Asia is the predominate mmo region,especially korea. The mmo is the only computer games sold in that market since any single player game would sell 10 copies at best,then have 10 million copies in 2 weeks.That cartoony like graphics,semi-animae ,are what korean market seems to go for.WoWs player base is over 85% asian accts. I'm fearing war is a transitional game for the pve only type (carebears) and a stab at the lucrative asian market.Personally I don't want to be involved ,or should I say flooded with that type of player base.
When I look at aoc graphics,they seem much more like advanced DAoC type graphics,moe lifelike and photorealistic.I believe those are the type of graphics most serious players in the US and Europe prefere. WAR might get the masses,but I believe AoC will get the classs.
WAR may easily grab 5-10 times the players,gold farmers,pler's ect. than AoC ,but I believe AoC will get the better gamers.The lvling system and pvp rewards in AoC seem like a layered defense vs Korean farmers,imo.
i.e. they are not making the grpahics cartoony to appeal to asian gamers.
Besides, which other cartoony mmos have done well in Korea? Lineage I, Lineage II and Dekaron are not (I wouldn't say they were anime-ish either but some people do).
From what I've seen so far WAR has better art even if it is more cartoony.
AoCs art looks a little bland, like Vanguard's (I may be mistaken though I've not checked in a while).
I'd also like to say that games other than mmo's do sell well in Korea especially FPS's and strategy games.
Theres just one thing I believe puts US players on the high ground (Ok a swamp) on this issue.The overwhelming majority of US players will buy a game even when they know they can get a free copy.The reason being is you want more of that type of game plus support.Plus its not worth the time to dl and crack a $40 game.When there $500-$600 apps to be had.
1 gb of ram and a single gpu dx9 card is kinda on the gimpy side for a gamaing rig. 1 gb of ram was brutal running daoc,let aloan a new game.
but I will say this, i posted this same topic on the war forum and they a re flaming me like wow,or coh players would.while the aoc replies have been very substantive and more mature.
You got flamed at the WAR forums? I read that post and it looked more like a discussion to me. Much like Suttonian here. And im sure its highly unusual when you go about bashing a game on a forum to get one or two negative replies.
And since you denied bashing WAR (and its players) in the WAR forums, I'll be kind enough to provide you with your own words: "WAR may easily grab 5-10 times the players,gold farmers,pler's ect. than AoC ,but I believe AoC will get the better gamers".
The better gamers? Truly that is a wise choice of words. I've read the boards here and on the official AoC forums and believe it or not, there is plenty of immaturity to be had anywhere.
Same thing I have been thinking for the past few months. The combat looks really slow and border line dull as well from everything I have seen so far and I have been following AOC since early 05.
The movies make it look exciting and fun but as soon as you see a ingame video im like blah!
I think its going to be a decent game and one full of depth, but I dunno know if its actually going to be FUN. I just have a feeling that AOC will be EVE 07, while WAR will be WOW meets DAOC.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
I meant that below a dx10 card you need sli/crossfire or a dual gpu u got 1gb of ddr2,ouch what did they send u 2 512mg sticks.Not saying you rig sucks,just picking on you.your only 90 dollars US away from a top 20% rig.
I view AoC as a second attept at shadoebane.And WAR as a transitional game to get carebears to not be afraid of pvp.I prefere all the concepts of the guild/clan and ownership of keeps in AoC over the public property style of WAR. Im personally more concerend with player base and pvp palyabilty than graphics.I always turn most of the flashy crap down for frame rate anyways.
All canceled. Waiting on Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning.
wow,chill dude,I said if not running a dual gpu setup,then you basically need an 8800 series dx10 card.GPU=graphics processor unit,you are running a single gpu in that model card.I did not say you need 8800's in sli(that means a pair) to run a game.Im going into slightly more detail for you because any experienced upgrader/builder would know u need to buy matching pairs and sizes of memory(from the same batch and package)in order to run your memory in dual channel mode,which is about twice as fast as mismatched memory sticks.The memory that fails dual channel testing has its pins modified so vendors can't try and sell it as dual channel and it is sold off as cheaper(low-end)non-dual channel memory.You cant even mix single and dual on the same board.It will boot up as single channel if they are not all matching pairs of the same batch,and lot per row,and same sizes per column.
Im gonna go with 2- 2gb dual cannel 4gb total,with 4gb more upgrade room later this year.It's either that or next upgrade ide have to toss ram,and i hate tossing ram.test are showing ddr2 isn't even all that faster than ddr unless you have very high end sticks.and of course no mercy on this one ddr1 wont fix a ddr2 slot.And ddr is becoming more expensive and harder to find.So its basically the same price to get ddr2 ram and a new board than try to hunt down ddr dual channel gb sticks.
Thomson your computer knowledege leaves much to be desired.You don't even understand how to set up dual channel ram ,and let someone dump a run-off stick on you.In the US I can find those kind of parts in office park dumpsters.Most of your mmo experience has been in pve games.Your system will work but imo its gimp.But I do give you credit for your Conan like style of communication,definately warmed up for role-playing AoC.
I dont cu't n paste quotes,I think its cheap.But did someone say something about having absolute trust in what a dev tells him.Atm I'm lowering my price on land on the outskirts of miami,it even has some flamingos on it now.
Hmm,a 5950 512mb card was/is more high end of a card of any era I've yet to own.Who made that beast.I was running a 9800 se 256mb back at that time.
I do see a common theme among alot of people.Instead of incrimental upgrades on an ongoing basis,and saving a lil each month for more expensive mods.They do nothing until one day thier rig is obsolete,and are left unprepaired and upset at the game companies for moving foward.
I haven't done detailed a detailed review of the cost to maintain a respectable gamming rig,but it's somewhere around $75 per month.Which really isn't to bad for a hobby.If you can't afford that,then maybe crochet,or sewing might be a good alternative hobby.
Its not as stable or reliable,and as you quoted not guarunteed,I don't recomend people risk stability to save $20 or $30.But it's your rig you do as you please.It's your right.And yes, shhhh we know 5 series vid cards belong in a museum.I was just trying to make someone feel better.thats a wierd model though musta been the top 5 series made,love to see the cooling on it.
Anyways think we figured out the conclusion of the dual channel thing.So lets call a cease-fire so I can pick on other people.
From what i see(not referring to thom) already im prepared to hear loop or im locked quite a bit,I really hope they can code as good as gamebryo(toke's on hooka)