I think we could pretty much agree we are all tired with the Fanasty MMORPG games and asian grindfests. I came here to ask if anyone had any ideas on a genre that has not be abused that would be a breath of fresh air for us all. Also post any features that would make this unique. Post away
Oh wait..... That game has already been made and 8.5 million people are playing it
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
OMG that sounds awesome!!!! Whats the name of this incredible, groundbreaking holy grail of gaming?
In all honesty, this genre (MMO's) has almost unlimited potental. Sci-Fi has hardly been tapped, no modern or any other theme has really been touched aside from a dabble here and there. All thats really out there is an over abundance of duplicate fantasy grinders. Devs could still really try anything instead of rehashing the old EQ model over and over in their own "vision".
One of the primary problems with the MMO industry is the creative minds behind it are the same people who started it. There hasn't been a whole lot of new blood leading the genre forward. Its the same guys remaking the same games with new graphics.
There was a totaly new concept. Seed! Sadly nobody wanted to play it and went bankrupt.
Also ask yourself, if you had 30 mil. dollar, would you gamble with it or use a proven concept?
Steve Jackson -> MUNCHKINS !
It is your fantasy RPG , gaming , starwars, ninja ... whatever parody
It could be hillarious and current MMOs (and gaming in general) needs more humour
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Yeah, so be happy when WoW 2, LotR 2, Horizons 2, EQIII, Lineage 3, Dark Age of Ever Call 4 launches.
(SEED suffered from an exeptionally poor technical launch that made it about unplayable that they were unable to fix for over a month AND a very poor/weak marketing campaign)
If I had 30 million dollars, I would blow it on greedy materialistic stuff on myself rather then try to appease the impossible to please MMO community.
Martial Arts OMGGGG
quick summary:
imagen a game where u start off a yellow belt kick bocer or karate or somehting and move up to be come like 3rd degeer black belt, then get the other 3 profs to 3rd degger black belt then for like lets say jedi status its a samurai
Someone pleae take this game up. I have so many ideas. I started a month ago just grabbing random martial art professions, making skill trees and everything. Now about 30mins ago, i just watched a documentry about martial arts and there weapons.
For a game im thinking about, you would maybe have 4 - 5 professions.
You can start off as any of the 4 - 5 move your way up in getting your black belts and 1st 2nd 3rd so on degeer belts. Then once you have mastered every single profession you can move on up to the samurai status(whoch would be like having a jedi in swg)
The time would be set back when samurais where around.
So lets say your going to become a Karate master for your first profession.
[Karate Master]
[3rd Degree Belt]
[2nd Degree]
[Black Belt]
[Brown Belt]
[Red Belt]
[Yellow Double Stripe]
[Yellow Stripe]
Ya i know that was long wow.. anyways each [] means a skill box u need to complete. And yes i know i most likely got the belt colors in the wrong space buts its only an example. Your probably saying why level up so many times? Well i remeber when i got to the top of my profession i wish it would keep going, so im hoping we could some how make it so the black belt could go on to double triple stripe and so on so theres no limit to how powerful u are, but i dont know what you think about it. Should there be an Ultimate cap?
anways link me nick.will.86@hotmail.com for more gaming ideas.
I got the time to make one, just not the skill for coding. I can map though
Wanna make something like SWG? Ive got the ideas. Do you have the coding skills? 2coders are registered for the new game already.
So far heres what the professions are.
http://tcnclan.com/site/mma.html im still putting in new professions.
I'd like a non-instanced dungeon-crawl game where the dungeon is constantly changing. I.E. walls shifting, ladders moving, traps resetting.
Would be fairly interesting, to say the least.
I just want more sci-fi mmo's, i still hate blizzard for making world of warcraft instead of world of starcraft
Sci-fi is the future! literally! >_<
How many of us played SWG for the first time and were like "WTF?!" when you had to shoot at a rodent 25 times with your blaster?
psyconius Cthulhu
Gothika Studios
How many of us played SWG for the first time and were like "WTF?!" when you had to shoot at a rodent 25 times with your blaster?
There is nothing "easier" or "harder" about that at all, its a matter of what the combat concept is in the design.
SWG was always a f*cked up game in one way or another. It had to do with the designers not having a clue as what sort of game they wanted to make not the fact that it was Sci-Fi. SWG troubles had nothing to do with its genre/theme and everything to do with being made by an unfocused, indecisive, poorly run company/design team.
playing eq2 and two worlds
I would like to see a MMO with a present day setting, like modern warfare with invasions, etc but peace areas too for building cities crafting
perhaps the setting could be two warring countries - and expanded with free updates to meet demand to multiple countries to continents.
Fully Open PvP but with consequences like NPC police force etc
dont make it boring and the player has to go to work and get a job --- have invasions supernatural happenings blend in the Sci-fi genre
with a small scale world perhaps smaller than most current MMOs but more content per zone
player cities, player armies/wars, player shops, player made towns/ports, player planes and boats and cars/tanks whatever.
A technologly ladder that follwed a time line of what equipment and skills become available started when the retail game opens.
no levels, no classes, career options -- join army -- advance ranks -- given better gear weapons/ armor -- everyone has same HP
wouldent that be a good game?
but for those with no imagination this is what you get:
-rape prisoners to level and loot pockets ("pvp")
-kill rats in the prison cells for skins and food ("pve")
-fight off notirious rapists aka "bosses" for quests and best items
skills include "bribe a guard", "low blow", "I'm crazy bluff"
The trouble is make a mmorpg with a orginal idea
takes more cash then to make a "wow copy "to use a moderna exp".
Some idea banks and " mmorpg orginations " are talking but the financing is lacking.
I got some strong ideas just that I cant mention those here as I hate seeing a mmorpg
who somebody else build and making cash out of. ( no Im not a capitalist who wanna keep all my cash for my self its all about I need my ideas and stuff I do is for paying my bills rents morgage and my family and employes.
played : daoc,enb,swg,eqII,lineageII,GW,AA,neocron,ryzom,eve, and beta testing 20 titles some: GE,Lotr,WH and more.
The company that can provide a world to gamers that actually changes as you play...where re-spawns become a thing of the past...where your actions actually have an effect on your surroundings and interactions with others...where you can't wait to login in order to visit the tavern, merchant, or mayor in order to find out what new "job" they might have for you...
When a game can provide a new and different experience for each "alt" that I create, even if it's exactly the same class and race and gender...
How in the hell can you accomplish this? It wouldn't be easy or it would have been done already. Still, if you eliminated NPC's altogether (with the exception of basic wildlife like bears and boars...couldn't have an fantasy MMO w/out them), and allowed the player to choose to be virtually anything he wanted, good or evil, then you would begin to be able to see the "world" be truly persistent.
If you started the game as a Human...say a farmhand...or a blacksmith's apprentice, you'd be placed inside of a small village with other gamers who also hold "day jobs" as well as adventure.
If you started the world as a goblin...or kobold...you'd be placed within a group of goblins or kobolds...maybe in a cave, trying to eek out an existence, trying to muster a group strong enough to pillage that stupid Human town only a few miles away.
The main obstacle to all of this, is that in any truly persistent, ever-changing world, death is a fact of life.
It is extremely ironic to me, that the feature that would finally do away with endless grinding and Leroy Jenkins' that love to party-wipe, is the same feature that gamers want NOTHING to do with...permadeath. So, as long as we continue to want to power-level and spend our evenings doing exactly the same thing over-and-over, because of this mad obsession to "win" games that in their nature are not winnable, we will never see any dramatic changes to the MMORPG.
And I think most players are okay with that.
Bzzzt. Wrong. I can't get enough High Fantasy games.
Realistic naval/pirate: PotBS coming soon.
Other genres:
20's Mafia
City Building