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1 tank melee, 1 caster, 1 melee dps/healer, 1 melee dps/ranged dps
(KnightOfTheBlazingSun) (BrightWizard) (WarriorPriest) (WitchHunter)
1 tank melee, 1 healer/caster, 1 dps/melee, 1 ranged dps
(IronBreaker) (RunePriest) (Hammerer) (Engineer)
High Elves-?
1 tank melee, 1 melee dps, 1 healer/caster, 1 ranged dps
(BlackOrk) (Choppa) (Shaman) (SquigHearder)
1 tank melee, 1 dps melee, 1 caster, 1 healer/caster?
(Chosen) (Marauder) (Magus) (Zealot)
Dark Elves-?
Dwarfs and Greenskins seem to be exactly the same in class breakdowns.
Empire and Chaos are very different in thier approaches.
Perhaps the Chosen and Marauders will be much tougher then thier direct empire counter parts? Thus the need for a 3rd Empire melee class.
Will Bright Wizards have increased abilities allowing them to take on both types of casters?
Will the rogue-like Witch Hunter will be able to evade direct attacks and hit Chaos casters up close? (they would probobly have more discontent towards the caster classes as they would be seen as heretics)
Was this done to promote certain sets of tactics Empire and Chaos? In articles posted on gamespot, W.A.R. devs describe the Empire as having strength in teamwork.
Anyone have any speculation based on WH lore or tabletop figures on what possible DE and HE classes we could be seeing and how they would match up?
I think the Rune Priest was described as more of a Melee type then a caster.
I Think(and hope) that is exactly the point.
From what i've read (i'm not a Warhammer player) that each of the races have different strengths and play different stratagies that highlight thier strengths. So, it would make sence for them to be building a Warhammer online system that also had this racial diversity in strategy and tactics.
Well, Yes. I think they create the realms to have seperate tactics for victory. I would call it more an ETHOS than tactics though. Just like in daoc selected races and realms have their own "flavor" of ways to combat the enemy wether it be brute stregnth, debuff and debillitate, Magical Might or Defense and healing. All pretty much balanced out. Its not that "oh my chaos has more casters so the empire caster needs to be twice as powerful" its more like, if I like more casters, then I will play the team with more types of casters. Just like , runemaster wasnt "better" than a Wizard or a Sorcorer. its just that if you wanted to be a lone mage amungst melee you ran chose a runemaster, if you wanted to be a mage amungst mages you chose a wizard.
Lets lose the terms "DPS TANK" and let them stay in that other game. "Light tank" and "Heavy tank" are the terms that fit more. This fits better because you can play for consistant damage per second by dualweilding fast weapons, or use a 2hander for damage pet hit. "ranged dps" also isnt accurate. since archery is more about the damage per hit and not the damage per sec. Mages dont "DPS!!" they DD (direct damage) AoE (hit everyone) DoT (damage over time) or debuff (indirect damage) Just trying to restore old terminology to its former glory (pet peve of mine in terminology sorry)
oh and I would hardly call a witchunter "rogue like" Rogues sneak up on people and use guile to win. a rogue would sneak around back undetected, set a trap and run away and hope it blew up the villan. A witchhunter on the otherhand. would kick open the front door, summom a burning blade kick you in the gut put his gun in your mouth, pull the trigger, light a cigar, use the cigar to set fire to the house, and walk out as it burned down on your corpse. Think "BLADE" or "Grifter" type for what the class is like. Light melee, very light special powers, light gunplay but all bad mutha
nothing rogue like about that at all.
Off Topic:
It's pointless to quibble over the definitions of MMO terms based on their literal meanings. DPS is rarely used to describe Damage Per Second. DPS is a blanket term used to denote a class that does higher/faster damage than the average. A Bright Wizard is about the boom. It's a ranged DPS class. It doesn't matter HOW it does the damage, only that it does lots of it.
"Light Tank" could replace Melee DPS, as it is a class that blocks enemies. It just does so with high damage, rather than high defense. But really both would be right. Universally, more players would know what you meant if you called the Marauder a melee DPS class, than if you were to call it a Light Tank.
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
On Topic:
I do agree with Kraiden that some of it is merely "flavor." Some of it was done because it fits the particular race, some of it because of established lore, and some of it just for variety.
The races really have more in common than they do things differently. They all have a Heavy Tank. They all have a Light Tank (or melee dps). They all have a ranged class. And they all have a healing hybrid. The differences are minor. A Squig herder is a pt class, the Engineer is a mid-range bomber, and the Bright Wizard is a long range cannon. But they're all ranged attackers. Likewise, Shamans and Zealots are healers with a focus on casting, while Runepriests and Warrior Priests are healers with a focus on melee.
There may be some tactical differences based on this, but I think it would be a byproduct of making classes that iconically fit each race's themes.
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
Then theres often a sub classification of damge dealears,or high dps toons as ,front loaded,over time,or back loaded.
backloaded is the wierd one.ususally caused by a wierd spell/pet effect combined with lag. anger sprite animist good example of this.
"DPS TANK" and let them stay in that other game. "Light tank" and "Heavy tank" are the terms that fit more. This fits better because you can play for consistant damage per second by dualweilding fast weapons, or use a 2hander for damage pet hit. "ranged dps" also isnt accurate. since archery is more about the damage per hit and not the damage per sec. Mages dont "DPS!!" they DD (direct damage) AoE (hit everyone) DoT (damage over time) or debuff (indirect damage) - Kraiden
Ok well I'll try to appease Kraiden and use the "old" terminology. All though I never liked the term tank. I get why its used but I don't like it. From the Vids, and the concept art, the "light tanks" don't seem to wear much in the way of heavy plate armor. From the site they wear medium armor, looks to be a lot of chainmail. So that makes them, "medium tanks" right?
Just bugging ya.
1 Defensive Melee, 1 caster, 1 melee /healer, 1 melee/ranged
(KnightOfTheBlazingSun) (BrightWizard) (WarriorPriest) (WitchHunter)
1 Defencive melee, 1 healer/caster, 1 offensive melee, 1 ranged
(IronBreaker) (RunePriest) (Hammerer) (Engineer)
Defensive melee, 1 Offensive melee , 1 healer/caster, 1 ranged
(BlackOrk) (Choppa) (Shaman) (SquigHerder)
1 Defensive melee, 1 Offensive melee, 1 caster, 1 healer/caster?
(Chosen) (Marauder) (Magus) (Zealot)
What I was getting at was will there be an advantage to having a ranged attack based player on your side or will 2 caster classes have an advantage?
Will it be an advantage to have more melee charcters?
since 2-h sword is taken.wonder if elf will be say ,spear with good damge and parry.or will they gimp them to sword and board.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
If they put that in the game, it would have to be rated mature.
BUt i would smoke all the time. even in battle.
I mean seriously. Even if it ticks off one health per minute I would still do it.
No foolin'
SMoking rules.
Even gandalf smoked '"weed"
Not saying that drugs should be in the game, but I've heard that drugs are quite prelevent in WH Lore
I am His will incarnate.
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.