1. Reality Simulation: In all cases (excepting where technology or gaming enjoyment severely hinders or limits) reality should be simulated as far as "reasonably" possible. Reality is core to our psyches and brain function and thus for a MMORPG to be most playable, the player's brain (and it's recognition of what "seems" right) must perceive that what one does in a game "seems" to approach reality. a. Examples: 1. If, in the game, a character is able to sink to the bottom of a body of water, then that character must be able to hold his breath for a certain period of time and then should begin to pass out. 2. If, in the game, you see another character approaching, you must see what that character is wearing and carrying (unless an item is specifically hidden). 3. Characters must draw a weapon before using it - animation should show this difference.
2. PIWP: As a core design concept, the game will be PIWP (Player Interacting With Player). This is a superset of the more standard PVP but is also more subtlely pure in concept. Players MUST be able to interact with other players in virtually every (if not every) method possible insofar as the game mechanics allow.
3. Skill Based: Fully skill based.
4. Motivation: There must be as many motivations for various character actions and deeds as possible. In most games of this genre, the motivations for a given character to do anything (fight, become a metalsmith, etc.) are severely limited - usually limited to the overly simplistic motivation of gaining level (or gaining skill). There is seldom any deeper motivations at all. There MUST be motivations for the character to do any and/or all actions open to him/her. Further, the game should incorporate various motivations for players as well (other than the simplistic motivation of "I want to waste some time").
5. Consequences: There will be consequences for most (if not all) actions taken by a character. Insofar as possible, these will be in game consequences (some may by the nature of the action(s) performed by the character/player need to be out of game consequences or a combination).
6. Dynamic World: There will be actions that occur in the game world that will occur with or without PC involvement. Some of these may occur for storyline movement (in which case PCs will not be able to impact), but most will be able to be impacted by PC actions (see item 4 above as this will likely relate). a. Example: On a given day, a large band of Orcs will march on and attack a Human city. If PCs do nothing to stop this band of Orcs, the city may be wholly or partially destroyed (and NPCs will be killed). On the other hand, PCs may band together in adequate numbers to defeat the Orcs and thus save the city. Note that the consequences (see 4 above) of inaction on the part of PCs in this case may result in the total destruction of one of their cities (and thus may mean that returning PC adventurers will have no vendors to sell to or buy from).
7. Lore Transferal: Knowledge about the world (creature strengths, paths to caves, etc.) will be transferred in realtime/realmode manners based on the world technology as happens in reality. a. Example: On day one of the game the library in a given city may have little or no information about an Orc city 100 miles away (nobody has explored there yet). As PCs begin adventuring out and about, at some point some PC will discover the Orc city and make his way back to tell about it - thus the library (and people) will now have an increase of lore (and knowledge) about their world. This will become part of the "known" base of information about the game world.
8. Options: In virtually all cases (all if possible) there shall be multiple ways to do anything in the game.
9. Laws: The world must have a system of laws for characters. There should be an enforcement system in place for characters. There should be a way for characters to interact for and against other player characters.
10. Economics: At a minimum there should be a simulation of the costs of living for the character. This will give a more playable, realistic feel to the game and give a money sink that is needed. Likely these fees should be automatically deducted from their bank accounts.
11. Library: There will be a system of libraries in place - these will hold all knowledge of the world (as in real life). Further, there will be books in the library (with a simple info retrieval system) that explain ALL in game and out of game help information. Maps (as they become available) and all world information will be here for character/player use.
12. Character Knowledge: Characters will build knowledge of the world (paths, maps, creatures, etc.) as they play (just as in real life). There will be a system to show the character what he knows of something he targets as appropriate for the target and situation. He will be able to share this information with others and the library if he wishes. a. Example: When a character first encounters an Orc he will not know anything about the Orc except what he can visually see. However, after encounters he will begin to "know" various things about the Orc that he has learned (toughness, strength, habits, etc.). b. Example: After learning about the Orc from experience, he will be able to then share all of part of this information with another character (perhaps for sale) and/or with a library (this information will then automatically appear in a book in the library).
13. Renoun: Many ways to gain renoun (in various areas). a. Example: Character may become known for discovering information about Orcs.
14. Spawn: All creatures should be "born" in a natural manner - out of the prying eyes of PCs.
15. Weather: Weather has REAL effects. Include seasons.
16. Decay: All things will decay with use. Some repair is possible to a limit.
17. Random Events:
18. Quests with purpose:
19. Life Progression: Things our character does should progress as we gain skills - apprentice does different things than a skilled warrior (for example).
20. Roleplay: Animations, etc. for roleplay and social interactions - think There like.
21. Death: Death must have severe consequences so players won't step into death freely. This will also make players more careful in general. Perhaps some sort of progressive severity prior to permadeath.
22. Changing World: The NPCs must have lives of their own and do "things" independent of PCs. Also, when a PC goes away, there must be changes to the environment (houses, stores, NPCs, trees, etc. change).
23. Variety: There should be fun things to do for ALL types of characters - not just the biggest warrior (as in real life).
24. AI: Creatures should emulate real life creatures. Wolves for instance would have skills that allow them to track you efficiently and remain hidden if they desire.
25. Skills: Mix of character skills and player skills - handicap system.
26. Battle Effects: See all effects - damage, etc. Also, effects of weapon hitting helmet, etc.
27. Auto Targetting: Some sort for at least some situations. For instance, running after a thief you ready something to throw - stop and throw all in one move and with autotargetting, you have a chance of pulling it off (based on your character's skills).
28. Full sized world.
29. Movement speed: Several levels - walk, jog, slow run, sprint for instance. Each should not only reduce energy (may well jog forever however, but not run forever) but more importantly should reduce other skills (awareness for example, trap check, etc.).
30. Sleep: Lack of sleep has real effects.
31. Fatigue: Perhaps two levels (perhaps one) - normal short term stamina drain from doing high exertion activities and a longer term fatigue that requires sleep (see above) to completely remove the effects of. Both should lower abilities automatically and should be based on your stats - thus some people will do better without sleep than others for example. If the two are tied together into one "fatigue bar", then that is fine and likely preferable - such that a character's normal stamina increase may keep up with many (if not most) normal activities, but the long term fatigue drain will still show as a factor (thus requiring sleep and/or meditation at regular intervals).
32. Collect things: Should be able to collect items in the world and make collections - just like real people do. For instance one might collect images of birds (pictures) or rocks, flowers, etc. There should be skills and/or knowledge associated with these - flower drying, rock knowledge, taxidermy, etc.
33. Visability: Two issues - one is range, vision range (tied to overall sizing factor of world vs screen size vs size of models) must be adequate for tactical issues. Seconds, nighttime must inhibit players in a real way - forcing them to use torches for instance at night. This also gives "real" reason for campfires, etc.
34. Trapping: There should be "other" ways to kill/capture creatures besides standard melee or arrow methods. Based on reality (for instance) one cannot realistically kill a rabbit by sword (won't hold still) - one can use an arrow (if very good) but trapping is a better method. Perhaps several types of traps.
35. NPCs: Very active in game world - give quests, tasks, apprenticeships, etc.
36. Art: Players can take images in game and software translate them into art - framed and everything. This should be based on their skills. Further, players should be able to do original art oog and transfer this into an ingame art object. Sell, display, etc.
37. Music: Bards can play real music in game based on their skill. Groups can gather to play tunes as a group. Orchestras are just more of the same playing the same song. Software should assist to make slight changes so it seems real when many playing together. Further, oog music can be brought into game. Real music groups can appear in game and play live - as well as have their music ported into game.
38. Concerts: At real music group concerts, trophies can be sold.
39. Trophies: Many in game things can be "cut" up into trophy pieces (deer heads, bones, etc.) and collected and displayed. Everything in game can be collected - think of all possible things real people might want to collect - and thus be attracted to the game.
40. Guards: To help prevent pk problems (and other issues) guards will monitor killing and increase their agro range and numbers to combat pking. Special guards can be deployed to hunt down criminals.
41. Knowledge Gain: Knowledge (animal lore for example) can be gained by observing animals in their natural game habitats. Also, information has importance levels - such that when a roll is made for the character to see if he knows something, some things require lower levels (not everything must have high knowledge to give 100% info). For example: One need only have a small level of knowledge about Orcs to know that they are very aggressive and will attack on sight - but a high level of knowledge about Orcs is needed to know an Orcan inner circle ritual.
42. Newbie: A newbie may well not have adequate skills to do anything - in game first should be (rather than killing bunnies as most games do) is to hire as an apprentice and do "tasks" that give the character gains in stats and skills along the way. Also then the master will teach newbie certain skills as applicable. In this way, the player need not start by killing bunnies.
43. Renoun: Extensive system of renoun - starting locally (you become well known for your swordsmanship for example or for boot making) and this may (or may not) spread - depending on a number of factors including what you do and whether others spread your name.
44. Relationships: Like the hand held pets available now, there should be in game ways to bond (good and bad) to npcs, pets and PCs. This will require you doing the "right" things to advance these relationships (being nice, feeding pet, helping, giving money, loving wife, etc.). These relationships should have ingame pros and cons (wife assists you in business or gives you psychological boosts to combat for example but also takes some of your money automatically and requires some of your ingame time).
45. Night/Day: Night vs day should be totally different - not only due to lighting effects, but also types of creatures that come out at night vs day.
46. Temperature: Temperature (night, day, winter, area) should affect the character - making different clothing a necessity.
47. Dirty: Becoming dirty should have consequences. For instance after being on the road and thus being dirty, an Inn keeper might well refuse service to you until you go out and clean yourself in the horse trough. It should affect any "appearance" related stats or skills.
48. Tasks/Quests: There is a difference - tasks are more mundane (like little jobs) whereas quests have more significance (hero like).
49. NPC Economy: NPC vendors do not automatically restock - PCs must take tasks on a regular basis to keep NPCs stocked with supplies, tools, etc.
50. Passing Knowledge: Knowledge can be learned from NPCs or other PCs.
51. Memory: Differences between "knowledge" memory and "muscle" memory - perhaps worth investigating. Muscle memory NEVER goes away completely and comes back quickly upon doing the task again. Knowledge CAN go away (like with age).
52. Aging: Some effects??
53. Hireable NPCs: There should be many NPCs who can be hired for certain tasks. For instance a translator to go with you to help with a Quest or Task or carpenters to help build a house or a guide, etc.
54. Jobs: PCs can hold regular jobs for NPCs (shop keepers, etc.) that require them to do regular tasks (not all the time) to (for example) keep the shelves stocked with certain items the PC must either gather or make. These jobs would give a regular income and perhaps other benefits/perks. Also, this gives another reason for psychological effects - the store owner is robbed or killed, etc.
55. Food: Different foods should provide differing food quality. Also, I would model food so that you need a rounded diet for long term health. Also, food should decay if not prepared and stored properly (thus making it difficult to carry large quantities of food on a trip). Also, this would automatically provide another need for healing and for poison skills, etc.
56. Knowledge Book: Each thing has a book of knowledge with all the pieces of information and you learn these piece by piece and are written into your book.
57. Clan Hierarchy: Formal Clan joining - with father, mother, sister, etc. - another reason for psychological problems. Also, knowledge transfer.
58. Sleep Time: Dreams will be generated to amuse the player while the character sleeps.
59. Dream: Can be used by seers or mystics to gain knowledge that can only be gained this way (mystic on the mount) or a prospector going to a seer and being told to wait for a spirit to give you the sign to the gold.
60. Ghost: Dead for a while - make it worth while or force you to do it for a time period. Perhaps learning something only one can learn by being dead.
61. Sleep Time: Dreams generated by game, nightmares generated by game and real stuff happening that can wake the character.
62. Group: Single player can control an entire group of characters.
63. Age: Character will age - when you die you go back in age - ie age is a reward for not dying.
64. Effect Visualization: All PC effects (stamina loss, fatigue, etc.) should be viewable on character and/or sound effects. Example could be rapid breathing when stamina is lost due to long fight or heartbeat louder when HP getting low.
65. Terrain Effects: Terrain should matter in terms of movement. For example, going up a steep hill should be more difficult than moving on flat ground, etc.
66. To Do: Many things fun to do (bowling, golf, archery competitions, etc.) - simulate real life with 10,000 things to do - all skill based.
67. Collecting: Collect birds, insect, butterflys, etc. - make pictures of them too.
68. Magic System: Based on real physics - combining effects. For example, a spell might impart 100 points of heat energy to something - then that object will have defined what this much energy does to it and the graphics will show this effect. If one combines counteracting spells (heat and cold) they might offset each other or add to the effect.
69. NPC Death: When NPCs are killed (by PCs or other), they should be replaced with another NPC - not the same one.
70. Survival: Make surviving (not dying) a worthwhile thing for the character and for the player. Improved stats for instance, also keep track and display kills, deaths, etc. and attach this some "fame" quotient for each character.
71. Attract: Ability to feed and attract animals (cows, squirrels, butterflies) - can lead to all sorts of roleplay things (cattle drives, etc.).
72. Time: Some things in game should take "more" time (a significant amount perhaps) than in most games. For instance, making a bow - character should start the process and then perhaps there should be a timer (perhaps a day or two) before it is done - or points in between the actual steps where the character "waits for glue to dry" and thus can do something else before completing the task. In general, there needs to be time delays similar to real life.
73. Contests: In game contests (beauty pageants, art exhibits, etc.) with rewards (money, medals, etc.).
that is probably the best list i have ever seen, one of the biggest things that popped out at me was the quests with a purpose, you are absolutley right, and if u ever get into the testing phase of your game be sure to let me know i'm always up for pretty much any mmo.
lol, that list sorta reminds me of the time when my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday when I was 9....
....I replied I wanted a robot that could make U.S. currency. At the time I thought it could be done...alas, as you get older reality sets in.
While the list is awesome, there is no way you'll see that in a mmorpg for at least another 5 years... although if it does comes out it will mimmick real life so much that many people will probbaly be hesitant in buying it
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
While the list is awesome, there is no way you'll see that in a mmorpg for at least another 5 years... although if it does comes out it will mimmick real life so much that many people will probbaly be hesitant in buying it
First POST!!!
K, let me say first, that I'm the friend of justinnelson, to make the game was originally my idea...I'm done boasting now.
In response to five years. Yeah, we're planning on that, we think we might have some sort of sellable idea in 6 months to a year, maybe more maybe less, but we are sort of designing something that that would run on the comps of the future, I'm thinking 6-10ghz here. With that in mind, we are thinking of a massive game world, and something that reflects real life in a computerized way.
Originally posted by Dominax Good luck selling your idea..who knows in 5 years mmorpg will be a thing of the past
If anything MMORPG's are the FUTURE. Games like EQ and UO are awesome, don't get me wrong. But they've only scratched the surface in what MMORPG's can accomplish.
In about 5 years if mmorpg's still do exist you know the monthly going rate will probably be around 25-30 dollars the way they are always jacking the price up,techincally I like playing a game that starts out a low fee then with expansion they raise the price..not start out 14.95 when it's just released
1. Reality Simulation: In all cases (excepting where technology or gaming enjoyment severely hinders or limits) reality should be simulated as far as "reasonably" possible. Reality is core to our psyches and brain function and thus for a MMORPG to be most playable, the player's brain (and it's recognition of what "seems" right) must perceive that what one does in a game "seems" to approach reality.
a. Examples: 1. If, in the game, a character is able to sink to the bottom of a body of water, then that character must be able to hold his breath for a certain period of time and then should begin to pass out. 2. If, in the game, you see another character approaching, you must see what that character is wearing and carrying (unless an item is specifically hidden). 3. Characters must draw a weapon before using it - animation should show this difference.
2. PIWP: As a core design concept, the game will be PIWP (Player Interacting With Player). This is a superset of the more standard PVP but is also more subtlely pure in concept. Players MUST be able to interact with other players in virtually every (if not every) method possible insofar as the game mechanics allow.
3. Skill Based: Fully skill based.
4. Motivation: There must be as many motivations for various character actions and deeds as possible. In most games of this genre, the motivations for a given character to do anything (fight, become a metalsmith, etc.) are severely limited - usually limited to the overly simplistic motivation of gaining level (or gaining skill). There is seldom any deeper motivations at all. There MUST be motivations for the character to do any and/or all actions open to him/her. Further, the game should incorporate various motivations for players as well (other than the simplistic motivation of "I want to waste some time").
5. Consequences: There will be consequences for most (if not all) actions taken by a character. Insofar as possible, these will be in game consequences (some may by the nature of the action(s) performed by the character/player need to be out of game consequences or a combination).
6. Dynamic World: There will be actions that occur in the game world that will occur with or without PC involvement. Some of these may occur for storyline movement (in which case PCs will not be able to impact), but most will be able to be impacted by PC actions (see item 4 above as this will likely relate).
a. Example: On a given day, a large band of Orcs will march on and attack a Human city. If PCs do nothing to stop this band of Orcs, the city may be wholly or partially destroyed (and NPCs will be killed). On the other hand, PCs may band together in adequate numbers to defeat the Orcs and thus save the city. Note that the consequences (see 4 above) of inaction on the part of PCs in this case may result in the total destruction of one of their cities (and thus may mean that returning PC adventurers will have no vendors to sell to or buy from).
7. Lore Transferal: Knowledge about the world (creature strengths, paths to caves, etc.) will be transferred in realtime/realmode manners based on the world technology as happens in reality.
a. Example: On day one of the game the library in a given city may have little or no information about an Orc city 100 miles away (nobody has explored there yet). As PCs begin adventuring out and about, at some point some PC will discover the Orc city and make his way back to tell about it - thus the library (and people) will now have an increase of lore (and knowledge) about their world. This will become part of the "known" base of information about the game world.
8. Options: In virtually all cases (all if possible) there shall be multiple ways to do anything in the game.
9. Laws: The world must have a system of laws for characters. There should be an enforcement system in place for characters. There should be a way for characters to interact for and against other player characters.
10. Economics: At a minimum there should be a simulation of the costs of living for the character. This will give a more playable, realistic feel to the game and give a money sink that is needed. Likely these fees should be automatically deducted from their bank accounts.
11. Library: There will be a system of libraries in place - these will hold all knowledge of the world (as in real life). Further, there will be books in the library (with a simple info retrieval system) that explain ALL in game and out of game help information. Maps (as they become available) and all world information will be here for character/player use.
12. Character Knowledge: Characters will build knowledge of the world (paths, maps, creatures, etc.) as they play (just as in real life). There will be a system to show the character what he knows of something he targets as appropriate for the target and situation. He will be able to share this information with others and the library if he wishes.
a. Example: When a character first encounters an Orc he will not know anything about the Orc except what he can visually see. However, after encounters he will begin to "know" various things about the Orc that he has learned (toughness, strength, habits, etc.).
b. Example: After learning about the Orc from experience, he will be able to then share all of part of this information with another character (perhaps for sale) and/or with a library (this information will then automatically appear in a book in the library).
13. Renoun: Many ways to gain renoun (in various areas).
a. Example: Character may become known for discovering information about Orcs.
14. Spawn: All creatures should be "born" in a natural manner - out of the prying eyes of PCs.
15. Weather: Weather has REAL effects. Include seasons.
16. Decay: All things will decay with use. Some repair is possible to a limit.
17. Random Events:
18. Quests with purpose:
19. Life Progression: Things our character does should progress as we gain skills - apprentice does different things than a skilled warrior (for example).
20. Roleplay: Animations, etc. for roleplay and social interactions - think There like.
21. Death: Death must have severe consequences so players won't step into death freely. This will also make players more careful in general. Perhaps some sort of progressive severity prior to permadeath.
22. Changing World: The NPCs must have lives of their own and do "things" independent of PCs. Also, when a PC goes away, there must be changes to the environment (houses, stores, NPCs, trees, etc. change).
23. Variety: There should be fun things to do for ALL types of characters - not just the biggest warrior (as in real life).
24. AI: Creatures should emulate real life creatures. Wolves for instance would have skills that allow them to track you efficiently and remain hidden if they desire.
25. Skills: Mix of character skills and player skills - handicap system.
26. Battle Effects: See all effects - damage, etc. Also, effects of weapon hitting helmet, etc.
27. Auto Targetting: Some sort for at least some situations. For instance, running after a thief you ready something to throw - stop and throw all in one move and with autotargetting, you have a chance of pulling it off (based on your character's skills).
28. Full sized world.
29. Movement speed: Several levels - walk, jog, slow run, sprint for instance. Each should not only reduce energy (may well jog forever however, but not run forever) but more importantly should reduce other skills (awareness for example, trap check, etc.).
30. Sleep: Lack of sleep has real effects.
31. Fatigue: Perhaps two levels (perhaps one) - normal short term stamina drain from doing high exertion activities and a longer term fatigue that requires sleep (see above) to completely remove the effects of. Both should lower abilities automatically and should be based on your stats - thus some people will do better without sleep than others for example. If the two are tied together into one "fatigue bar", then that is fine and likely preferable - such that a character's normal stamina increase may keep up with many (if not most) normal activities, but the long term fatigue drain will still show as a factor (thus requiring sleep and/or meditation at regular intervals).
32. Collect things: Should be able to collect items in the world and make collections - just like real people do. For instance one might collect images of birds (pictures) or rocks, flowers, etc. There should be skills and/or knowledge associated with these - flower drying, rock knowledge, taxidermy, etc.
33. Visability: Two issues - one is range, vision range (tied to overall sizing factor of world vs screen size vs size of models) must be adequate for tactical issues. Seconds, nighttime must inhibit players in a real way - forcing them to use torches for instance at night. This also gives "real" reason for campfires, etc.
34. Trapping: There should be "other" ways to kill/capture creatures besides standard melee or arrow methods. Based on reality (for instance) one cannot realistically kill a rabbit by sword (won't hold still) - one can use an arrow (if very good) but trapping is a better method. Perhaps several types of traps.
35. NPCs: Very active in game world - give quests, tasks, apprenticeships, etc.
36. Art: Players can take images in game and software translate them into art - framed and everything. This should be based on their skills. Further, players should be able to do original art oog and transfer this into an ingame art object. Sell, display, etc.
37. Music: Bards can play real music in game based on their skill. Groups can gather to play tunes as a group. Orchestras are just more of the same playing the same song. Software should assist to make slight changes so it seems real when many playing together. Further, oog music can be brought into game. Real music groups can appear in game and play live - as well as have their music ported into game.
38. Concerts: At real music group concerts, trophies can be sold.
39. Trophies: Many in game things can be "cut" up into trophy pieces (deer heads, bones, etc.) and collected and displayed. Everything in game can be collected - think of all possible things real people might want to collect - and thus be attracted to the game.
40. Guards: To help prevent pk problems (and other issues) guards will monitor killing and increase their agro range and numbers to combat pking. Special guards can be deployed to hunt down criminals.
41. Knowledge Gain: Knowledge (animal lore for example) can be gained by observing animals in their natural game habitats. Also, information has importance levels - such that when a roll is made for the character to see if he knows something, some things require lower levels (not everything must have high knowledge to give 100% info). For example: One need only have a small level of knowledge about Orcs to know that they are very aggressive and will attack on sight - but a high level of knowledge about Orcs is needed to know an Orcan inner circle ritual.
42. Newbie: A newbie may well not have adequate skills to do anything - in game first should be (rather than killing bunnies as most games do) is to hire as an apprentice and do "tasks" that give the character gains in stats and skills along the way. Also then the master will teach newbie certain skills as applicable. In this way, the player need not start by killing bunnies.
43. Renoun: Extensive system of renoun - starting locally (you become well known for your swordsmanship for example or for boot making) and this may (or may not) spread - depending on a number of factors including what you do and whether others spread your name.
44. Relationships: Like the hand held pets available now, there should be in game ways to bond (good and bad) to npcs, pets and PCs. This will require you doing the "right" things to advance these relationships (being nice, feeding pet, helping, giving money, loving wife, etc.). These relationships should have ingame pros and cons (wife assists you in business or gives you psychological boosts to combat for example but also takes some of your money automatically and requires some of your ingame time).
45. Night/Day: Night vs day should be totally different - not only due to lighting effects, but also types of creatures that come out at night vs day.
46. Temperature: Temperature (night, day, winter, area) should affect the character - making different clothing a necessity.
47. Dirty: Becoming dirty should have consequences. For instance after being on the road and thus being dirty, an Inn keeper might well refuse service to you until you go out and clean yourself in the horse trough. It should affect any "appearance" related stats or skills.
48. Tasks/Quests: There is a difference - tasks are more mundane (like little jobs) whereas quests have more significance (hero like).
49. NPC Economy: NPC vendors do not automatically restock - PCs must take tasks on a regular basis to keep NPCs stocked with supplies, tools, etc.
50. Passing Knowledge: Knowledge can be learned from NPCs or other PCs.
51. Memory: Differences between "knowledge" memory and "muscle" memory - perhaps worth investigating. Muscle memory NEVER goes away completely and comes back quickly upon doing the task again. Knowledge CAN go away (like with age).
52. Aging: Some effects??
53. Hireable NPCs: There should be many NPCs who can be hired for certain tasks. For instance a translator to go with you to help with a Quest or Task or carpenters to help build a house or a guide, etc.
54. Jobs: PCs can hold regular jobs for NPCs (shop keepers, etc.) that require them to do regular tasks (not all the time) to (for example) keep the shelves stocked with certain items the PC must either gather or make. These jobs would give a regular income and perhaps other benefits/perks. Also, this gives another reason for psychological effects - the store owner is robbed or killed, etc.
55. Food: Different foods should provide differing food quality. Also, I would model food so that you need a rounded diet for long term health. Also, food should decay if not prepared and stored properly (thus making it difficult to carry large quantities of food on a trip). Also, this would automatically provide another need for healing and for poison skills, etc.
56. Knowledge Book: Each thing has a book of knowledge with all the pieces of information and you learn these piece by piece and are written into your book.
57. Clan Hierarchy: Formal Clan joining - with father, mother, sister, etc. - another reason for psychological problems. Also, knowledge transfer.
58. Sleep Time: Dreams will be generated to amuse the player while the character sleeps.
59. Dream: Can be used by seers or mystics to gain knowledge that can only be gained this way (mystic on the mount) or a prospector going to a seer and being told to wait for a spirit to give you the sign to the gold.
60. Ghost: Dead for a while - make it worth while or force you to do it for a time period. Perhaps learning something only one can learn by being dead.
61. Sleep Time: Dreams generated by game, nightmares generated by game and real stuff happening that can wake the character.
62. Group: Single player can control an entire group of characters.
63. Age: Character will age - when you die you go back in age - ie age is a reward for not dying.
64. Effect Visualization: All PC effects (stamina loss, fatigue, etc.) should be viewable on character and/or sound effects. Example could be rapid breathing when stamina is lost due to long fight or heartbeat louder when HP getting low.
65. Terrain Effects: Terrain should matter in terms of movement. For example, going up a steep hill should be more difficult than moving on flat ground, etc.
66. To Do: Many things fun to do (bowling, golf, archery competitions, etc.) - simulate real life with 10,000 things to do - all skill based.
67. Collecting: Collect birds, insect, butterflys, etc. - make pictures of them too.
68. Magic System: Based on real physics - combining effects. For example, a spell might impart 100 points of heat energy to something - then that object will have defined what this much energy does to it and the graphics will show this effect. If one combines counteracting spells (heat and cold) they might offset each other or add to the effect.
69. NPC Death: When NPCs are killed (by PCs or other), they should be replaced with another NPC - not the same one.
70. Survival: Make surviving (not dying) a worthwhile thing for the character and for the player. Improved stats for instance, also keep track and display kills, deaths, etc. and attach this some "fame" quotient for each character.
71. Attract: Ability to feed and attract animals (cows, squirrels, butterflies) - can lead to all sorts of roleplay things (cattle drives, etc.).
72. Time: Some things in game should take "more" time (a significant amount perhaps) than in most games. For instance, making a bow - character should start the process and then perhaps there should be a timer (perhaps a day or two) before it is done - or points in between the actual steps where the character "waits for glue to dry" and thus can do something else before completing the task. In general, there needs to be time delays similar to real life.
73. Contests: In game contests (beauty pageants, art exhibits, etc.) with rewards (money, medals, etc.).
If all else in life fails you, buy a vowel.
If all else in life fails you, buy a vowel.
lol, that list sorta reminds me of the time when my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday when I was 9....
....I replied I wanted a robot that could make U.S. currency. At the time I thought it could be done...alas, as you get older reality sets in.
While the list is awesome, there is no way you'll see that in a mmorpg for at least another 5 years...
although if it does comes out it will mimmick real life so much that many people will probbaly be hesitant in buying it
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
First POST!!!
K, let me say first, that I'm the friend of justinnelson, to make the game was originally my idea...I'm done boasting now.
In response to five years. Yeah, we're planning on that, we think we might have some sort of sellable idea in 6 months to a year, maybe more maybe less, but we are sort of designing something that that would run on the comps of the future, I'm thinking 6-10ghz here. With that in mind, we are thinking of a massive game world, and something that reflects real life in a computerized way.
That list is like dizzam...thanks for the input.
PVP > you
PVP > you
If anything MMORPG's are the FUTURE. Games like EQ and UO are awesome, don't get me wrong. But they've only scratched the surface in what MMORPG's can accomplish.
Expect the mmo genre to keep building..
NVidia - The way it is meant to be played
ATI - The way it really plays
If all else in life fails you, buy a vowel.
If all else in life fails you, buy a vowel.