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Locke421Locke421 Member Posts: 4
Will there be any roleplayers in this game?


  • scarveinscarvein Member Posts: 194

    Surely yes.. ME ::::01:: and I hope to find more people like me in the game... people who wont play it just for lame treasure/monster hunting...

    Give me some booze and I'll bring you fortune.


  • Scary_PeaScary_Pea Member Posts: 56

    Yea....a lot....I will.

    All the power to Blizzard::::08::

    All makt

  • DavatarDavatar Member Posts: 6

    Yeah, I'll be role-playing aswell. WoW is going to have a fairly large roleplaying community, aswell as non. There will be a lot of people used to Blizzard's strategy games or D2-style that will be in the game, and probably won't roleplay.

    But there will also be those of us who love it. Warcraft has a huge history behind it, and I for one am anxious to mix all of that into my own personal role-playing experience. I am an avid Blizzard follower, and role-player. image



  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379

    Okay, you don't all honestly think that MOST of the people who will play WoW are just Diablo-WC3 people?

    I played Diablo, and WC3, as many other people have, however THOSE WEREN'T THE ONLY GAMES I'VE EVER PLAYED IN MY LIFE. Why not say that those damn Mario 3 playing bastards will be in game, god I hate those people. Since no doubt 90% of the people who will be in WoW played a Mario game at some point in their life.

    I really don't think what games people have played in the past has ANYTHING to do with how they will act in other games. People role played in Diablo. There's people who'll role play anywhere, and people who will never role play no matter what. I'm more of a casual RPer, I like to RP, but I don't ALWAYS RP, I go IC and OOC all the time.

    All that being said, will everyone PLEASE stop analyzing this game based on the TYPES of game blizzard has released and quit viewing things as if people who played a Blizzard game then that's the only game they ever played and thus are labeled as a player of that game ONLY. For example if you wanted to label me, you'd be more appropriate to say I'm a mech warrior maniac. However I role play and love mmorpgs, so how does that equate? The only reason to look at other games a company has released, is to see how much attention they put into detail, how good the gameplay was (was it worth playing over and over?) how good of attention did they pay to the community and did they release patches to change the game for the better.

    Bought a game called Breed, new release that I'm sure most of you havn't heard of. They released 1 patch, and there's virtualy no multiplayer for the game, and the single player game is wrought with bugs and glitches, NOT my idea of a complete game. Diablo2 on the other hand... Countless patches, upon countless patches. Blizz doesn't make money for running b-net, it's a free service, but with all the patches they've released if you log on now it's ENTIRELY different, especialy as far as the skills go. They've reworked a LOT of the game. That's what matters to me, that's what counts. If they do that for their NON-pay to play games, imagine what kinda work they can put into a game when they're making buckets of money every month just from hosting servers. Look at the back story in their RTS's, WC and SC both, if they put that kinda plot into those games, I'm hopeful that WoW will develop an overall plot aside from the quests here and there. They did mention that they intend to continue the storyline using WoW, that major events would occur to open up new areas and possibly even new races. That's what mmorpg's need, change, a reason for you to be paying money every month. One of my best memories of an mmorpg EVER was in Ultima Online when several NPC towns got completely over-ran by the undead and it lasted for weeks, until the boss monster showed herself and was vanquished. Cities even got randomly attacked by hordes of snakes at random times during this. It definately gave you a feel that the world was at war, and that major change was taking place. I expect the same from WoW, an advancing storyline, something the players have to do to make it happen aside from camping mobs. Now that makes me wanna RP even more in a game, helps you get imersed more into it. One thing me and one of my friends are really looking forward to, is just wandering the map, he wants to pick up fishing for the soul purpose of sitting there and fishing, not to make money, not to be l33t, not for the food or loot, just to fish. When a game lets you just walk through the map, relax and kick off your shoes for a bit, forget about your job, your stress, and just invelop yourself in the world, now that's quality RP.


    Don't let me down blizzard.

    With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.



    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • ToadyToady Member Posts: 24
    There is no doubt about it. I think and hope that most of the people who is going to play WoW is going to be role-players and not Slaughter-only people. This game is perfect for role-playing so of course, at least I will.

    All makt

    All makt

  • GreyfaceGreyface Member Posts: 390

    Absolutely there will be roleplayers.  I'm planning on it...

    Keep your ear to the ground - all the roleplayers will probably end up gravitating toward the same server.  I know that a lot of the old Catskills shard UO RP guilds are already re-forming in anticipation of WoW.

  • DrakolDrakol Member Posts: 56
    Im not planning on rp'n, but i would think that blizzard will have rp servers for those who prefer it. There are always lots of ppl who like to rp in mmorpg's. even if they dont have dedicated servers i dont think you will have a problem finding others who will want to.

    "you can't be right all the time. thats why i'm here."-Drakol

  • BujinkageBujinkage Member Posts: 32

    Hey hey guys!

    I'm glad to know that I'm not the only roleplayer in here! image I'm an old Dungeons and Dragons DM and player, so you can count me in that category of players. See you in WoW soon! image

  • DavatarDavatar Member Posts: 6

    Dracius, in no way do I think all the non-RPers will be from D2 or WC3, as I mentioned I myself played both of those quite a bit. (Still do) I never implied that people from those games had only played those games, you said it.

    What I did do, is generalize that many D2 and WC3 players will flock to WoW as result of being current avid Blizzard fans. Many of them will be expecting "Diablo 3" of sorts, or have no MMORPG experience, and most likely will not roleplay.

    You are right though, there will be a lot of them who will want to roleplay, even if they have no MMORPG experience. Everyone's different. But I'm putting my money on that there will be a lot of non-RPers who are simply in WoW because they like Blizzard games and currently play one avidly.

    I'm sure you've heard the nickname Blizzard games have a very large playerbase of people who practice "d00dism." Elitists, better-than-thous, and (another massive generalization) young kids who haven't matured very much yet. That's not to say that all young kids are a pain, but let's be honest with one another, your average 13 year old gamer behind the mask of the internet and a username in a game, is probably more interested in creaming the enemies and rubbing it in their face than role-playing.

    Yes there will be many RPers from everywhere possible, though.




  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379

    People like that exist in every game. ESPECIALY FPS's... Those games have people who just annoy the heck outa me. Diablo 2 ppl I never really had a problem with, only thing that ever annoyed me was the barbarians who would come in and clear out the mobs and fly through all the quests ahead of you using that fricking leap skill...

    Also if you understood what I was trying to say, you wouldn't have seen just the first part of my statements. Yes I know you may be well aware that they have played other games, but that's just it. Just because they play Blizzard games, doesn't mean they're any different than those who don't. You even admit yourself, most play other games. So how does the fact that they play b-net games make them horrible people? There's horrible people every where, and there's also really wicked awesome people on b-net. B-net only appears to have a far worse player base because it's a LARGE player base. The more popular something is, the more people who play it, the more annoying and l33t people are going to seem. Which is a VERY good example of why I use these forums. They're not as 'popular' as the b-net forums, or the stratics forums. Less people, means less dumb f***'s. Basicaly what it is, is human nature, and has nothing to do with the type of game it is. B-net = popular gaming medium. popular game + massive amounts of people = l33tism and annoying A-holes. I'm really not worried at all about the kind of people who will be playing this game, especialy after Shadowbanes community. There will be enough die hard mmorpgers there, and quality RPers that it'll be a nice environment.

    With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.



    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • DavatarDavatar Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by Dracius

    There's horrible people every where, and there's also really wicked awesome people on b-net. B-net only appears to have a far worse player base because it's a LARGE player base. The more popular something is, the more people who play it, the more annoying and l33t people are going to seem.


    That is exactly my point! Not necessarily that *everyone* who plays blizzard games is horrible, again I never said that. My implication is that because there are so many blizzard followers who play their other games often, there will be a large amount of them who are not into roleplay. You're right there will be d00dz from anywhere, I just happened across a lot more of them in Blizzard games. *shudders thinking of war3* And it is as you say, because Blizzard has a huge following. I do not mean to imply that just because someone plays a blizzard game they are horrible, I remind you again that I myself play them, and I sure hope I'm not horrible atleast. *laugh*

    At any rate, yeah there will be a lot of role-players aswell as a lot of non, but it should all work out. (You and I kind of de-railed the specifics of the topic Dracius, lol)




  • LAmoGAmoLAmoGAmo Member Posts: 4

    no,i dun want to ply WoW unless it is free!!!IN the meantime guild wars ROCK!!!!!!!image!!!!!!!It gonna thrash the hell out of WoW imagehahahahahimage


  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379

    Heh, we sorta did Davatar. But now I understand what you meant with your post, you understand what I meant with mine. We now agree, and hopefuly both have a broader view on the topic. This is one of those few times forums do what they were intended to do.


    Look forward to seeing you in game Dav.

    With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.



    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • DavatarDavatar Member Posts: 6

    Definately true! It this discussion were on, others would have stormed this thread flaming both of us with nonsense, and overheated everyone involved. *laugh*

    I too hope to see you ingame.




  • GreyfaceGreyface Member Posts: 390

    Originally posted by Davatar

    I'm sure you've heard the nickname Blizzard games have a very large playerbase of people who practice "d00dism." Elitists, better-than-thous, and (another massive generalization) young kids who haven't matured very much yet. That's not to say that all young kids are a pain, but let's be honest with one another, your average 13 year old gamer behind the mask of the internet and a username in a game, is probably more interested in creaming the enemies and rubbing it in their face than role-playing.

    Not that I disagree one bit, but role-players also have to guard against elitism.  Perhaps even moreso than others.  There are going to be a lot of first-time MMOGers attracted to WoW.  If experienced role-players give them the benefit of the doubt, the role-play community in WoW will grow and thrive.  The worst thing role-players can do is fall into the trap of assuming that any character with a questionable name (or any character who's guild they don't recognize) is a "dood."  In my experience, you get a lot of pleasant surprises if you make it a regular practice to role-play with strangers.


  • DavatarDavatar Member Posts: 6

    You are very right! Infact some of the "best," atleast most interesting role-players were casual ones, in my experience. When you get to the point of assuming everyone is a "d00d" who doesn't obviously roleplay, you cross the line and become an "RP d00d." More favorably and jokably called "RP Nazis." *laugh* Though people who use that exact term are often refering to a roleplayer who is extremely strict and backtalks anyone who roleplays "wrong" aswell. There is no wrong way to roleplay, though as with anything there are innapropriate ways, and there are always novice roleplayers who don't portray their characters very well yet, or can't get into it quite right yet.

    When I roleplay, it's on a character I relate with on some level, or feel at ease roleplaying. But that comes with experience, as I remember being a novice roleplayer, and though I always spoke well, I wasn't very original and I didn' t know what it was to act, really. To get into the character and approach life, in this case virtual life of whatever genre, as if I were this persona coming from whatever background in whatever land of whatever people. Once you get used to it, man it's a lot of fun.

    But it's still nice to have casual characters that aren't strictly IC (In character) all the time. I am in two guilds currently, one which roleplays casually and will have two divisions for both horde and alliance. The other is horde only, and roleplay only. IC at all times except private chat/msgs. We have our own "language." In actuality it's just very broken english with a list of words replaced, some of which are altered to reflect warcraft. I've been looking forward to WoW for a long time, as I have always been a Blizzard fan and I simply can't wait to immerse myself as one of the warcraft denizens. Orcs have been a favorite to roleplay, and play in war2/3, for a long time. *grins*




  • HypnotoadHypnotoad Member Posts: 138
    Can someone clarify for me what a role player is?

    All glory to the Hypnotoad (monotone voices)

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    In all of the MMORPG's I have played until now, I haven't once encountered a real  hard-core role-play community.

    The best role-play community I had ever experienced was narfel, which was a NWN server.

    You were OBLIGATED to role-play, and the perma-death and role-play quest exp reward feature that the gms implemented made it almost pointless for powergamers to level (you gained more exp from role-playing than power-killing).

    The gm/player interaction was awesome: Whenever a gm was on, he would spend his entire time creating quests or creating spectacles for the community.

    I think that the only way to really create such a strong role-playing community would be for blizz to use a separate server.


    "Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say 'ni' at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred."

    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • MythosFaerunMythosFaerun Member Posts: 14

    In one way I m one of the from you called "rp nazis" if someone doesnt have a proper name

    proper does mean to me no numbers only ascii chars from a-Z no names like leetRambo DukeNukem etc (yeah some times it is fun reading these names but long term they destroy the rpg feeling)

    I don t group with them and dont help them I completly ignore them in any way I can and if I have the possibility I kill them (in gameof course image)

    with these names they can t be serious roleplayers so instant ignore list...

    but me don t want all players to speak rp like its fun to see some doing so but not necessary to have fun but these names really make me goimageimageimage so hopefully wow will get an rp server were names are checked before you can make youre avatar

    btw being a power gamer and doing rp doesn t exclude each other you just need lots of time image

  • El'rahdEl'rahd Member Posts: 24

    Originally posted by Hypnotoad
    Can someone clarify for me what a role player is?

    a roleplayer is one who takes on the role of a character and thinks and acts like that character during the game. the main aspect of roleplaying is probably creating stories about your character and sharing them with others. a character imo is supposed to be a reflection one the RPer's personality, thoughts and most importantly imagination. well that is my definition of a RPer, anyone can add to that. now back on topic, has anyone here heard of the [url=]World of Warcraft Roleplaying Accosiation[/url] or WoW-RA for short? if you have than you would know that there are many guilds that are part of that association who are all RPers. i myself am part of a guild called Eternal Night which is part of WoW-RA. our members are all dedicated RPers who have spent alot of their time creating their characters, stories, and taking part RP quests. all the members of WoW-RA are all hoping that blizz makes a RP server so that we can RP on it. 

  • DavatarDavatar Member Posts: 6

    I have never heard of WoW-RA, however I do participate at It's a WoW roleplayin fansite. You will find casual RPers and guilds, aswell as dedicated and strict RPers and guilds there, plus the best coverage for WoW (imo) from a friendly and dedicated administration. There will be a lot of roleplayers in WoW, aswell as RP guilds. If you are interested, I would highly reccomend visiting the OW forums, or the WoW-RA as that sounds like a great place too.




  • TBH-TBH- Member Posts: 21
    ME i like playing role playing games, i am already playing so like dungen and dragons, etc.image



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