to. Every quest is exactly the same. EXACTLY THE SAME, and now I have to do about a thousand more before I start having fun again(PvP)? There's no way. I don't even know how I did those few quests....I honestly don't. I've grinded the same shit(it honestly is all the same, don't lie to youreself)that all use the same moves, and I always end up doing the same moves in the same order to kill it.
For 60 levels, I don't even know how I got to 60 anymore without my friends playing(basically the only time I have fun is when my friends are on) with me, but that isn't the point. I'd usually log on some of my alts, playing with my friends, counting how many times I have to kill x of these, get x of these from the same guys I have to kill x of these for...blah..blah.. I only leveled to PvP, I only had fun when I would PvP. Now i'm sick of AV, the only BG I can do.
Okay? Level an alt? Did that.... Raid? That means i'll have to get into a guild that aren't full of elitest pricks which is very, VERY hard to do.... level to 70? FOR WHAT? Why would I level to 70, doing the same exact quests? I'll have to go up against raiders, in my (if i'm LUCKY) BoP blues, that will essentially own me up doing the only thing I like doing.
In conclusion, I can't stand this game anymore because of its' weak overall PvP system, boring quests, and complete and total itemization and imbalance between levels.
How is this game even fun anymore?
Know that you're not alone. But fornutally there are good games in development.
That's the main thing that I don't like about WoW. You get at 60, you make alts, you do raids, you try battlegrounds, and then you've pretty much "beaten" the game, because there's nothing else to do. I am and always will be a major fan of sandboxes, which give you way more freedom than most games, and obviously I couldn't stand WoW for a little more than 3 months.
Ultima Online 98~04
Dark Age of Camelot 03~07
Final Fantasy XI 04~06
Guild Wars 05~08
World of Warcraft 04~05
Unsuccessful Tries: DFO/EQ2/DRaja/Rag/Req/RYL/9D/Cabal/KO/PSU/RF/GE/TO/TR/DDO/EVE/LoTRO/L2/RZ/SWG/VG
I love making new characters and leveling them, but after a while it gets boring and pointless. Raiding was fun if you are in a good guild, but the game needs more quest and at certain levels it became just plain xp farming. PvPing will turn you into a beast because it pisses you off so much (depends on what class you play, but of course with the exception of NE hunters).
Need a new game. Need a good game! Any suggestions?
Ultima Online 98~04
Dark Age of Camelot 03~07
Final Fantasy XI 04~06
Guild Wars 05~08
World of Warcraft 04~05
Unsuccessful Tries: DFO/EQ2/DRaja/Rag/Req/RYL/9D/Cabal/KO/PSU/RF/GE/TO/TR/DDO/EVE/LoTRO/L2/RZ/SWG/VG
I hope it makes you feel better now that you have let it all out.....
As far as the "choppy" graphics after you entered Outland, that is no fault of the game as it is your PC setup.
You would not be accurate to blame WOW for that. I have little to no issues in that aspect.
Move on to another game you might like or wait for whatever is in developement to be released.
Not sure what you are looking for by posting here other than self realization. I hope it's not anything more than that.
Have fun in your next adventure for how ever long that may last....
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
I think this is a typical case of where you have outgrown the game and environment.
Try picking a game from a genre that you would usually not consider and giving it a run for a week. Something totally the opposite of WoW or fantasy tastes. If you have no luck, pick something else again. Eventually you may find something that you would never have previously considered, and that sucks you right in.
This is an amusing quote from someone who plays the game I help develop:
DarkSpace Developer - Play DarkSpace - Play For Free!
Medusa Engine SDK - Free MMO Game Engine
Hampton Roads/East Coast Video Gamers Association
This is definately a more and more common theme. I too have recently canceled my WoW account due to many differant factors. The game for me got old far too fast, leveling was far too easy, I played on a PvP server (and PvP went from Okay to not worth a damn) I will even give an example, keep in mind please this is one example of many, for the purpose of this example I choose Tarren Mill. It is neither desirable, nor does it prove anything when people who are 30+ levels above you are allowed to attack you, kill you, then camp your body and kill you over and over again. All this is , is a poorly thought out PvP system that is greatly exploited by people who either don't know how to play their class against their own teir or people who think they are winners because they can kill someone who has absolutely no chance of defending themselves. And god forbid you go to the Blizzard forums and say something to this effect, you will NEVER see a responce from someone who works for blizzard in their PvP section due in part because they really don't care what you think, but also receive condesending and/ or insulting responces from other players of which the best I find are the ones who say "L2p" this my friends is the cry of the worst of these people, the ones who think they are proving something by killing people who have no chance of killing you because you are that many levels beyond them.
Then we get into TBC - the expansion that in my eyes exploits the fan base by making you pay double the amount of the original game and gives you sinfully little content for the 2 years it has been in the works, you get 20 levels with 2 new races, not even any new classes (allowing the use of two classes that were already in the game by both sides was an insult) in the new areas, then you have little choice but to go back to the old content which has been overplayed for at least a year now, and to top it you don't get to see any new content until you reach level 58, the lowest level allowed into the new areas. You get to these new areas and within a very short while you get new green items which have better stats than the purple epic gear most people worked their ass off to get, thanks a lot for the complete lack of anything resembling balance here.
Anyway, these are a few reasons why I just can't play anymore, but hey if you still have fun with this game, more power to you, but as for me I will be waiting for those new games (especially War + AoC) to give them a go.
I'm pretty sure "General Discussion" covers it. This is, after all, a community.
You're not alone my friend... the number grows each and every day now.
For a while i was happy with World of Warcraft. I had the time and energy with no other MMO grabbing at me to make it to the higher levels. I made 40 to 50, and then to 60 and had fun with the game... but just as it used to get old back when, its getting old once again now. I don't know what it is, but WoW is just getting dry for me. I wish i hadn't purchased the expansion pack as i can't help but feel as though it was a waste of my money. No, no! I'm not saying the expansion pack is crap, so hold your flames.. i'm saying i purchased the expansion and the next thing i know i haven't picked up another time card or reinstated the payment for next month on my credit card. I've gotten about 10% of what i paid out of the expansion pack, thats not cool! Though my own fault i will note..
Who knows what it is about WoW that has many of us turning away and hoping for something new.. maybe its the community? The quests? The graphics? or maybe its the grinding... yes... the grinding perhaps? Who knows! But its boring alot of us. To those of you still strong with the game, good luck out there and have fun!
But as for myself, another notch for the ol' belt i'm afraid. I think this will be the last and final time i play this game. the final pay period.
WoW just doesn't do it for me anymore,
On the bright side, theres a whole slew of games coming up that look very promising... Tabula Rasa, Stargate Worlds, Startrek Online, Huxley, Maybe Age of Conan, and Pirates of the Burning Sea!
Edit: Typo fix!
Everquest - 2000 - '02
Anarchy Online - '01-'02
Earth and Beyond - '02-'04
Star Wars Galaxies - '03-'06('07)
World of Warcraft - '04-'07
Age of Conan - '08 - shelved.
-Waiting on-
Star Trek Online
SW: The Old Republic
/ Is watchign the same games i am
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
But im still playing it but it doesn't keep my attention , i just level from x9s to own bgs.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
*holds hand out*
Welcome to the highest level. The one of leaving this game. It took me a while to finally say "this is the same shit... over and over and over and over again" as well so you are deffinitly not alone. The fanbois say its a vocal few who are rising out against WoW and Blizzards lack of caring about the player any longer. I say the group is growing.
"And after blizzard takes over the world, they are gonna gather a bunch of lemmings, sit on their fat asses near a cliff, and watch the little fuzzy bastards suicide dive into the ground below. . . . . all just for their own entertainment."
Boy did I get hosed.
TBC has pretty much ruined the game I loved so much. At lvl 70 the game becomes the total grind it was never meant to be. Grind rep, farm consumables, level up your useless tradeskills for no reason, then run the same dungeons over and over until your eyes bleed. There are a ton of new quests in the Outlands but they are just more of the same. Kill x of this, loot y of that, find z and bring it to me. After 2 years of play and the amount of hype Blizzard shoved down our throats for this expansion pack, i'm very disappointed.
I could PvP, but PvP in WoW right now is a total joke. I know the classes were never (and will never be) balanced for PvP, but with the extra 10 lvls, talents and skills each class has gotten, the class balance is the worst it's ever been. On top of that, PvP no longer offers any semblance of character progression because the PvP gear rewards are laughable compared to the PvE loot. The Arena gear is good, but Arena PvP is even MORE imbalanced and it's just another grind.
I'm not sure if TBC itself is to blame for my utter bitterness towards WoW, or if the xpack just made me totally sick by not really adding anything new to the game. Either way, I've cancelled my account and am eagerly awaiting Warhammer Online.
Please me.
"There's no difference between me and everyone else. All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."
~The Joker~
EQ was a pioneer, but that style of game no longer works for me. I don't have the time to sit at a computer night after night for 4-6 hours. Even with the new expansion, all they did was reduce the number of people needed for the high end raids. What happens when you've farmed out everything you can in the 5 man instances? All that's left yet again is raiding. And that's why I no longer play.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
As for the Original Poster:
Maybe it's time to move on. It looks like you had a long run and lots of fun with WoW.
If it bores you now, or you don't like some of the changes, there is nothing stopping you from taking a break and doing something else.
I don't understand how people think the game suddenly sucks when they get bored of it. By that conclusion, all MMO players are idiots: It takes us a long time playing a game to realize it sucks!
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents." -H.P. Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"
There was endgame before TBC yes, but I do believe that the original end game seemed far more thought out than the TBC from what I heard about it, not only that, but you could just tell looking at the quests that the people doing them had just hurriedly typed a paragraph for a storyline on the quest and then added kill whatever monster to get whatever item. I'd also like to add as a 3D Modeller, I found that the landscaping and modelling was also done in a very rushed way, the land seemed very empty and from what I could see they had simply re-scaled and coloured existing NPC models such as the imps and boars differently, regardless of how 'great' the content was, it was extremely rushed and it lacked the polish the original game had, but that's just my opinion.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Exactly. Very, very few models were of any "new" development. Weapons, armor, NPC's, Mobs, Dungeons, etc.
One, and only one of many examples... You ever seen a Warrior in Heroic gear? Paladin much?
Another way to look at it is like this: WoW from (I would say) level 1-50 is a fun and polished experience. After level 50, the grind and specific options available for play (along with the built in need to play pvp/raids until BC showed up) turned in to a very unpleasant experience, a different sort of game for me. BC unfortunately is just too little too late, I feel. The quests are pretty much more of the same, yeah, but if it had shown up when it was originally scheduled a year earlier, I would have still been enjoying it a lot more. Unfortunately, it's arrival came when I was seriously burned out from too much repitition, and offered too little to really tempt me to stay for the long run. And the though of waiting another two years for an expansion that might not offer 1-70 level content is just too much for me right now.
So I say WoW: great game until the end. But the end itself needed work.
Current MMOs: Rift, GW2, Defiance
Blog: (old school tabletop gaming and more)
I still play WoW, but I think you have a very valid point.
And BC does not really change the point. Just makes it easier to get better gear starting at 58. Provides for the missing Quest lines that really end in the 55 range.
Looking forward to LotRO.
Mostly for the PvP Monster Play.
Will see about AoC and WAR when they release.
Expect more from WAR than AoC.
If you guys want something totally different check out
Heres a good link to the IGN Preview to give you a good idea about it,
I see alot of you guys posting about WAR and AoC which are share alot with WoW and the Classic EQ style. TCOS is totally different and brings something new to the table check it out.