hi,ive been enjoyng my trial experience following the guide some guy posted here(the stickie)
and i need to know something
whats the difference between a rocket and missile?i have 4 slots to fill,should i fill all whit rockets?missiles?ship is a kestrel
Rockets are smaller, chearper, faster to fire, less accurate, less damage.
For PvE you can try rockets, for PvP missiles would be better.
Not 100% sure on the facts though.
I'd stick with missile 80 to 90% of the time. Rockets do have their use, but their very limited range makes them only viable in close combat. Since, especially in the beginning of your EVE career, I would recommend to keep the opposition (be it Player or NPC) at a distance, I'd stick to Light Missiles.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Additionally, rockets and torpedoes are 'unguided' as far as in game descriptions go. The effects of this is that a lot of additional missile skills do not apply to them. However, this is compensated by their damage potential. I would not recommend rockets (or torpedoes for that matter) for general use, but for close combat or seiged bombardment, you can't beat them.
I really only use rocket launchers for Defender Missiles. They fire the fastest of the all the launchers... they just do less damage... though... I can fire two, maybe 3 or 4, rocket defenders before they can fire 2 missiles... I can also hold many more defends per launcher...
That is the only purpose I see in Rockets though.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
Rocket Kestrel is probably one of the funnest ships to fly though IMHO.
Close range fast damage vs Long Range slow damage.
Rockets are short range, missiles are longer range. Rockets do more DPS, missiles have higher burst damage. Rocket launchers have easier fitting requirements than missile launchers.
So, rockets are short range damage dealers and missiles are for longer range fighting.
Now you have to decide how you want to fight your target. Would it be better to get close, under their guns and using your higher DPS to kill them fast or would it be better to snipe from range, hopefully outside the optimal range of your target.
In pvp, rockets are great to use on drones. Also, with their rapid RoF, you're more likely to get the final blow.
Using a Condor with dual missilelaunchers, packing EMP/Kinetic/thermal missiles (bought thermal for some reason I cant remember)
Seems going missiles is the right thing according to this post, however, I usually use "keep at distance"-option. Dunno what distance I should be using tho? where can I hit them while they have problems hitting me? Any and all info is appreciated
Awesome game btw!
Veni, Vidi, Vomite
However, logic says stick with missles becuase soon youll want heavy missles skills etc. and you need 3 lvls of standerd to get that.
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