This game is "good" because its easy, This game is "bad" because its boring, This game is "Famous" Because its fast, This game is "Lame" Because it brings nothing to the MMORPG Industry that any other game does not have, other than speed. I respect that it provides a game to lazy players who dont want to work for their levels. But i dont respect that the players who play it, put on some alias to the game that makes it seem more skill daunting than it actually is. the PVP system in WoW does not require skill, it requires gear. no gear no win. Granted this is vital in every pvp situation in any game. But any other game does not sustain as hard as WoW players that it is a skill testing game. Anyone who plays this game and is experienced with MMORPGs will realize quickly there time can be better wasted playing something else
Also, there are now much more ways for people to receive endgame epic equipment. in the past, this was pretty much only doable through raiding, but now everyone can get gear, making PVP more balanced. also, this is something I heard in Battlegrounds last night, so I do not know if its actual true, but this person said Blizzard is working on revamping the pvp system, Battlegrounds will now be seperated in terms of equipment, to make battles more fair.
I also recommend you leave lines like this:
"Anyone who plays this game and is experienced with MMORPGs will realize quickly there time can be better wasted playing something else"
Out of posts. Its just plain silly. your assuming that EVERYONE thinks as you and has the exact same opinion as you do. I can disprove it right here and now. I have played MMORPG's for years now and I'm really enjoying World of Warcraft, and I know many other players who are also veterans of the genre and are currently playing WoW.
Let's just assume you are correct in what I'm quoting:
Ever occured to you that quite a few players are not able to be online all their awake hours? There's actually a lot of players who lives outside the online realms too, and this would give such players an option you are not forced to choose. Nothing "lazy" about having a real life (school, work, family, boy-/girlfriends, etc) which needs attention, too.
playing eq2 and two worlds
i dnt think i will ever play this game agen its just not as good as people make it out to be. people say this game is the best mmo out there but there wrong COH/COV, EQ2.... 3 much better mmo's o and i forgot LOTRO which in my view is just gona whipe the floor with WoW.
well thats my opinion were all allowed one so there you go
Currently Playing: Nothing
Cancelled: WoW, COH/COV
Looking Forward To: LOTRO
Preorderd: LOTRO
i dnt think i will ever play this game agen its just not as good as people make it out to be. people say this game is the best mmo out there but there wrong COH/COV, EQ2.... 3 much better mmo's o and i forgot LOTRO which in my view is just gona whipe the floor with WoW.
well thats my opinion were all allowed one so there you go
all mmo's have the same repeditive quest..ive played eq2 and its a good game but the world is very uninspiring and dull.....lotr is a clone of eq and wow, so how can you say it will whipe the floor with wow when they are just copying it and sticking a lotr tag on the the quests in lotr are just as boring as wow....if you get bored by the quests in wow you will get bored with all mmo's.
i dnt think i will ever play this game agen its just not as good as people make it out to be. people say this game is the best mmo out there but there wrong COH/COV, EQ2.... 3 much better mmo's o and i forgot LOTRO which in my view is just gona whipe the floor with WoW.
well thats my opinion were all allowed one so there you go
all mmo's have the same repeditive quest..ive played eq2 and its a good game but the world is very uninspiring and dull.....lotr is a clone of eq and wow, so how can you say it will whipe the floor with wow when they are just copying it and sticking a lotr tag on the the quests in lotr are just as boring as wow....if you get bored by the quests in wow you will get bored with all mmo's.
the words spoke ofa true WOW TROLL yer everything so if lotro copyed of WoW what did WoW copy of
and infact the quest in this game to you on a better story unline WoW which as no story
Currently Playing: Nothing
Cancelled: WoW, COH/COV
Looking Forward To: LOTRO
Preorderd: LOTRO
Not many games do. I'm not sure why you've chosen to focus on just WoW.
I think that's what 90% of the MMO players are waiting on...a game that offers something fun and different / innovative.
Games will be games some will like em for what they are, some will seek other games to look for just that thing we might be intrested in, sure BC doesn't over much new and more of the same but still its being refined and tuned to serve the players, not always for the good not always for the bad, this is in mostly all mmorpg i played.WoW does offer fun for allot of people and thats whats it all about when people have fun in a game let them, if they don't have fun in a game they normaly leave and move on.
This game is "good" because its easy, Yes this made it a great succes no other mmorpg has achieved till now regardless if one aproves of it being a mmorpg or not. I played the game had fun with it but was short term fun as i missed the challenge, now WOW is still a challenging game just not the challenges i seek in a game aswell many other elements i did mis in WoW which i feel should be in mmorpg's, but that aside the game is fun for allot of people, doesn't neccecary mean its loved by all mmorpg players out there, its just a mixed from all sort of players from vets/noobs/Blizzardfollowers/ Warcraft fans and even people that might never have played mmorpg's cause indeed like the OP said , its easy, not everyone seeks a challenge that requires lots of time of planning and organizing, not everyone wants a skill-based game, i like skill-base game over gear-based games but i don't feel that everyone should now like it like that aswell. Why do people instantly asume when people play a particulair game they are lazy/stupid/dumb, what i personaly feel dumb is mostly people that are unable to understand that not everyone has to like what other persons like, sure state opinions, discus things....just some thoughts.......
FFxi Retired
Coh/Cov Retired
Guild Wars/Retired
VSOH/ retired
AOC/retired that was fast
Waiting 4 DCUO ,and FFXIV
The most important part of reading is reading between the lines.
Ok, that post of Wizziod pissed me of so much i even register here just to answer it.
First learn how to spell properlly, im not english but i at least try to do it right.
So you are claiming wow as no story? do you even know what your saying? do even know the lore thats behind it? No of course you dont... yeah i play wow, and i've been doying so for alot of time...yes wow isnt perfect but it works and you know why? Because its reliable. theres nothing out there as realiable as wow, thats why it works! I've tried several other games and always came back to wow, because it was reliable. Other games are bug filled, or just not complete! Look at promissing and totally ruined.
Nah im not a wow fan boy, im just stating facts, im just tired of ppl posting whatever pops into their heads.
Lotro does look impressive in the graphical point of view but from what i've heard theres nothing your basicly saying a game that as nothing new to offer besides graphics, will destroy wow because?? Jesus you cant even play an oposite faction!!
Yes Lotro as a great lore yes it does but so does wow, and wow is alot more flexible because is constantly evolving were lotro as a problem there...he as only the books to fall into and thats it...but of course the books are extremly rich lore wise
If your looking for something a bit diferent you might just get it with maybe as some visible diferences, like the combat sistem which is diferent from the other mmo's till now.
So dude before posting things like you have done think a bit
So Monster play isnt new ??? so playing musical instruments inst new ???
Ok you need to think before you speek because yes you CAN play as an evil char via monster play you can be Orc-reaver, Spider-weaver, Uruk-blackarrow, Uruk-warleader, Warg-stalker and a troll and they will may be more.
So lotro isnt evolving is it not okay then they are already starting to add alot more things to make the world bigger and better, like player and guild houses, more places to go, e.g Gondor which will make the world even bigger thn WoW is, At launch LOTRO is round about 60% the size of WoW and all they have is one little part of middle earth
And about the WoW having no story i ment it has no story in the game like LOTRO all you do is do quest after quest after quest and there all the same old crap like go kill this go get that *YAWN* boring...
And the community on WoW is horrible the game is full of 6 year olds.
and just to make Lotro a little more like a real world the NPC's actually have a life on WoW they stand there 24/7 well a few may move about like travelling Vendors but on Lotro they move, they ineract wiv each other they get drunk they dance you see were am goin with this ?
Currently Playing: Nothing
Cancelled: WoW, COH/COV
Looking Forward To: LOTRO
Preorderd: LOTRO
First im gonna jump a bit...dont expect player housing, alot of games said that it would be implemented (like even wow for instance) and very few did, guess its much of a fuss, althou guildhousing its probably gonna happen.
About the lore thing you missunderstood is evolving in terms of story. Your talking about game content. Wow will evolve as in the future some other event will change something, new villains will rise, and we will eventually visit new worlds...on the other side lotro cant do that...its always gonna be everyone vs mordor, its limited by the 3 books!
About wow being about quests...well mate today every single mmo with the exeption of a few, are all like that. You quest, and you grind....then you grind and quest some more. Isn't lotro the same?
About the npc's i agree that is a nice touch, great for the rp feeling also(lets hope there will be loads of rp). But since you will have to grind and quest your ass off youll probably gonna forget about that and dont pay that much atention.
About the oposing faction play inst oposing faction play...its a worked out excuse to have pvp in the game! so at lvl 10 you use a Fell Scrying Poll to control a monster in a diferente place so you can try and kill other players you are questing there? And they will also have quests...hurrah more quests and grinding!!
And to finish yes the comunity in wow its pretty bad...but i never said anything about that
The bottom line mate is inst perfect it never was, but its simple, its player friendly, and because of that it works, its a game for the masses!
And btw if wow sucks so much why are you posting on the wow forums?
Currently Playing: Nothing
Cancelled: WoW, COH/COV
Looking Forward To: LOTRO
Preorderd: LOTRO
Oh i see...well that sucks
i dnt think i will ever play this game agen its just not as good as people make it out to be. people say this game is the best mmo out there but there wrong COH/COV, EQ2.... 3 much better mmo's o and i forgot LOTRO which in my view is just gona whipe the floor with WoW.
well thats my opinion were all allowed one so there you go
all mmo's have the same repeditive quest..ive played eq2 and its a good game but the world is very uninspiring and dull.....lotr is a clone of eq and wow, so how can you say it will whipe the floor with wow when they are just copying it and sticking a lotr tag on the the quests in lotr are just as boring as wow....if you get bored by the quests in wow you will get bored with all mmo's.
the words spoke ofa true WOW TROLL yer everything so if lotro copyed of WoW what did WoW copy of
and infact the quest in this game to you on a better story unline WoW which as no story well i didnt understand your words at all..learn to spell or just dont post.
I mean, I play MMORPG's because they play a certain way. Of course I would enjoy a game that took what I've enjoyed before and found a way to significantly improve on it. I feel WOW did exactly that and many features we take for granted today are because WOW set the standard on them. Things that come to mind include:
Robust Auctionhouse and Mail Systems
Flying between zones (instead of riding horses or zoning)
Mounts that I could ride and direct.
Tons of quests that removed the need to grind mob camps for experience.
Fun skills for each class, that made my 5 level 60's all play a bit differently each time I leveled through them
Player Housing (OK, maybe not..but I hate player housing, so I give them props for not wasting dev resources on this)
I could think of a few more..but you get the idea.... they might not have been first on some of these..but they did mainstream it and make them work well..... have to give them credit where it is due.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Troll, go back to your hole! You more than likely suck at BGs, because if you didn't, you would know that skill > gear. See the problem here is that the guys with the really good gear, are also really good players in both PvP and PvE. Does the gear make a difference? Of course it does! But having the best gear does not make you a PvP god. I've seen the best groups, with the best gear, and Ventrillo, go down to a decently geared PUG many times. It's all about knowing you and your oppenent's abilites and limitations. Try actually mastering your character, then come back and say that this game is all about the gear. I'm going to continue to send all trolls, regardless of the game, back under their collective bridges. Stop complaining and find a new hobby. I hear that Salvation Army is looking for volunteers...
/hug troll
You must be referring to some othe group of experienced MMORPGers. I find WoW a refreshing change from games which require players to spend countless hours in groups for 5 - 7 grinding the same mobs over and over. I also think the PvP in WoW needs work, but has potential past what you deemed it.
Please refrain from telling me what I think.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde