Electronic Arts have just announced that it will bring WAR to major Asian regions, including Korea, China, Taiwan and Japan."Warhammer Online is coming to Asia," says Hubert Larenaudie, President of EA Asia Online. "WAR is one of the most anticipated MMORPGs today and we are excited to bring the game to Asian audiences. With its unique RvR system and rich end game content, Warhammer Online is sure to set a new standard for MMORPGs in Asia.""Over the last twenty-four years, Games Workshop has crafted and refined the Warhammer fantasy universe into one of the richest intellectual properties in the world," says Mark Jacobs, GM of EA Mythic and lead designer of WAR. "Combine this with EA Mythic's expertise in creating massively multiplayer online games and the result is a title that we look forward to presenting to the exciting and vibrant Asian market."Release dates for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning in Asia will be announced at a later date. For more information please visit the official Warhammer Online websites at:Korea - http://www.warhammer-online.co.krChina - http://www.warhammer-online.com.cnTaiwan -http://www.warhammeronline.twJapan - http://www.warhammer-online.jpSource.
Just as the pup predicted,in his are these graphics based on tapping into the asian market thread.
Oh and btw: The graphics look like that because that is what Warhammer always has been like and probably always will. They are not aimed towards any specific region.
I don''t really know when Humankind will die out but i''m guessing about 6 years before WOW.
Oh btw, making a new thread doesn't make your point any more valid.
So let's just set things straight again you are talking about art style not graphics.
So where were we in the other thread? Oh yeah right, you deliberately ignored every post that mentioned WARs art style beeing based on the original Warhammer artworks.
What you are saying is basically Mythic changed the original art style of Warhammer to please asian players. But most TT players and Games Workshop seem to think that it's very true to the original art. So tell us what did they change?
If they didn't change it, then maybe the original art was made to please asian players? Why would GW do that when they were originally selling their stuff only in EU and NA?
No really, tell us! Do you suggest that GW are some kind of psychics who knew that they will one day make a mmo with their ip and that asian players will then like their art style?
Of course you will keep ignoring this point and just repeat your silly little theory ad infinitum.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
~J. Krishnamurti
Did you know that the majority of the people who dont speak to you and are gold farmers are from brasil and NOT china? Some are also canadian and also alot from us. They pretty much just run with the asian gold farmer thing, but none of the companies are set up in China if you ever cared to investigate but some of the websites are registered to companies in Rio D.
Aside from that. Wars graphics are set to tap into the asian market?
This is from dark age of camelot. Looks kinda similar to war dosent it?
Well thats because its the same company. Blend the table top miniatures (a game thats 25 years old) with Dark age of camelots engine and you have WAR.
Asian market? All this does it make them more money, I honestly could care less about how much money the company makes but care more about how much I myself will like the game. Everquest had 4-5 times the playerbase that DAoC had, but Camelot really is a quality work of art in terms of gaming.
I would expect to have seperate asian/pac rim , euro and US Hosts. I would aloso expect it to go even further and have time zone related servers (2 eastern time zone, 2 central 2 mountain ect) because of all the time ballance issues that happened in DAOC they would learn from that and at least try to nudge people towards playing with their timezones so RvR raids and the like and all go off at around the same peak times.
Honnestly, I have seen this so many times when a game announces an asian servers.There is always some poorly-informed soul who has to make a joke about gold farmers.
Gold Farmers work on WESTERN SERVICE of the game, not the eastern. there is no money to gain on the eastern servers (except for maybe some South Korean games). The western servers, thats where the money is.
Does this mean WAR is going head to head with WoW?
Can we play on the asian servers?
Do you think WAR will top 3 million players now?
2) You can play on the asian servers if you buy an asian version of the game I would assume.
3) I won't even start making guesses about how many subs War will have
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
thats right bring asia another game to mess up and leech off for gold services. those people make me sick. its bad enough they leeched off Lineage2(utterly ruining the economy almost the breaking point) Everquest 2, and wow ( i got several emails a week in WOW mail box for stupid gold service crap) i think they should be dragged into the public square and shot and made an example of.
I think these sites should be either centrally controlled by the devs/company making the game so the money goes to them, or disabled completely by force e.g. litigation, law suits,search and siezure. that would be my answer. i am truly tired of gold services powerlevel service websites. but at the same time people arfe stupid for paying for them so both should be punished equally. either way I think this is bad news for warhammer give it time youll see hahshshfsf and ahsdhasdahda and his other nameless flunkies spamming the ooc "RANG! RANG! U GO NOW! I PK! I PK!
as u can see i have utter distain for these type of individuals. u cant deny the majority of these "operations" are centralized in ASia, korea, JAPAN, and CHINA .many games have fallen to their electronic blade of lithe and deciet and treachery Destroy it all and let god sort them out.
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
OP look, Mythic had already desgined their models and such a long time before EA bought the company. Thus the graphics design were made before the EA decided to make the game available to the asian market. Get it?
So stop posting threads about this and just try and realise that no one will agree with you. Your wrong period.
"I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day when he said..Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?...No, but i served in a company of heroes"
Sgt. Mike Ranney E-company 506PIR 101'st airborn
Now I can't say when EA bought Mythic this was already being thought up,that would be insider trading.Personally I could care less if anyone on this forum agrees with me.I wouldn't want or expect you to.
But this post was to easy to pass up .
business 101 "make money and grow the business"