Wondering...Holy hell am i going to be able to play this game with at least decent graphic settings. Current specs with recently added RAM
128mb ATI Mobility Radeon X300
1gb of RAM
Intel Pentium M Processor 1.7ghz...(I've heard as long as you have ram your processor won't halter your gaming that much)
I really hope that i can at least run it at a decent level of graphic quality. I will play the game at lowest specs if I must, but it's such a beautiful game to waste on low speced computer.
BTW, i think 2 gigs is a must, IMO.
Yeah, that's definitely a "lowest settings" kind of system. Don't get me wrong, I have no clue to WAR's requirements. But I have a Radeon X800, and it's starting to show it's age when it comes to new games. CPUs are still important, RAM cannot cover up that bottleneck completely. And while 1gb of RAM should probably do it for WAR, 2gb is quickly becoming an industry standard. Heck, using Vista recommends 2gb, let alone gaming.
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.