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It's pretty sad that nothing out right now appear to be fun or new for the matter. I miss the days of Ultima Online, I played this game all day and night it was so fun (Well when I wasn't working). I've played Guild Wars for a bit and once I hit level 20 it was boring, nothing but farming and stupid guilds which barely stay together. I played WoW for a bit but I quit because I was sick of playing in a game I was paying monthly fees for so I could be bothered by 12 year olds all day. I tried the trail for Star Wars Galaxies and to be honest it was a blast but I'm not sure how the game is now. Runescape was fun back in the day when I had no cash but now it's nothing more than a sad excuse to be at the computer when nothing else is going on. I gave EvE a try and I really was over whelmed by the amount of knowledge you needed to play that game, it was way too much for me just to have fun so I uninstalled and never look backed. I use to play Diablo 2 online but for whatever reason I got banned (Might of been my dumb friends trying out hacks).
I'm guessing a lot of people on these forums are having the same problem with finding a MMORPG worth investing time into. The sad thing is every new MMORPG is nothing more than grinding levels with a 12 year old community. I really liked how Ultima Online was, just coming back from a long day of work to chat with friends and go on hunts. Those where the days, sadly most MMORPG's out have nothing great about them.
Does anyone know of any good MMORPG's coming out or that are already released, if they're pay to play or free to play list the ones you find great.
Maybe the experts can answer your question better
Yeah, I really miss old Ultima Online as well..
For now the best you can do is wait for the new mmos coming out, because to be sincere I don't know if any mmos out there are good enough to invest time into. All I've been doing lately is to replay old RPGs and pvp on Guild Wars when I'm bored.
The games I'm waiting for are: Warhammer Online, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan and Darkfall. LOTRO is good also, and I'm certainly going to play it for a little longer when open beta starts, but it's not interesting enough for me to buy it.
I'd recommend you to try out LOTRO and see if you enjoy it.. But you prob won't, since most of my friends who used to play UO with me years ago didn't like LOTRO that much, but you have nothing to lose but time.
Ultima Online 98~04
Dark Age of Camelot 03~07
Final Fantasy XI 04~06
Guild Wars 05~08
World of Warcraft 04~05
Unsuccessful Tries: DFO/EQ2/DRaja/Rag/Req/RYL/9D/Cabal/KO/PSU/RF/GE/TO/TR/DDO/EVE/LoTRO/L2/RZ/SWG/VG
Sounds like you are looking for a mature community more then anything else.
What to try something worth playing aside from a generic fantasy grinder? Try one of these out...
Ryzom free trial
EVE free trial
Either of these games has what you are looking for, they are non-level based with mature communities.
Good luck.
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I'll check out Ryzom and see what that games about. EVE wasn't bad because the game required too much thinking, it was because it required a lot more time in the start and over whelmed me with the amount of information required to get started instead of slowly dishing out how to play the game during quests, ect.
I miss old UO as well.
Im currently playing WoW just because i have a lot of freinds there. I'm waiting for Darkfall and WAR.
Ooops, I missed that...its was 7am my time when I wrote that I had not finished my first cup of coffee yet![](
How long ago did you try it? I thought the tutorial was very good, much better then most. It covered almost every "basic" aspect of the game to start out.
Also the community is pretty helpful. I just got on the different chat channels and started asking questions and always found someone willing to help me out.
Dungeon Runners is a mindless hack and slash that is loads of fun without the "leet" atmosphere. If it sounds up your alley check it out. You can play it free or pay 5 bucks a month to unlock all the features.
Lego MMO
gpett I can't play Dungeon Runners because I need to a referral which I don't have. Looks like a great game, if anyone can refer me my NcSoft name is cpaw88.